Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Your mind see forward, but your soul sees up, over, and above

The fall.
When your feet are on the ground, but when you look upwards
you see that you are in a hole. Surrounded by the world.
The noise. The distractions. The erratic movements of electronics and culture.
Television. Internet. Society.
Even times when you seek peace, intruders are quick to make their appearance.
"You can't stay away for long, you are needed, you must comply." they say...

And the sky outside, up above the world is wide and vast and the clouds race past.
What is out there? Beyond the edge?
Who am I, who could I be when my feet stand outside?
Will it be another hole? Another cage? Wider perhaps?
"But don't look at that, look at me!" The world laughs... as it shakes it's fancy maracas.
"Nothing up there but stars. And they are too far away.
They do nothing. They say nothing. It is all silence.
Look here, look here, see my many shiny things."
but I remember something, and the world knows not that I remember.
I know of the land above.
I've met with the stars and heard their songs.
Oh, and the silence is the most beautiful of sounds.
I remember the truth. The magic. The waves.
I remember being real. I remember being alive.
Yet, the world down here tries to steal it away. Like they steal it from the children.
But I remember.


Day 20 of 100 of WTFIW....F

ooooh... the enriching feeling of seeing more clarity of what's to come.
feeling it, feeling it.
I don't know if I can hang on to anything, any of this.
I don't know if it will let me.
I don't care if I can or not.


3 days to edit a book.
and then actually make a decision on which screenplay I'm going to write next.
3 choices...maybe 5....
They keep throwing scenes at me... "choose me!" "choose me!" they wave.
One requires research, which at the moment, I do not want to take on. (U- animation)
One I'm not even sure what the other half of the movie is about. (untitled - live action)
One has the majority filled in, but I still feel it's missing some important part.
which may totally show up when I outline it or do beat cards. (ST - animation)
One has all the main scenes done, all the main characters, all the main action, but all the nitpicky little details and dialogue is just a scattered mess of miniture blanks. (TPM - live action)
One is based on an image. A singular image, I don't know what's it's about, but fuck, it is amazing. I want to watch it so bad. (PotS - animation)

and I need to edit Killian and cut it down to 29 pages before I can copyright it.
The Fox Prince is in line for rehashing, but it needs more time to chill.
My other ones are still at satisfactory levels. So that's where they'll stay for awhile.

so book work and writing tomorrow.
art ideas are in line
I might scuff the piano up and go buy some primer.


look at the stars....look how they shine for you...
and everything that you do...

I just figured out what (PotS) is about....
omg, it's sad and beautiful, and way over people's heads,
I like. *nods.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

It's not me.... it's you

day 19 of 100 of WTFIW....F

haha... so I wrote on here earlier about 3 paragraphs and just deleted it all

Someone wrote this about me...
"You are so gentle in your instruction and so patient in your words."

This has provided a much needed perspective on the way things move from the inner to the outer.
Specifically relating to words and meaning.
When the choice is made to actually communicate from a center, rather than from the outer layers.
People are energy. And when the aim is to meet up with the essence of another, it rarely fails to greet the target and propel those affected into a truer state of being.
Like handing them a sword. And they take the hilt and gain strength.
The chaos these things can sometimes cause is glorious when the whole intent is to bless the one it was meant for. Sometimes it wasn't meant for anyone, but those that hear are quick to bless, just as they have been blessed.

This wasn't even isolated.
How they recognize and see... and they are given what they need. 
They never knew the hesitation and contemplation that came before.
But if those things, although sometimes not very simple things, served you...
then this center is the last gate. 
The gatekeeper walks with me. 
All that is felt is depth. All that is known is strength. All that there is, is truth.

There are still other times when another walks in the path of the sword not meant for them.
They immediately turn to the fight or flight response. Often the fight.
And how they spew their suffering about it, although it wasn't for them, yet they picked it up.
And they misunderstand this thing that didn't belong to them.
But you can't tell them to put it down.
Because they are holding it and it is theirs now. "It's mine." they will say.
"It's mine and I don't like this, or it's all wrong because..."
That's what makes it 'not yours'.
that's what makes it 'not yours'.
that's what makes it NOT yours.
your hands are bleeding as you grasp the blade.... put it down.



sssoooooo..... the original things written would have led to this next action step.
but what is now written does too, but with an engine behind it.

