Wednesday, December 11, 2019

actually... it is all perfect

I'm not sure who has time to write lately, but it certainly is not me

with a certain number of clients wanting things superhuman fast
and other more 3d world things a happening...
writing is not where it's at

overall, I did get a few superhuman orders completed
*insert gif of wonder woman arm flex here...
(cause this blog doesn't 'do' gifs... *sad face)
one that I would have liked to get done, but it wasn't...and still isn't done.
and some that I got done and shipped earlier today
and I need to go hunt down shirt tomorrow still... ugh
not a bad thing, but I'm tired and want to not do anything
gonna finish current orders.... and take a Christmas break
...I call it a break... but I want to install new carpet in the craft room...
and maybe start a screenplay, lol.
I remember these times... when you are actually busy fulfilling orders...
and you think of all the things you'd rather be doing...
but when you aren't doing orders... you kinda don't want to do them then either, lol
funny how that works out
I can probably finish all orders by next weekend...
so if something happens after that... maybe I can find time to write about it

6 orders to go... take a break....
4 orders that aren't needed until way later... January's stuff probably...
and I'm excited to say that Christmas shopping is complete!
Going to put up a little tree and lights (nothing else)
and got to wrap all the goods still
and other than waiting for Star Wars to come out...
it's a *thumbs up from me

now once the mom and the cat starts feeling better,
we can give December an A+


and the good stuff... this time following 3d world hubbub...
the aether lands of increasingly growing pings of wisdom and insight....
I'm not sure what is going on
I have no guide, no direction, no intent, no nothing, lol
and it is ever fascinating....
way overly attuned to certain things and energy....
way overly aware....
all in a good way, I suppose
I am taking myself somewhere.... and I guess it's a surprise!?! *shrugs
new stuff.... and some the same... but different...
I have no idea what I'm talking about


I have caught glimpses of future possibilities...
pathways that seem to pave out effortlessly and beneficially...
and I don't know what to think of them... or exactly how I feel about them
nothing bad, of course not... but interesting and different...

I've been keenly aware of movements in society, in people, in earth vibes...
it's like a bulge... if that could be any way to actually describe it...
a build up of something that could cause a substantial change in the world...
I don't know what it is. I just get vibrations... and it feels like a bulge
a swelling...if you will


 hmmm.... other outside things are falling away... fading...
like things in resonance... at one time... are shifting out of my view...
or I'm shifting... either way...
it is a strange thing lately... I'm not sure even what to call half of it...
all very obscure vague movements that don't come with words...
I don't know what I'm talking about


there's a place calling...
I must go...

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