There's these fluctuations. Where the momentum propels you forward...
even without knowing what you are doing...or why...
and moments of being completely okay with propelling ourselves off this train.
Both are good... and both are acceptable. and both are allowed...
and both are the right answer.
so... *sigh...
here we are.
We've arranged with some perfect insights that the parts we don't want to do
don't have to be tended to.
And the parts we enjoy, are all that's necessary.
Simple as it is, it's still relevant and precise at maintaining alignment.
We've discovered that nothing outside of us...
even if in some views it could be beneficial... is also not needed...
and this declares with divine authority that we are everything we need.
We are everything we need.
And we know this when we allow ourselves to fall from the train.
From ourselves and all the thoughts in our mind.
And we know this by letting the train do the work...
and we just enjoy the ride.
I may be on the bar car with the Alchemist too...
and while he's merely just watching the train wreck in my thoughts...
he's enjoying the process of whatever all of this supposed to be...
something I am not privy to.
but I guess we're still on track.... :P
I had a dream last night and I remember rushing to wake up my hubs (in the dream)...
and I woke him up in a rush to tell him a piece of a random conspiracy theory...
that this might be a possibility...and that just so he knows... I called it.
and now...I can't remember what it was...
but certainly my subconscious was onto something... I remember her fervor and excitement...
I asked the hubs if he remembered what I told him in my dream...
he said no... :(
well...I DID call it... and maybe I'll remember it later...
Let's remind you how Tangled ended.
With Rapunzel reunited with her family. Her birthright reclaimed.
Flynn Rider by her side.
Yeah, she also went natural, had a thing for the sun, and never ever lost sight of the magic.
The kingdom regained their heritage and heiress.
The witch fell from the tower and into dust.
And in the end, all the healing came from within.
It was the witch that led Rapunzel down the path to fear, when she locked her up in the tower.
Down the path of fear, when she said that love wasn't real.
The path of fear, when the truth was covered by lie, after lie, after lie.
And who is the witch in your story?
What lies are they telling you?
Who are you REALLY?
Who and what do YOU love?
Rapunzel had to fight her captor.
Even claiming, "I won't stop. For every minute of the rest of my life, I will fight."
Because once she realized and she saw the light... and she really knew...
that we do not have to be a part of some social construct... a constructed tower... where we are placed on bottom....or anywhere...
We do not have to live in fear. or choose it... or even listen to a shred of it.
That we are free, we have everything we need, we have all the support, all the abundance, all the love, all the healing, all the knowledge and wisdom available to us all the time... and that we get to choose those things....every minute for the rest of our lives...
And our kingdoms...and our thrones...and...and... fight....
I want to see you in your glory...beautiful humans...
I like that movie.
doing a puzzle later!
and having pizza
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