Friday, January 11, 2019

Day 1 of 100 of WTFIW....F

I pondered doing 30 days of doing 'whateverthefuck I want...feel'
but then I would do that anyway...
but then I considered that if I had that as a goal it would keep me from being lazy.
not that lazy is a bad thing...It's great to be lazy.
but more so that it would keep me from doing bullshit I don't want to do.
Which really is the whole freaking point.
Then I pondered how much further I could take it if I made it 100 days instead.
And that felt scarier and better.
and I love fear. and excitement.
So today would be day 1 of 100
I made this list of all the interesting things I could do.
but doing things isn't the goal.
I'm on a hiatus from society, so deep sea diving it will be...
for 100 days.
Still may add some sort of challenge in there,
as I'm really proficient in doing what I want.
And gaining a better foundation doing what I feel.
And the main idea is to grow from this experience...
without making it sound lame, that is.
This is not a resolution.
It is an intention.
Intentional being.
Intentional becoming.
Intentional feeling.
Intentional allowance and freedom.
And Liberation is the word of the year.

April 21st would be my 100 day mark.
Which added together makes the number 1.
The beginning.
The point isn't to change who I am or what I do or do not do.
The point is to be liberated and thrive without those things we think we need.
I've untethered from earth.
I've walked past the threshold of the last gate.
and things are as they shall be.
I'm not even looking for a before and after comparison.
I'm not looking for anything.
I'm not wanting anything out of it either.
No expectations from me or to me.
Allowance. and freedom of all that there is.
from me and to me.


Ever look at your desires and think they are too lofty?
Too tall, too high, too unreasonable?
Too unrealistic?
You might.... but not I.
The more unreasonable and the more unrealistic, especially unrealistic...
the better.
I can do magic.
But I can't do hard work and 'trying'.
Why would I choose such a thing over just transmuting it into being?
Much easier. Actually it's not even remotely 'doing' anything.
It just is and's handed directly to me... like magic.
All I have to 'do' is actually decide what I will receive.
and...yes... that happens to be my challenge.
too many options. FOMO, FOBO, ..even though I can have them all....
but there's a tinge of underlying guilt I'm hunting down that says I'm being greedy..
yes I fucking am... and I can totally accept that.
I get to have it all. So do you if you just decide you do too.
But which first?
this is where I need to utilize that list of 6... and roll the dice...
that makes my process more simlified.
I'll do that...

My last list of 6 projects was to write a book...
I'm starting that this weekend. I have the outline ready.
It's about energy flow and life feng shui. Super cool.

But I could make one for possibilities too.
Not 'things' per se, but awesomeAF shit.
Like an exciting opportunity, or a magical encounter.
Maybe a surprise lump sum of cash, or something delicious.
Can you imagine what type of amazing things could come to you if you
just ask for it and allow it?!
Okay...I made a list of six and I'm going to let the universe roll and surprise me!
I wrote down...
1 - Amazing news!
2 - Unexpected gift!
3 - Deep insight!
4 - True connection!
5 - A piece of magic!
6 - Energetic pull!

... I get 3 and 5 rather often, but that's no different than adding 'clean the bathroom' on my other yeah.
I'll update when one comes my way :)

So that was boring talking about nothing...
Let's fuck with you.

Once upon a time.
no, I'm kidding. It's not story time.
It's almost 9.... have to go get on laptop and format my next book and figure out a name for it...
It was going to be Financial Feng Shui, but it's not just about money.
It's about energy. and I'm drawing a blank on something that starts with the letter F
that relates to energy.... and not lame.
Flow... no lame.
Freedom... no too vague.
How about Feng Shui Shit For A Life of Awesomeness
why the fuck do I like that?
well, now you know the title.

Be sure to also see my latest book...
here...   ~ Talking To Trees ~ 
No joke, I did write it. My oldest did the artwork with Microsoft Paint. <3

I might check in tomorrow or in a few days....
I can do whateverthefuck I want.... feel.
Day 1 of 100

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