Action steps. Only called such because those words are used in the newly written book that will be soon edited and published.
... with vibration and energy.

Do not be alarmed if outer circumstances and behaviors are suddenly rearranged.
Do not be offended if they are unrecognizable or unable to be understood.
Do not fear.
All energy thrives on movement.
It devours lower frequencies and the higher grabs hold into a singular entity.
Moving all that is connected faster.
Making all that is connected stronger.
Filling all that is static into clarity.


 editing book, then publishing, then screenwriting heaven (hell)
and art. lots of art.


Friday, January 25, 2019

Short inserts to satisfy your needs

Day 15 of 100 of WTFIW....F

Okay, this book I'm writing... wasn't supposed to take this long.
Spent maybe 3 hours, maybe 4 writing this thing... like just now... and it's 12:33am.
on chapter 8...
and the more I keep going, the more it seems I'm not reaching the end of my notes I have for it...
ugh... is there that much to say about feng shui and energy flow... apparently.
it was intending to be short....
like my tree book that is a whopping 40 or so pages and like 5 of those are blank...
cause they won't let me print off less than 40, lol.
this one is currently at 71... and still another chapter or 2 or 3 to go... not sure ...
Hoping to finish it tomorrow.
I want to write a screenplay!!!!! AAAARRRGHGHGHGHG!H!!!!

Painted a wall today.
Now the other wall that isn't painted will need painted... cause it looks bad.
and the piano...
yes, I am one of those people...
I will paint a masterpiece upon it's scratched up wooden flesh.
what exactly, I don't know yet,
but I'm tossing around color schemes and images till something fits.
It'll be great. Cause it's my piano, and I love my piano. <3

I should say something deep.

Here's an insert of my feng shui book.... cause I already got deep and now I'm chillin.

~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So, this chapter…. Sticky stuff… let’s look at…

   You know these. Someone says something that makes you want to correct whatever they just assumed. Someone cuts you off and doesn’t give you that ‘Oh, sorry, I messed up’ wave. Or when politics. Or when a family member starts reiterating something you feel is a private matter. Or the internet won’t work while you are live-streaming a very important video. The list goes on and on, depending on your circumstances and personal triggers.

   Are triggers mirrors of what’s still blocked in you? Possibly….probably. But looking for the blockage isn’t going to really clear it out. Doing a scavenger hunt to figure out why this thing makes you feel this other thing is just your mind trying to solve a problem.

   The real solution. --> Just FEEL it.

   No need to analyze or ‘figure out’ anything. The whole point isn’t to draw a diagram of yourself and ‘fix’ what might be wrong, just like drawing a diagram of your house isn’t going to ‘fix’ your clutter and worn out furniture.
   However, feeling the trigger, exactly when it comes and looking at it. Being present and attentive with it, just like being present with those child thoughts. It doesn’t matter what or who the ego tries to blame. It doesn’t matter if that child trigger is throwing a tantrum on the floor. Be present and attentive, feel what it brings up and allow it to move through without grasping on to what it says.
   You wouldn’t gasp in disgust and try to fix a child who just can’t tolerate someone being taller than them. You would just be present and love the child and be attentive as this tantrum moves along and passes. There is nothing to fix. You aren’t broken, you’re just holding onto things that say you are.
   Feng shui magic right there.
   You aren’t broken, you’re just holding onto things that say you are.

Let’s get into this…
-- What is your go to response when you are triggered by someone/something?
-- Is that action based on your inner truth or something you do by habit?
-- If you checked in with yourself, how would you prefer to respond?


that might be chapter 6... I think... a piece...
whatevs... sleep is sounding fantastic...assuming I don't decide to eat something first.
maybe be back to write something cool tomorrow, or next week, or next month... idk.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Yield, No U-turn, Do Not Enter....yes, I know we are no longer on a road

Day 13 of 100 of WTFIW....F

Got a few random things marked off that I intended to do and I've done them.
There's way more, but I'll get there.

Running into a few snags on certain ones.
Some are just mistimed.
I'm happy that I'm only on day 13. That leaves me with at least 86 more days of this.

