Is this even a fair deal?
just a random I follow through with
all that homework I received...
I'm going to also blurt out the fact that doing aether work
and making bargains with some other dimension beings
probably should not be done before bedtime...
I don't think sleep arrived until far later than 2 something...
and then waking up many times and also directly on 3:00
thinking someone died or had was having a difficult night...
oi vey... lovey times
oh, but I finished the preface and chapter 1!!!!
book 6 is underway...
and you knew it would come..
these things pop out every other year... and
2020 is right on schedule, for the win
Congrats I just deleted like 3 scrambled paragraphs!
I'm totally in more joyful energy at the moment
There's tons of good things hovering in my vicinity
like a snickers bar
fresh coffee
sewing work I may or may not 'work' on
lots of colors
and that song stuck in my head...
I've got my mind set on you... I've got my mind set on you...
but it's gonna take money
a whole lot of spending money
it's gonna take patience and money
to do it
to do it
to do it
to do it right
I should add it to my spotify
I did...see how fast that was
how do we put this...
in a matter of days...
possibly hours... (the new update)
(like totally less than a week, that's way too long)
shit is going to get fucking REAL!!
Like really real
The delivery truck is in the fucking driveway, yo!
(not a real delivery truck... metaphorical delivery truck)
I can't possibly put enough exclamation points to show how
amazing-balls fabulous it feels!!!
Come to me, my pretties!
they have to unload
and then I get to open ALL the THINGS
and then play with them all to see how they work
and let the cats have their favorite box
it's going to be fan-fucking-tastic!
It's like Christmas (or in my case 2-3 days after Black Friday)
and what's more?!! you ask, which I'm sure you didn't, but I did for you!
We can do this all the time!
Imma go sew stuff
and then I think there's a live call tonight online
and then go write Chapter 2...or maybe just half of it
but first....
a picture!

so the alchemist is sitting here next to me
and he's fully aware of my book characters...
and he's fully aware that I visually set up the scene when I write
stuff for the book...
and he's pointing out something rather obvious...
like how I should just live like my characters live
...(like no, not in a castle by the sea with 2 lovers)
(...I mean... not like that's a bad thing... O_O )
but as willful and deliberate partakers in the experiences they encounter
... (or more or less, bad shit gets poured on them and their ever so graceful counterparts emerge)
they don't fuck around wondering when the hell you are going to lay the carpet in the craft room...or paint the hallway
they don't mope when no one will go camping with them...or take them to DisneyWorld
if they aren't playing with swords or making jabs at their siblings, they pretty much are raw and are the majority true to who they are as the character
they don't pretend... (well...unless you are this certain villain in book 6)
or skim... (ok, maybe the MC does (it's for character arc, yo!))
they are just fucking realer...
and you wonder why I can't stand chit chat...
I hang out with real so often,
and this alchemist...
tells it true
and there's no guilt or judgement or shame in his words
(All aether beings I've met are like this...
even though some will totally give you a hard time...
or completely sear away any and all bullshit you really weren't ready to be done with...
but don't get to choose to bail after certain points... )
and the djinn....
ok.... let's just say I struck a bargain of sorts with them...
I offered it, not the other way around...
and so I met one of them... (I even got their name... exciting!)
...and I get to learn things
in lieu of wishes....although I have a strong feeling they are still relevant and on the table
the questions is.... is that a test? or are they really going to let me have both options?
hence why I couldn't sleep
cause yeah, let's go energy speak/learn with ascended masters
right before bed...
great is not
so, from said knowledge that I am aware of...
they are a higher vibration than many guides and encounters I've had
not all, but many
...and he was being very careful... like in an effort to not fuck me up
it was weird and way cool
*thumbs up
my kinda life
more adventures in the aether (or ether for you mangy people who like 'rules')
I will share as they come
and for what I learned...
I totally forgot
it's somewhere in here... maybe it's not downloaded yet...
probably have to stick it in a zip file...
Brain is on it, I'm sure.