Friday, April 26, 2019

Correspondence of equivalent exchange

So ex-spirit guides do seem to tire of getting called on...again.
Mighty angel with the trident and wings... who's patience is indelible.
I know I can do this without you, but you are kinda cool, yo.
And trust isn't something I find very abundant within myself.
not sure why.
like I recognize it, but I think I've deemed it as not me,
but something that moves through me...
and there's that disconnect...
but we all know there is no such thing as one and the other.. this or that..
it's all one...
but division is a tricky thing... this split mind that often forgets the lack of contrast.
I remember...

this is peace
and the polarity embraces that chaos
this is love
and the correspondence reckons it with rhythm...
but there is no distance when you are the fucking pendulum.
I see. I remember.

Time to level up.
And this time I will summon forth the council.
And I will allow their ramifications and judgements.
Yes. All of this. All of it. Give me all of it.
My requests will be made known.
And delivered promptly.


I'm using big words. LOL
I'm writing a screenplay today.
and within the next 15 days.
'Sky Thunder' is marked for first draft completion by May 11th.
Which means within 5 days of that, I will have a debt paid off.
Because that is my chosen compensation.
Yes, you get to choose your rewards when you serve the Spirit.

try it... you might like it.


So I had another weird ass dream.
This lady got mad and mutated, kinda like a werewolf...
but still a person and the angrier she got the more hair she would grow. She looked like an ogre with lots of chest, arm, back, man hair.
Me and a group of others needed to stop her... she was after one of the guys
in our group. His name was Tristan, and he was wearing a blue tux??. Anyway, she was mad and chased us and part of the group when one way and ran off, me and the others when the other way
but she was chasing dude, and then cornered him and I threw some of those frozen ice packs that you store in your freezer for lunch boxes at her head. One hit her and then she came after me.
Luckily I could run really fast and was outrunning her and was yelling at Tristan to do something while I had her attention. Well, anyway, she chased me, I don't know what happened to the other group members at this point, but I was hiding behind some tall grass where she couldn't see me...
but it was getting dark and there was a snort behind me and there was a warthog that spotted me... and he started to run at me.
a fucking warthog...
I woke up.

so yeah, I didn't get pummeled by a hairy ogre werewolf lady at least


 it's sad that this blog doesn't have gif options in the toolbar :(
gifs are great when you can find the right one for a given sentiment


Sewing patterns...
whoever made these and wrote the instructions needs to be deleted from the universe
the absolutely most inane structure of assembly ever.
Wasteful on fabric, wasteful on time, wasteful on simplicity
I get 0% entertainment from them and they are by far the worst things on earth
worse than warthogs and ogres and even aliens and eating live chicken
...even writer's block... whatever that is, I hear it sucks. *shrugs

I'm going to go fight with this santa coat and 'fix' it my way.
Then I'm going to call council and move the universe
and then write a screenplay
I'll probably have to put the birds to bed somewhere in there too.
I might have some ice cream too
and I will refrain from posting any more funny passive-aggressive comments on the news' channel's facebook posts only to rile up the commoners (and get a bunch of likes and laughs)... for the rest of the day... :D   (my latest pastime to practice my social skills, LOL!)

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