Those things that are supposed to make sure you don't drive off a cliff or into oncoming traffic.
Those things that keep flow when people drive around.
With kids, road signs are like those things you put up so your kid doesn't run into the road.
Sometimes you use them for rules and chores.
Sometimes as a way to control the pace and direction of the young drivers in your city (home).
Some kids are like people in cars.
The ones that do the steps like most other kids do. They get a job, they hang with friends, they go to college, to get the better job, to make money. And then buy the things they want even if it takes a bit longer...or not.
Cute little drivers they are. Doing the society thing, even though you know they know that there's more out there than the mask of culture and matrixism.
But it looks easier this way to them, so they go that way and your only job is to put signs up that say there's a cliff up ahead, "Proceed with caution." or something along the lines of "Refueling station 1 mile." You know, cause distractions take up much of that sort of life.
So these road signs are excellent for kids in cars... sometimes, many times, you get those...
other times you get lava.
Kids that are like lava. Or shall I correct that to say my kid that is like lava.
You can put up a sign, they could read it and shrug and ooze on past it like the blob of liquid hot earth. And your sign falls in it and disappears.
You can get an arrow sign pointing "that way" --> as being a viable option....
but lava... it goes where it will. Sometimes just because it wanted to eat that sign you kindly put up.
You can do the barricade thing, but then there's this long period of the lava building up and building up and building up for fucking ever... just to crawl over the barricade to look and decide 'nah, I don't want to go that way.'
And this lava kid... although appreciative of your efforts, will still mosey itself along the way it wants. No hurry, no rush, no agenda, and no worries. And it gets what it wants too, even if it takes a bit longer to get there....or not.

I have this astrology report...and it's unbelievably accurate and I'm not sure what to do with this information. Problem is you don't really see the connections until the day after and you are left shaking your head. Weird.

I want to put this here too, just because...
Remember those dreams of a large city (possibly New York) and the tsunami/tidal wave/destruction shit... just want to offer the opportunity to consider not going there this year.
Like not in spring/summer/fall. Not sure which, but it wasn't cold.
I don't want to get into conspiracy theories and that sort crap, but things have been pointing towards a strange and large event that is sure to reach the world.
High probability before the end of the year.
Higher probability Dec 19th....
but, still... don't go to New York or anywhere up that way near the northeastern coast. No big cities with the tall shiny shiny buildings near port.

Going to finish that feng shui book this week! I have screenplays to write.
Going to paint a wall.
Going to go bake something.... mmmm... but I don't know what yet... I'll go look...

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Aloha e aloha e... 'Ano 'ai ke aloha e

Day 7 of 100 of WTFIW....F

Watching the act of doing nothing.
Because nothing is so important at this moment, and we sometimes feel we have to keep it going...
but we don't. We don't have to play the game.
We don't have to get up out of bed and complete tasks, we don't have to check off the lists.
We don't have to see this, or go there, or be that, or get those.
Are you afraid of sitting still?
Of being in the motionless void?
Of feeling?

there happened to be a deeper trench here than I realized
and even as I float freely, I discovered this tether
and I untied myself from it.
My guide asked. "Are you sure?"
I've been given everything for free by the universe
and the only things that costed me were those things I thought I had to buy myself.
there's no reason to be anything other than what I am
and I am the universe.
I am free.
Always free.


chapter 4 in book.
At the moment it feels really scattered and thrown together! YAY!
Just like the stars. <3
I'm taking on a new love interest with my ukelele.
but I'm thinking it needs a paint job.
and a name.
same goes for the piano....
I've almost got this song that won't cooperate with my fingers...
it needs a name and a paint job too....
yes, I am one of those people who paint shit...

but you know what I'm doing, right...
I'm procrastinating on every creative endeavor I have planned.
who knows... but I'm sure once I get started, I'll be like fire.
fire in a drought.
and it will be a bonfire
until I burn out...
and that's the beauty of it.
and then the land is scarred, and blackened with char
and the wind courses freely
and the rains come.
the rains.
and things wash away, moving here to there there to here and we all dance
and then...
it all regrows.
and this chaos it the best thing I can offer you.
You get all of me.
for free.

you're welcome.

