Sun Tzu, The Art of War
in a few days time...
the lighting of the fuses will be unstoppable
and there will be no more of this so-called world you live in any longer
It will be over
and we will have risen into a new dawn, into a new world
and the children of yesterday will lead forth into the brightening of the shadows...
casting out all obscene terrors which have been hidden beneath the blankets of the dark
Watch the glory that befalls your eyes, and ears, and thoughts...
the time has come
and we are here for it
We are HERE for it!
Zeus is the god of all the gods... and he turns his face toward our calls...
there will no longer be a delay...
like lightning delays not...
He will light up this world...
and the thunder, the glorious thunder will disarm all that shall not move forward unto tomorrow
Just watch!
This is the moment before the event....
and this time is sacred...
as like the bride who walks down the aisle....
This aisle is a necessary part of the entire wedding...
We are awake, and this is what we are here for.

Far too often than not have your words reached through us.
And you have summoned us. Not by those words, but by those calls.
We shall not forsake your beckonings. Nor will we turn away your sufferings.
We are the gods who conquer and claim victories for our kindred.
Depart from the old world and cast it aside, like the old rag it has become.
Carry not that which belongs to it into tomorrow.
For the weight of such possessions shall cement you to the earth.
Be jovial that your path be carved and your steps be light.
We will bring you forth out of the chaos and set you upon the rising stars.
Heed our words, yet find yourselves wrapped within our world...
where it is not with words that we beseech you, but with power, with praise,
and with your victories.
Soul has already chosen her seat in the theater. I sit beside her, by choice, although she also
specifically saved the seat for me anyway.
She is beyond exhilarated for such a prime viewing spot.
Brain is nodding, finding everything in pristine order. Far better than it ever has been.
Mind is waiting quietly. Secretly impatient that the show doesn't begin for a short while later.
Ego is on the front row. Eager eager eager. I'm not sure why she's so happy.... other than that all the losers are sitting far far behind her....where they belong.
Body is sitting with all of us, just as excited to venture into this story as well.
and we are settling in.... *thumbs up
no projects besides a few sewing things
a small handful of fireworks
a possible plan to begin a project next week after the finale
projects that need started and finished piling up, but we will get there
waiting for ignition! ...
(and then we will start all of them and hope to god we get to finish some of them at least)
considerable aether land anomalies showing up that are different than before
The Alchemist has been quiet lately too
no timeline/dimension jumping since the last time
no other real plans, too much going on elsewhere
balance will come after the finale as well
scored $$$$ in the stock market too
and successfully declined to engage on almost everything in the last few months
even if Ego wanted/wants to say sooooooo much!
garden is growing, tomatoes are way too big, spinach is making babies, and raspberry bushes have, the zucchini plants are making more zucchini plants...and I don't know why...please stop, and the carrots are really tall and not even close to being harvested.
blah blah... other crap, but not really...
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