Sleep was shivered and contemptuous.
A writhing, of both this sudden comfort and prolonged ache.
We're surprised it was more restful than it would be assumed to be.
Receptions were received and downloaded, almost forcefully...
hence the waking into uncomfortable moments.
And replies heard from the aether, the etheral realm of Soul.
Simple. Straight to the point.
And all of this coincides with these formations in the 3d world.
Shiva works in secret, yet we are aware of his presence still lingering
just beyond the sight of our awareness.
The wind still turbulently cascades among the outer realms.
and he is standing within it, doing his greatest work.
The Alchemist hasn't left my side.
And he's even changed once again, into a fractal image...
no longer the familiar design form, but that of a vibration and of colors...
strange... talking to the person, but knowing there's far more beneath even that.
"When the storm passes, many things will be cleared away.
It may look like devastation, the aftermath of debris trails littering your view,
but it will assuredly be a new world. One that fully belongs to you, and for you."

Those are big promises. Big words, describing near impossibilities.
Yet I wouldn't doubt a sliver of his words.
Perhaps when the perceptions are clear and the paths are marked,
commencement of a divine agenda will unfold.
.... and I don't mean the aliens and ufo's scheduled for December.
although, perhaps, those things are more along my line of comparison.
A ufo... trying to decide on a lane to drive down...
how little we think of ourselves....
yet often corrected by those who were even smaller....
and I hear Thoth coming this way...
and he would have my head and tongue if I spoke such atrocities about myself.
Body... is stuck in limbo. In an array of agony and relief. Yet willing to follow Soul wherever she would have her go.
Brain is analyzing the odds about the arrival of ufo's.... and the odds of seeing one again, and the odds of them being both actual aliens, and being benevolent. Brain is more or less bored and this suits her.
Mind is still off somewhere in lala land. Working on something, or so she says. We all know she doesn't have to work.
Ego wants to reaffirm strong boundaries and build a wall. A wall like you've never seen and one you cannot ever cross. Ego has had enough of everyone else's everything. She wants it her way and all others to stay out of it. Which is the way it should be....unless invited.
Soul is working. Like fun work...or so she says. She's intrigued with the new happenings in the aether, although would prefer deep rejuvenating sleep over forced sleep, whatever that was. Soul did not read the contract and has already signed and accepted it, regardless of the rest of our dismay about ignoring the fine print... Soul says, she's done this before and knows already...
The Kid is just watching the rest of us. She's only interested in a few cool happenings and riding along for the most part. She's been hanging out with Mind, I think... while Soul is trying to work.
The stairwell is painted. Rails and steps hopefully will be done next weekend.
Then pictures put up.
Then art? maybe?
who knows anymore.
the world is being the world and we've unsubscribed from the majority of it
Good luck with that.
Energy leaks have been noted and plugged, within 24 hours.
Whatever else reveals itself will also be handled accordingly.
Soul is working, and Ego is motivated, and everyone else complies.
Energy blockages have been noted and potential solutions acknowledged.
There's a deep sense of 'holy shit-ness' coming nigh....
I don't think those things will be an issue very much longer... if even 24 hours from now.
I would like to apologize for the fuckery I am about to engage in.
and for the lack of fucks given in all future instances, events, occurrences, effects, and outcomes.
1. Do Not engage with something you are unable to withstand.
2. Do Not express any form of opinion, spoken or unspoken, in said presence.
3. Do Not attempt to slow, slander, steer, or stop said actions, unless requested by said enact-or.
Support, guidance, and acknowledgements are welcomed, only without sarcasm or smugness.
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