 thing is... my time to meander is short.
like shorter than a midget without hair
and I see the start line...and I can't keep my feet from lining up...
it's like getting on a ride at an amusement park you've never been on, but all coasters are the same, yes?
so you have that nervousness, because you don't know what to expect, not really anyway...
will it be exhilarating?
will it kinda suck?
fast, slow, high, low?
backwards? loops?
screaming passengers?
but you're in line... and what's worse than getting on the ride when your time comes?
leaving the line....
so you stay, even as your heart pounds, because chicken is for the coop...
It's like those rides that bring you really fucking high... and then drop you.
that line sucks. You even get to watch the ride while you wait.
and then your turn comes and you go towards it... you know this sucks.
then you get on and the straps... you are in for it now..
and it sucks...and it sucks...
and it lifts and you hate every bit of it.
and you get to the top and it turns and you laugh, because you have no other choice now...
and it drops...
and it lands and you get off and your body is like... 'wtf just happened'...
and your brain is.. 'that was great!'
and you know you won't be getting on again (until next visit), but still glad you rode.
life stuff. simple, easy, effortless...
but you gotta get on.
and so the creative beast shall be conquered ...shortly.
like soon, but not today
maybe not tomorrow...
but soon...


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Passion fruit. Is it harvest time?

Day 6 of 100 of WTFIW....F

Ahhh, had one of those talks last night.
the kind of talk that is equal to pouring rain water mixed with a tablespoon of chicken shit onto a very neglected plant. And the plant forgot all about the simplicity of what water could do.
The dose of shit with it is like the nutrients. Like miracle grow, but all natural and organic.
and free.
First we discussed things about how the basis of certain cultural aspects relates that doing good deeds is like the giving of good fruit. And how if a branch doesn't give fruit, it is lopped off.
I found confusion in that statement, as having direct contact with the boss man, he never once insinuated that if I were not going to bear fruit, per se, that I would be punished for it.
So my very awesome guide says to "Ask him." (not ask him, but to ask the boss man)
soooo.... even though I'm in a weird fluctuating period with that whole aspect... I do anyway.
Cause I gotta know.
Anyway... boss man totally does the exterior thing (cause he's mostly internal now and the exterior thing is not necessary anymore) but it's so much easier to ask questions outward 'to' someone rather than mulling around in the internalness of spirit.
I get these images of hands offering, like a giving. Nothing is in them though.
And the boss man says...
"Even if your hands are empty, even if your words fail, it is still the giving of self."

-- so I'm brought back to the time when people stood in line and boss man was holding a box and people would take something out of the box.
He would ask them to 'choose how you will know me' and they would shuffle through the box and pick one, like a religion or creed.
When my turn came, he asked me the same and I said "I just choose you."
He set the box down and knelt down to me. "Then have me you shall."

back to real time --  then he does the hand thing to me and offers his empty hands.
"Anything I could give you, would never equal to that which you truly receive."
It is the same with what we can offer....our fruit is ourselves, not our deeds, not our actions, not our words... 
and why would I even think that emptiness is less than wholeness.
ahhh fuck yes.
the boss man is awesomeAF
and I've missed him even though we've never been apart.
and then the word 'communion' comes up... and I'm told to look it up, lol
anyway, it's like a common union, a community of oneness, etymology speaking...
He speaks about how energy is completely connected to itself
When a thought reaches out to something it is like an electrical bond, and the current moves throughout the universe. Everything is connected to everything else, maybe indirectly, but always connected. And the charge that is amplified is the basis of how matter forms, how life is born, and how ideas, dreams, visions, and emotions vibrate.
That in turn unites everyone and everything. Every thought connects us to the other side of it, to a person, to a place...'through' a feeling....
Feeling isn't only a compass, it is also the channel.


You know when you hold out your hand and offer assistance...
and you're so used to everyone shaking their heads 'no' in terror...
but then one random day while your really well thought out words and passionate plea for enlightenment show up, someone gets a wild hair up their ass and takes your hand....
....and you're surprised... O_O .... but now terrified yourself.... ew...
...wait....did I say I would help you?.... that was not me.... that was the dumbass inside of me.
.... I guess we can play 'enlighten the common folk' .... 'seed the earth'... 'whateverthefuck mess I just got myself into'
educate the 'educated' because they are sometimes so clueless....

time for some deep soul shit... laters

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Muse (ium)... intriguing.

Day 5 of 100 of  WTFIW....F

When your intention is forgotten and you fail to follow through.
Tinges of guilt pour in. Never enough to drown you, but you feel it.
Shame. What were you doing with your time?
Have you forgotten?
No one cares. But still, you may have missed something incredible.
You may have missed something... if anything meant for you could pass you. Pssh.
Everything meant for you will be yours.
And time. It's not really a thing.
Always perfect timing. That's all it could ever be.

