Saturday, December 12, 2020

Just stuff that's happening...

 The Universe is on the ball.
Or the Alchemist....
either way, ask and you shall receive just got thrown my way before I was prepared to catch anything. feels like I got smacked in the face.
THIS is instant (or not even a whole day) manifestation...

and this is what happens when you tell colors how pretty they are...
not even joking.
I'm not feeling prepared to handle the onslaught of this new toolkit...
but from the way the Alchemist is glaring at me...
the illusion of a choice is not at all going to be a reality.


The Alchemist, turns and walks away, with only a slight nod.
Barely enough for me to know that he expects me to follow through...
because after all... I implied that I needed this 'thing'.
and he dropped it in my lap

so...   yeah....


Nellis AFB... Hoover Dam...Chinese

just so I can say...that you saw it here first!

and btw... the hoover dam (being broken) is on the money. The US $50 bill.
The old one shows the dam whole... the new ones show it broken with water
in case you didn't know, the twin towers, the federal building are also on the money and it was printed before the actual events.
the tsunami and the underwater missile is still tbd
but I called that for New York harbor a few years ago from an underwater submarine.
there's still time


two days later... cause I'm a boss at doing what I want...

So he's letting me write my own course on the course I need.
because he said it works the same way...
but I have to still 'DO' it...
... I wish this blog let me post gifs... cause I have a few.

I'm also floundering about getting way ahead of myself...
and I luckily caught it...mostly before it got out of hand and threw my energy for a tailspin.
So....yay for awareness.

and I totally remembered that I have the backdoor keys and don't have to go through the front gates where all the people are...
so whew!  *wipes forehead and breathes


so Christmas is finished... and now we wait for it to get over with..
Still have an art piece to paint... I'll do it tomorrow.

I'm missing the use of my pool too

Otherwise... things...

I really like my boots I bought too.

Feeling rushed now... so Imma go and do the bird sitting thing...
and then relaxing thing

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