Energy is everything.
Everything is energy.
Even ideas
all things... those things you can see
and those you can't
all things ... you've ever met, whether figurative or literal
real or unreal
here before or created after
created or uncreated
all the things...
every thing, or no thing.
Let's talk about alchemy
and the alchemist...
and this entity who has procured a place in my receptors
even if he (it?) came in a form of something else unexpected
and completely not relevant to anything other than.... energy itself
and just for taste...
a dash of solar eclipse...
and the Djinn.
(a.k.a. Gin... or in recognizable terms for most... genies)
(yes, the blue people... (I would not refer to them like that in person, fyi, probably not a very good idea))
So I'm pretty sure this was discussed before as well....and if it was around the same time as the alchemist...I'm going to fucking flip out....
hang on, now I have to go look...
September... the first part of September... so 3 1/2 to 4 months almost....
These time lags are fascinating
Aether lands....
where it has been considerably quiet and motionless until a few days ago when
the alchemist returned for another bout of an ongoing story series...
but with the majority the same story.... yet enhanced...
and then....
besides the lessons and homework he gave me O_O
there was this visitation...
with yeah...
the djinn ... the blue people... *deep breath
and there's like a whole race of them apparently
a whole race of them.... maybe inter-dimensional... or trans-dimensional
I really don't know...
but they (not just one, mind you... an entire group of them, I don't know how many, it was weird)
...offered me 3 wishes....
and I'm not fucking kidding...
after all... the alchemist implied I needed to know what I wanted...
a plan. a goal. an endeavor or whatnot...
so we sat there for a bit....
and I saw something I could wish away in an instant...
however, I did not... cause we all can do everything within ourselves without
needing anything outside of ourselves...
but I could have... (and still have that option...if I so choose)
and I suspect this was a test of some sort.... but not as a grade or judgement...
but as a mirror to reflect the intentions and where our wisdom resides...
is it in us or somewhere out there? more so
but I know the answers... because I am the answer.
I am the solution
just as we each are to ourselves.
let's also say that, I realize the possibilities of what could have been, had I wished it away...
and I now understand exactly and more in depth of the reasons why the djinn are considered negative entities... even though it would honestly be the use of their permissible gifts by not yet ready persons who were easily enticed to make use of brash and unwise wishes.
Hence why many lose their rewards, or minds, for that matter. That's just not how it works... and it is all vibration and energy... and wishing for this or that or enhancements would only throw you out of balance until you could realign to your centered and solid core.
So...if you've seen Aladdin... and you've seen WishMaster... take both of those films and mix them together without all the singing... and then add in a dash of extraterrestrial energy... and you would have something close to resembling a djinn... or a real genie.
"Be careful what you wish for, lest is come true."
that old adage that came from who knows where and spoken throughout much of history...
and really...if you want to get vibrational scientifical about it all....
they are focused intents to laser sharp manifestations....
and anyone can carve a path for them to be birthed... it takes emotion... and focus...
but it can and does happen...
ask any master manifestor... they know these things.
and while most are for random articles of matter...
some are deeper levels that involve cells or dna, or biological life...
and even I would warn against such deeper level 'wishes'
not until you are okay with not having it....will it be okay to receive it
it's vibration...
it's energy...
and even having been offered 3 wishes by a race of blue people with an alchemist as my apparent guide (???) (this sounds completely lunatic, I know, bare with me)
I certainly don't take offers of great power for granted
and neither should you
we can choose what we want... we may already know what those things are (or not)
and we can allow those things to come to us...
and while my first idea was nothing tangible or 3d related at all...
even wishing for that is not the answer.... the perfect seeing and knowing of it's existence as something I'd like to change is all it would take to change it within myself...
so ask yourself what would you wish for.... if you were offered 3 wishes in the real of reals..
and see what reflects back to your life
see what it is that is revealed
and know you already have the answer and means to procure it
you have everything you need
all the things...
(receive in etymology = 'take back' to recapture..... )
~ Because it fucking already belongs to you ~
~ You are the master ~
I was going to stop writing, but guess what!?
This new year or day or week or season..... I get to have my wish and eat it too....
without actually seeking the aide of djinn (huzzah!)
and so... we are working on being more shamelessAF and notgivenofucks
for this new beginning....
and anyway.... having already decided that maybe a week ago...
it directly correlates with that revelation I had when offered a wish
how to write this...
without another reflection of 'omg, they already know I'm insane, but this just makes it worse'
but notgivenofucks is the name of the game
while sitting with the thought of a wish handed to me...
and an alchemist sitting beside me...
there was this thing that revealed before me...
it was like a shield... clear and see-through... but like a windshield...
(however one can decipher energies in the aether, this is the best I can do today...)
I'm not absolutely sure whether this is something I put before me to block shit out of my life
(like bugs and pests and bullshit and things I don't want)
or whether it was something to block others from fully receiving me...
know what I mean?
and I feel a tinge of something with all my completely on par empath and claircognizant abilities tell me that the second is closer to the truth, even though Ego is completely happy using it as the prior reason. It probably works both ways...
and I want to blame all those things I read as a teenager about 'protecting yourself by forming a bubble around you' all that horrible horrible advice bleeding rampant like a virus on the internet and books... but I broke that thing a few years ago.... however the windshield was a matter of not scaring everyone completely away I suppose. haha
So.... anyway... I could have wished that last barrier/blockage away
but... I can do it all, cause I have everything I need already, yo.
it ties into my notgivenofucks focus, along with my shamelessAF blanket
and seriously... I'm only writing this out to stay consistent in staying true to this new outlook and path
because being without barriers will also feed Soul
and Ego
and Mind
Soul wants to move forward and receive her things...all these things she has planned for her feature she's partaking in...and this shield is in the way. Got to make room... and can't grow with this thing in the way... this thing that was invisible until an alchemist and djinn arrived to bring on it's downfall.
Ego wants those in the way to move... even if they do it scared... even if it hurts... and if they like it, that's good too. Ego already givesnofucks. (*thumbs up Ego)
Mind wants clarity, and solid focus... and like a laser, she too is down to laser eye this 'windshield'
like superman. ....(she really wants to see how it looks like when it melts... and if it's actually made of glass or something else)
so yeah... Soul has all these things she's gonna do...
and Ego is ready and willing... really just watching
Mind still wants to plan and make lists and sort and organize and divvy out steps...
and I reside in the midst of the stillness... watching them all, like they are children
god, I love them
I love them
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