Thursday, April 11, 2019

Surrender to the light

Day 93 of 100 of WTFIW....F

that leaves me with finishing out 1 more week
1 more week of What Ever The Fuck I Want....Feel
which is perfectly fine,
I'm kinda over starting all my blog posts with it, haha.
and even more so is that I've been shifted past this.
not in a linear sense...from here to there... or further along... no
but into something else.
something different
which is into surrender.
etymology speaking....
this means to --turn over, give back...
-- like flipping your grilled cheese sandwich over...
so both sides can get grilled...
and you're not left with a soft side that sticks in your teeth
... and a crunchy savory side..
the whole thing gets to be savory
-- like tanning in the sun... and then flipping over
ya know... giving back ;)

returning only meant to move more in the focus of Source
returning... giving back... to Source
and turning over... to Source

 that's where this world drifts.
what it all means or where it all leads is up to Source
perhaps what is found will be shared

hmmm.... I just had an epiphany.
with that grilled cheese analogy...

the divided mind sees both this and that, good and bad, cooked and uncooked
... both is okay...
but ...
it wouldn't be a grilled cheese sandwich without completeness
that's us.
that's us
we are Source... and only the mind wants to divvy shit up into categories
but surrendering to the complete-ness of everything....
will take you to Source

in simple terms.... stop thinking, it gets in the way
but much more complicated than that if you try to understand. ;)

So, the bird room side of the bathroom door is done except for a possible paint job

handle made it in YAY! now it's a 'complete' door, haha
tomorrow paneling goes up and electrical gets done
   (yes, I am an electrician too...when I need to be)
oh...and there now a beautiful cut in the linoleum that I was not intending to replace.
   (it was my fault. Completely.)
found out the table in the bird room has a broken leg...
  (luckily it did not give out while I was standing on it)
butter substitutes for baking are not kosher.
  (really, you should just go to the store. Honor your fucking cookies.)
speaking of... honor everything. Give it dignity and triumph.
  (you just need a little umph after the try)


Soul still dances. She's wearing the sunglasses with the built on visors.
She looks like she's from the 80's
but isn't she?
I love her hair... when will my hair be like hers?
Music plays loudly, but there's no source as much as it surrounds the room
It's dark, but colored lights spin and cast a rainbow on the walls, on the floor
the ceiling glitters like there was an actual disco ball in the room
but that's what Soul is...
Soul reflects all the light and casts it about the dark...
like wildness
like fire
like chaos

no one knows about her and her dance
no one can hear the music
but I do
I do.

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