Day 13 of 100 of WTFIW....F
Got a few random things marked off that I intended to do and I've done them.
There's way more, but I'll get there.
Running into a few snags on certain ones.
Some are just mistimed.
I'm happy that I'm only on day 13. That leaves me with at least 86 more days of this.
Those things that are supposed to make sure you don't drive off a cliff or into oncoming traffic.
Those things that keep flow when people drive around.
With kids, road signs are like those things you put up so your kid doesn't run into the road.
Sometimes you use them for rules and chores.
Sometimes as a way to control the pace and direction of the young drivers in your city (home).
Some kids are like people in cars.
The ones that do the steps like most other kids do. They get a job, they hang with friends, they go to college, to get the better job, to make money. And then buy the things they want even if it takes a bit longer...or not.
Cute little drivers they are. Doing the society thing, even though you know they know that there's more out there than the mask of culture and matrixism.
But it looks easier this way to them, so they go that way and your only job is to put signs up that say there's a cliff up ahead, "Proceed with caution." or something along the lines of "Refueling station 1 mile." You know, cause distractions take up much of that sort of life.
So these road signs are excellent for kids in cars... sometimes, many times, you get those...
other times you get lava.
Kids that are like lava. Or shall I correct that to say my kid that is like lava.
You can put up a sign, they could read it and shrug and ooze on past it like the blob of liquid hot earth. And your sign falls in it and disappears.
You can get an arrow sign pointing "that way" --> as being a viable option....
but lava... it goes where it will. Sometimes just because it wanted to eat that sign you kindly put up.
You can do the barricade thing, but then there's this long period of the lava building up and building up and building up for fucking ever... just to crawl over the barricade to look and decide 'nah, I don't want to go that way.'
And this lava kid... although appreciative of your efforts, will still mosey itself along the way it wants. No hurry, no rush, no agenda, and no worries. And it gets what it wants too, even if it takes a bit longer to get there....or not.
I have this astrology report...and it's unbelievably accurate and I'm not sure what to do with this information. Problem is you don't really see the connections until the day after and you are left shaking your head. Weird.
I want to put this here too, just because...
Remember those dreams of a large city (possibly New York) and the tsunami/tidal wave/destruction shit... just want to offer the opportunity to consider not going there this year.
Like not in spring/summer/fall. Not sure which, but it wasn't cold.
I don't want to get into conspiracy theories and that sort crap, but things have been pointing towards a strange and large event that is sure to reach the world.
High probability before the end of the year.
Higher probability Dec 19th....
but, still... don't go to New York or anywhere up that way near the northeastern coast. No big cities with the tall shiny shiny buildings near port.
Going to finish that feng shui book this week! I have screenplays to write.
Going to paint a wall.
Going to go bake something.... mmmm... but I don't know what yet... I'll go look...
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