Unexpected, yet, they remain unending for days...
What do you want with me...
Revisiting, adding to a previous version...
unending and forever growing...
what am I supposed to do with you
and I live...relive them again and again...
this time with more of this or that or the other
this compelling route to express emotions which may not be my own
who are you
then in the next moment they will cease
leaving me empty, having survived the onslaught
..only to revisit perhaps months later...
after all, when was the last time I mentioned Roy fucking Mustang...
it's only been that long
oi vey
so I'm compelled to go look for those posts...
cause I want to know the connection
possibly finding the meaning within the structured time frames...
((( side note : ... O_O
there's a space between astonished and beaming adoration
that's where I am
*thank goodness )))
so I did go find those posts... and read them...
and I realize I don't nearly share enough of the inside story...
like I know it... and say quite a lot at times...
and other times I skim so gently and vaguely, haha
by the way, it's been approximately 3 exact months...
since the last entertaining visits from the alchemist
3 months is the going rate these days...
want to play the future game...?
umm, YES please!
ready... I'll go first and you can write out your own shit on your own time...
sooooo.... 3 months from now....
> The dead tree in the back yard will no longer be there.
> A plan will be enacted regarding the installation of a summer experience into said back yard
> Dates for a camping trip will be more narrowed out and precise
> I'll be able to both play the ukelele and sing while playing it.... hopefully not horribly, LOL
> at least 5 huge orders that will pay for said installation of that experience into the back yard
> 3 debts will be paid off in full
> Craft room carpet/floor will be done
> Stairwell/hallway will be painted and flooring
that all feels grand
we will stick with that lovely list
I wrote all that down on my phone, so I actually can remember to check in on it
*thumbs up
I'm so sad there's no 'gif' options here.... :(
back on track...
so 3 months ago we were enjoying the separation of water and sky
of motion and stillness
of chaos and serenity
the transferring between one to another
where perspective expands and the volatile experiences cease...
cease to cause any ripples in true reality
and I can see this is all Soul's creation... this is her show...
and I'm just watching...
observing what is and feeling the energies that have evolved as well...
I forgot she was going to make us sit and enjoy...while she does all the things...
that's a relief
and it all blends together wonderfully, like a well written screenplay
and things of the past reflect the present, and unite them both
... and whatever separation that echos out is only the echo and not the truth
only waves have an up and down...
stillness does not..
it is solid
and just like Lochor said...
it is here... and it is now...
and we are the space in which it resides
stand true
come home victorious

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