Did you know...
that when you straighten your fingers you get wrinkles on your knuckles.

just thought you'd like to know.

Starting chapter 3 in book. Will get to it tomorrow.
There's somewhere I'd rather be.
besides Ireland... that is.
But I found tons of cool places to add to the itinerary.
You can thank

and cherry blossoms... I find it frustrating that hotel costs rise when you bloom
...sure, choose the smithsonian for a senior trip, why not...
this all assuming everything will be open... gov. shutdown, yo.
*rolls eyes...

I'm guessing you can't follow along...
but do you know what that sounds like?
not my problem.

my blog, my rambling, my erratic writing.
all glorious.

later  - *waves goodbye

Monday, January 14, 2019

Weird Science.... and mythology too.

Day 4 of 100 of WTFIW....F

Things are getting serious.
Between me and the Universe.
Like there's nothing really between us.
Super super awesome melding going on.
On to level 4, and also got some super awesome ideas flowing in.
Like 'poof, here I am' ideas.
May have been floating around for ages, but I never caught it until today.
Like what! This is exciting.
I'm taking it as a sign to continue on my adventure.
Ha! Like I wouldn't anyway.

The backdoor secret key code is:
FEEL first
then DO

in that order.
Don't bother wasting your time trying to 'do' first.
The line is long when you go through the front door.
and there's the check in counter, and there's a fee.
so... take my word.
On the honor of the Universe.
FEEL what you want first.
Even if you have to make up scenarios in your head to get the feeling.
Feeling in your compass.

If you would like to learn more, be sure to pre-order my book
Feng Shui Sh*t For An AwesomeAF Life.
I don't know how much yet, cause I don't know how many pages it will come to.
Chapter 1 is almost finished.
It might have 7 chapters, so you get the jist.
My Talking To Trees book only had 40 or so....
But I don't like rambling too much.
or I go off on some tangent and find something other to talk about that has nothing whatsoever to do with whatever I was trying to explain in the first place, but still is kinda relevant to the explanation. And I also don't really like explaining. Sometimes I feel like you should get deep and learn this shit yourself instead of me having to point out the fucking obvious shit to you. Sometimes stupid people are just fun to watch all while still driving me crazy.

Share a Secret Day!

Energy attracts matter and energy moves matter.
Energy is god and all forms (on earth anyway) follow the same energy patterns.
You can see them in everything. Biological, matter, the earth itself, fire, water, wind, etc.
We are made in god's image. Because we flow with that energy to create a form of the matter we are composed of and designed based on dna.
Now god consciousness. That is electrical energy.
Electrical energy is the stimulation between nerves and synapse nodes to create a flow of designed thought patters. Everything biological has electrical energy. People, animals, plants. However even the earth, as well as weather is also stimulated by electrical currents. I didn't get far into asking deeper questions of this territory because I was too caught up in....

Zeus. The king of the Greek gods. ... and what did he carry? Yes, the thunderbolt of lightning.
What is lightning. Yes. Electrical current (Life consciousness)
He was also god of thunder (vibration, matter patterns)
God spoke (vibration, sound) and it was so.

Thor. Technically the same dude as Zeus, but he was from Germanic mythology. God of thunder, of lightning too. His weapon of choice, the hammer, but he could wield lightning as well. Duh, didn't you see the movie? Play the video game! Lightning!
(mmmm..... Chris Hemsworth....)

Also Jupiter (Joviel (The joy of god)) - These are the same entity.

Everyone is correct.
So I had a field day with mythology and shit, while getting swamped with a scientific powwow.
Now that... is "fun".

What I will need to ask is whether the same energy flows the same throughout the actual universe or just on Earth? If it is different based on different stars or geomagnetic resonance....this would play a part in proving that any alien life outside of earth would have to appear as a different form than those found on Earth.
But, and a big but.... those species could not survive here long term. So even if we got invaded by an alien species, they couldn't stay. Yeah, they can come and go, take what they need and leave, but they couldn't establish a colony here. The energy waves specifically engineered on the planet Earth wouldn't allow their different energy patterns to flow naturally. They would eventually die off.
This also means we would be bound to Earth and couldn't colonize other places that differ, at least not long term.

