Tunnel vision.
but not seeing
and there are many things that pass through the tunnel
many feelings
the tunnel is you
and at each end of the tunnel is the points of entry and exit and back...
yes, it's a two way tunnel.
One end is here on this physical plane.
this world. this life. these people....
the other end points out to the universal source
and where it points is....
up to you.
the universe.... it's rather big...
perhaps directing your tunnel from good energy to this plane would be better than
the less good energy to this plane... and vice versa
perhaps allowing joy and abundance and all those happy feelings to pass
might be better serving you than letting judgement, anger, or worry travel through.
You don't have to give them access to your tunnel, yo.
You do not have to honor their tickets...
yes, you can make your tunnel a toll road if you want.
but I advise to monitor all the gates...
I discovered something
something I totally already knew... but maybe did not utilize it
at least not in the sense of 'very often'.
now I know better...
so I will do better.
you know...
doing it "MY WAY"
like the song
but with drums and Imagine Dragons playing it.
page 28 of screenplay....
I can truthfully say that I have no clue what's going to happen!
I only have a vague sense of maybe something that might work...
but it's so vague that I'm not sure it will end up that way.
...at all.
Writing is like watching a tv show...
and the next episode is tonight...
and one can try to guess what might happen, but sometimes you're way wrong
yeah, like that.
like my bad guy is like Thanos...
but played by Ron Perlman and not purple.
and there are no magic stones.
(and unfortunately no Loki either :( ... )
my MC is like... ??? a mix between Princess Mononoke and Nausicaa? idk
she keeps falling out of character and it's driving me crazy having to go back to edit her dialogue
Not quite ripe yet... I don't want her character growth to be so much up front...
but I don't want her before version to be such a wuss.
She'll figure it out. Give her a break, she's only 12... she doesn't know who she is yet.
Got to go! the next episode is coming on!
and I'm conflicted after watching Avengers Endgame.
I'm only in it for 4 characters... but still..
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