You don't need to direct the lower positions and order them just so...
you don't need to fix something beyond your self...
all it takes is being present in your fullness...
and all those outer things fall into place...
because they have to
I dare you to only do the energy work.
and see how all the little ducklings get in a row, all on their own.
only do you
your attention
your focus
be selfish AF and become master of your domain
and watch the world revolve around you
just as it should
that's probably a bit egocentric
but we can blame the sun
it is hot after all
Big things have happened in aether lands.
Shiva did a very nice clearing and as a result
we found her in the back....
and we had a chat
and we made some vows
and we took her hand and now she's one of us
one of us
perhaps we are more powerful now
even if we haven't found that clarity yet
perhaps she will lead us,
she is closer to Soul than we are
and Soul seems to be doting on her like a big sister
someone's bound to become her favorite...
and we all lost apparently...
even though Ego directly pointed her out first
The Alchemist helped.
so what is that clarity we speak of?
and why are we using questions?
questions are not the solutions nor are they the answers
so we'll need to just drop them here and move on
Disregard the fact that I'm jumping from topic to topic without any cues
as to which topics they are... it's one of those weeks apparently
Finishing up stuff, starting other stuff, in the midst of yet more other stuff
and reminding myself of all the other stuff beyond that
and maybe there's too much in the way
to see clearly, that is
books have already been revised, yet unrepublished
stairwell has been painted
steps in progress
no sewing work, no art, no writing on the agenda
except blogs...
no facebook commenting, for the win!
no plans as the world throws another hissy fit
I still remain in the 'not giving a fuck' lane
and I'm honored to maintain that vibe
and proud that I've held solid to that alignment
...I would like to thank the Alchemist for that too
energy powerups are on queue....
stay tuned
whether that means we will have a plan or aim or direction....
is yet to be determined
we'll see.

Body... is happier. Is ready to do something productive.... I'm trying to talk her out of it.
Mind... is still somewhere else. Don't know.
Ego... is doing well and is kinda happy herself.... she's still gloating about finding the little one.
Brain... wants something to analyze and plan and outline and figure out....
but there's nothing for her to work on yet. Sorry Brain.
Soul is hanging out with the kid. Doting.... she already got an outing and food today... probably anything she wants if Soul stays in charge.
We do not have a current plan other than a few random tasks that are not so important.
Trying to not get all gung ho about shit
we want solid
we want assured
we want passion
nothing less will do
The microwaves of time bend in the light and project mysteries upon the veil of the world.
You think we are here today, but in truth we are all moments focused through a lens of the now.
Choose what you see and the world will bend to reveal the light of your desires.
I'm not even a little bit joking.
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