Now.... if the energy patterns on all the universe are the same as they are on Earth... then there might be an issue. But this would then prove that god (energy) did create all beings in his image (from the same energy flow and with the same electrical current)
Of course, that means we could travel and establish other planets. Because space, yo.
This all assuming we could ever make it out of Earth's atmosphere.  NO, we didn't go to the moon.
The radiation from the sun would kill everyone!
Unless your spaceships are lined with gold, don't even talk to me.
(oh...and we could possibly make it there, but no way could we get off the moon to return to Earth.  You can't fake the math.)

Anyway, the aliens took all the huge gold deposits when they mined it.
*shrugs.  sounds legit.


So what have you learned today?

oh...and the best idea came to me today....
like 30 minutes ago.
It was a totally different idea I had that I couldn't seem to find a 'why' or 'how' for.
and now I have the why! and the 'how' is so simple!
and I get to do/have the things I wanted to in the first place, but now way way way better!
And the first step will be available to me on January 21st.
How is that for perfection!
and what did I 'do'?
Not a thing, besides FEELing excited and joyful.
and poof... here is it's match.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

The sanctuary is here.

Day 3 of 100 of WTFIW....F
man...number three seems so little compared to the number 100
I have random notes of possibilities ... many with tally marks on them...
cause that's what I'm doing...
a bunch of stuff, and a bunch of nothing.
both are equal.

Writing chapter 1 ... for new book
watched some videos
finished reading my book
played Crash Bandicoot.... and let me tell you...
this game is not relaxing... gah! I used to be better at this.
I suppose I'm strengthening my stress response.

might go in craft room... tomorrow...
that's where I get actually started on all the other interesting things..
but as you can tell, I've been procrastinating on that.
I have like 4 projects I could start.
5 actually.
shit, no 6. I do my script outlines in there too.
Ready to start writing a screenplay...but alas, there's gaps that are not
filled yet to complete the entire story.
If I just start they will fill in....but yeah... getting there.
I can hang with Storie, she knows how to fix anything I perceive as a story problem.

Received numbers 3 and 5 on that Universe list. SWEET!
Level 3 already!

My other list is Level 56, and I got.....
number 4
 ... shit
Piano for 7 days.
Time for practice I suppose.

Life is supposed to be effortless.
So do that.
Be that.
It's okay if you're scared.
I'll be there with you.
 _ _ - _ _ - _ _- _ _- _ _- _ _-_ _ - _ _- _ _- __

I'm not sure where they are.
But they know me more than I know myself.
And I've seen her.
And she is not like anyone else.
And I'm not sure what to take from that.
I'm not sure why she is the way she is.
But I asked him about her...
and he asked me "if she came here for just him, would that be enough?"
and I answered "yes."
and he asked "if she came here for just him, or just her, would that be enough?"
and I answered "yes." to that as well.
and then he asked... "if she came here just for herself....would that be enough?"
and I hesitated, but only briefly. Again, I answered "yes."
"Then it is enough." He replied.

and that is where transcendence happens.
the place beyond the last gate.
the final path.

My guide is still with me.
but the council is in motion, still trying to hide their movements...
they are literately tip-toeing... sending 'hushes' while they gather...
pretending like nothing is up.
they've begun moving slower in an effort to throw me off.
Whatever dudes... take your time...
I can see you.
Why they think they can sneak by unseen is beyond me.
Maybe I'm just an anomaly...
well, I am, but still. Wouldn't they know that by now?
oh shit... I need to stop talking about them...
I see the tense faces...
you would think other-worldly souls wouldn't get so triggered, lol.
like they don't want others to find out that they hold council meetings...
"They are displeased. Your words are causing havoc in the outer realms."
my guide says...
"Energy waves." he simplifies for me.


anyway, going to write more on the book chapter and go to sleep....eventually.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Wow...that worked rather fast

Day 2 of 100 WTFIW....F

That list...
I just received numbers 2, 3, 4, and 6.
How's that for possibilities!?!
Thank you Universe!
Time for level 2

And... I started the book.
~ Feng Shui Sh*t For An AwesomeAF Life ~
Got the beginning done and will write chapter 1
sometime this weekend.

