I spent much of the day(s) waiting for a moment of clarity...
mostly on how to write a post on FB or here on this blog...
that didn't sound bluntly rude...or too critical.
I think we all understand though.
There's nothing that says 'nice' about anything that drifts from my thoughts.
Fuck nice.
And seriously though... can we just say fuck it to the whole 'pretending to be' thing too.
One of my sorta recent new fb friends wrote something the other day...
"Make art that cuts through all of the pretending."
Even if we know some parts of the world and people are pretend...
it is beyond obvious
Everyone is a pretender.
Some of us step out of it from time to time...
only to appear insane, because we don't conform.
Some of us are bluntly rude and critical too.
Some of us, try to write words that mean what we want to portray....
but can't possibly write a disclaimer for every sentence,
knowing that something in it will get misconstrued or taken personally.
So we can decide not to write... not to make art...
Or we can decide to do it anyway.
And also choose not to explain....
because only pretenders need to explain so their facade won't be uncovered.
Art project(s) planned.... need to find some reference photos for one of them
and something to tie in the others...
Some cool ideas floating around
The train is at a pit stop...
I still don't know what's going on.
I find it rather strange I HAVE to go to tik tok to get the 'not as fake' news.
All this pretending...
Something I DO already have... a Guy Fawkes mask <3
I have a sudden urge to wear pirate clothes too.... but alas...
I do not own a whole outfit of such ... yet
fyi - WW84 sucked.
I mean, I like the idea of wonder woman and all, and Gal does her role just fine...
DC writers are completely awful...
and if it wasn't so sexist and overdone on the 80's cliche shit...
and maybe there was an actual story line and plot... a believable one anyway...
it could have been something worthwhile...
even Chris Pine was some random side character with no real supportive role...
it's a strong pass.
Body is doing well. She's eager about something that Mind and Brain and Ego mentioned for some reason that makes no sense whatsoever..... Soul says she gets to try it out anyways... cause we love her.
Mind is stretching and trying to reach new aetherlands and such... we haven't told her that it's not her job, but she's still having fun with her efforting.
Brain is all good and just wants to research images for the art project.... and is slightly dismayed we will have to 'people' on Tuesday.
Ego is doing well and is beyond grateful that we stick up for her like a BOSS and don't throw her under the rug like the rest of the world does to their egos. She says they are all fucked up and we can hang out forever and have some 'real' fun.
The Kid is wanting to paint the art project. 'Cause it's gonna have stars on it.' she says. And she's aware it's also something way beyond that.... but she's giggles and says 'and they're gonna like it too.'
She said that with a gleam of suspicion and ... intimidation.......
and maybe she's been talking to Ego too long...
The Alchemist. O_O oh fuck...
The Overseer is sitting with us, kinda just joined into our little group here. She's just starting to feel comfortable around us hooligans. She hasn't said anything or tried to direct us toward anything in particular. She feels a part of us, so that's a good thing. Soul is making sure she feels welcomed.
Soul is smiling, which easily implies that she is planning something outrageous and insane. She won't tell me yet, but she knows that I know that she is up to something. yay.
"When do pirates dress up?"
The Alchemist asks... beckoning me to answer it, whilst he intervenes abruptly after.
"Or how long do the rebels decide to where their masks?"
He glances my without turning his head.
"Since when do the patriots hide among the victims?"
is there even a correct answer to these questions?... my thoughts slingshot sideways.
Pirates never dress up. They are who they are. And who they are is true.
Rebels don't pretend and play along like good little sheep.
Patriots are not victims....nor do they hide.
The Alchemist turns to me, walking my way, even if it was a whole two steps.
He leans close.
"And Artists? Writers? Do they wait for the art, or the words? Or do they create them?"
He doesn't smile, but his eyes know his words smothered the shit vibration I had.
He steps past me, satisfied.
I turn to follow his path. The Kid races over to him and grips his hand, probably far too roughly, but she's happy. He doesn't respond, other than letting her yank on his wrist.
"Where are you going?" I ask as the Kid pulls him away to another train car.
He doesn't answer. The Kid giggles and rushes away with him, also avoiding the entire question.
I quickly veer around to Soul.
She widens her eyes and smiles. Colors. ...
they are painting... of course...but I know the kid only has the walls of the train right now...
soo... I look deeper.
"Not the inside..." Ego sings out quietly from the side.
something about this train. grafitti. art. words.
grafitti etymology means 'to write'
and ...all the things... too much to write here.
I can't even go through this entire train etymology story and the things the Alchemist says...
like damn boi... knowing is one thing...
living it...
is something else entirely.
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