Monday, October 1, 2018

Be not afraid of becoming no thing....

Funny thing...
the title of yesterday's blog post...not the actual title, but the words I wrote on facebook while posting the link... and my belligerent attitude towards the lack of moving forward...
Today... while I sat for hours and laid in the driveway...for maybe another hour...
I went out searching...
and one of my angel guys was like "Why are you here?"
and I was like... "I'm lost. Where am I supposed to be going?!"
and he was like... "Keep moving forward."
and then so I was like... "Where is my next guide?"
and then poof... he appears...
Just like magic.
okay, not literately immediately after, but within that time frame of hours while I listened to music and wondered where the dead tree in the neighbors back yard went... and hoping the hawks and crows will have somewhere else to land where I can still see them...

 This guide... let me tell you about this dude...

----- "I am 'The Weather'.

I am the Movement Between Spaces.
Energy without form, but that which Transforms.
I carry you to places Unseen, Unknown, and Unspoken." -----

He gave his actual name too, but I can't tell you that.
He has blue feathers... but I can't see all of him yet.
that is normal for these guys... *shrugs

So... I am thankful to be accepting another leg of the journey.
I had a 15 minute or less skit of facebook, but I only go there to post this and visit one group... mainly to post gifs when a new member joins...cause I'm one of those people who could just say everything with gifs and be completely happy. So long as there are enough with Loki and Iron Man in them.

Oh...let me share something...

I am apparently a mix between Ginger Bite and Southern Peach. I'm positive I'm not white...
Adventures at Lowe's 101
Anyway, I like Ginger Bite. It's like Ginger Snap, but more dangerous.
and Southern Peach just proves I have a sweet side when I so choose to show it.

Chapter 29 for reals. And I'm sorry to everyone that I've included snippets of Book 6 in this one... and you won't get to know what happens for another year or two.
It seems I pump out a novel every other year.
And I'm afraid there's also a 95% chance this one is ending on a cliff hanger...
If you would like to donate in hopes that your contribution will entice me to start book 6 sooner rather than later.... feel free to send your donations to my home address or my paypal address.
I take cash, check, surprise cool stuff, and a nickelharpa.  <<< ------ !!!
I will also acknowledge anything with colors, things that are solid black, and flight miles.
Donations of manual labor, or extensive well-planned out itineraries to Ireland and Scotland will also be highly appreciated.
Or if you find the shirt I'm wearing on my facebook page. The dark blue one that says Lucky too tough to die, with the tiger. I need it in a medium. It's from Lucky Brand, like 8 years ago.
I don't care if it's used, so long as it's the same one and not destroyed.
Either way... I will be finishing the Killian screenplay as soon as this book is done.

Going where The Weather takes me I suppose.
I'll share when I find out!

So this is what one day does,
8 and below...
have to go...

Welcome to the new world.

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