Going to do some craft projects...
planning on some more artwork...
other odd and end stuff...
back to the gym soon...
finish reading my book... yes, my book.
cause I can.
and I'm crushing on my characters... 😊

Honing energy vibrations.
Flowing will continue soon.
Right now shit is floating all over the place and I'm just staring at it.
this beautiful mess... look at all this gorgeousness...
I can guarantee you that after the full moon things will be skyrocketing.
At least for me.
It's like my inner soul knows, but everything else is like, wtf...I'm tired. waaa.
But anyway.... I'm gonna search for something deep for you and come back to this...

well... not feeling it today... maybe tomorrow!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Day 1 of 100 of WTFIW....F

I pondered doing 30 days of doing 'whateverthefuck I want...feel'
but then I would do that anyway...
but then I considered that if I had that as a goal it would keep me from being lazy.
not that lazy is a bad thing...It's great to be lazy.
but more so that it would keep me from doing bullshit I don't want to do.
Which really is the whole freaking point.
Then I pondered how much further I could take it if I made it 100 days instead.
And that felt scarier and better.
and I love fear. and excitement.
So today would be day 1 of 100
I made this list of all the interesting things I could do.
but doing things isn't the goal.
I'm on a hiatus from society, so deep sea diving it will be...
for 100 days.
Still may add some sort of challenge in there,
as I'm really proficient in doing what I want.
And gaining a better foundation doing what I feel.
And the main idea is to grow from this experience...
without making it sound lame, that is.
This is not a resolution.
It is an intention.
Intentional being.
Intentional becoming.
Intentional feeling.
Intentional allowance and freedom.
And Liberation is the word of the year.

April 21st would be my 100 day mark.
Which added together makes the number 1.
The beginning.
The point isn't to change who I am or what I do or do not do.
The point is to be liberated and thrive without those things we think we need.
I've untethered from earth.
I've walked past the threshold of the last gate.
and things are as they shall be.
I'm not even looking for a before and after comparison.
I'm not looking for anything.
I'm not wanting anything out of it either.
No expectations from me or to me.
Allowance. and freedom of all that there is.
from me and to me.


Ever look at your desires and think they are too lofty?
Too tall, too high, too unreasonable?
Too unrealistic?
You might.... but not I.
The more unreasonable and the more unrealistic, especially unrealistic...
the better.
I can do magic.
But I can't do hard work and 'trying'.
Why would I choose such a thing over just transmuting it into being?
Much easier. Actually it's not even remotely 'doing' anything.
It just is and's handed directly to me... like magic.
All I have to 'do' is actually decide what I will receive.
and...yes... that happens to be my challenge.
too many options. FOMO, FOBO, ..even though I can have them all....
but there's a tinge of underlying guilt I'm hunting down that says I'm being greedy..
yes I fucking am... and I can totally accept that.
I get to have it all. So do you if you just decide you do too.
But which first?
this is where I need to utilize that list of 6... and roll the dice...
that makes my process more simlified.
I'll do that...

My last list of 6 projects was to write a book...
I'm starting that this weekend. I have the outline ready.
It's about energy flow and life feng shui. Super cool.

But I could make one for possibilities too.
Not 'things' per se, but awesomeAF shit.
Like an exciting opportunity, or a magical encounter.
Maybe a surprise lump sum of cash, or something delicious.
Can you imagine what type of amazing things could come to you if you
just ask for it and allow it?!
Okay...I made a list of six and I'm going to let the universe roll and surprise me!
I wrote down...
1 - Amazing news!
2 - Unexpected gift!
3 - Deep insight!
4 - True connection!
5 - A piece of magic!
6 - Energetic pull!

... I get 3 and 5 rather often, but that's no different than adding 'clean the bathroom' on my other yeah.
I'll update when one comes my way :)

So that was boring talking about nothing...
Let's fuck with you.

Once upon a time.
no, I'm kidding. It's not story time.
It's almost 9.... have to go get on laptop and format my next book and figure out a name for it...
It was going to be Financial Feng Shui, but it's not just about money.
It's about energy. and I'm drawing a blank on something that starts with the letter F
that relates to energy.... and not lame.
Flow... no lame.
Freedom... no too vague.
How about Feng Shui Shit For A Life of Awesomeness
why the fuck do I like that?
well, now you know the title.

Be sure to also see my latest book...
here...   ~ Talking To Trees ~ 
No joke, I did write it. My oldest did the artwork with Microsoft Paint. <3

I might check in tomorrow or in a few days....
I can do whateverthefuck I want.... feel.
Day 1 of 100