Friday, July 29, 2011

... and I keep bleeding...keep bleeding love.

....but I don't care what they say, I'm in love with you.
They try to pull me away, but they don't know the truth.
My hearts crippled by the vein that I keep on closing.
You cut me open and I.....

So what is up with this week....besides it being an utter mess!!
Friday I pulled a muscle...saving a momma spider and her eggs (or more like moving it from inside to outside) That was no fun.
Monday I fell on my arse playing some roller derby. I am still recuperating from that thank you. But I can move now.
I worked everyday this week like there was no tomorrow, because there wasn't. So damn tired. Luckily I have that order completed......but knowing there is another huge box of orders sitting right over there laughing at me.
My own design line launches Monday.....I still have a few tops to finish (which I will totally get to on Sunday night)
I have a photoshoot I need to go on to get my 3 photos for the camera club I joined. Hoping tomorrow I will get to do that

On a good note, we managed to get all the school work done this week. Fascinating! Considering how unorganized this week has went. TGIF! Tomorrow is a fun field trip day :) and we will be using up those train tickets I won!! Whoo hoo!!

So, since I've been working I haven't had time to educate you...but I will make up the lost time with one of my lovely stories....

Once upon a time there were a group of students visiting their teacher. The teacher offered them something to drink and had them go over to a table that was set up with cups and mugs and glasses of every shape and size, each one was different from the others. They each grabbed one to their liking.
The teacher poured them their favorite beverage into the cup they chose.
He said "Each cup represents yourselves. And the liquid represents the spirit of God. Even though each cup is different in shape, the liquid will form to that vessel in order for you to know it. What one sees in one way will be different from the others, just like the liquid will form differently in each cup. This is the wisdom of truth."
One of his students asked "But what if the cup is empty?"
The teacher replied "Even though cups may be empty, because they refuse to have God enter them, does not make them so. There are those who cover their cups and let them remain empty, but alas, their efforts will fail, for when God wills he can place that cup in the heat, and water will form within the void. There is no escaping it."
"But" he added, "no matter the shape or form or fullness of your vessel, or whether there is something in it, what is important is that God made that cup."

Well, that wasn't so bad....kinda lame, but not bad.

Let's see...maybe I can find you something cool to look up if you are feeling insightful and open-minded....(ugh, this would be so much easier if I had the links on my old hard drive! I had bunches of cool stuff)
Okay, try this one, this is the Tao Te Ching CLICK HERE if you are unfamiliar or a wuss, the Tao is ancient Eastern scriptures, some of it is cool, some of it kinda sucks, but reading through the sucky parts, makes the totally awesome parts worth the read.

How about this one too....
The Holy Book of Destiny... though I cannot find a good link to it, besides this one HERE a pdf download, it is free.... I have not read it all, but I like this verse...
"And when they seek
to oppress you

And when they try
to destroy you,

Rise and Rise again
and again

Like The Phoenix
from the ashes

Until the Lambs
have become Lions

and the Rule of Darkness
is no more "

Maitreya The Friend of All Souls

The Holy Book of Destiny

and a rant for the day, because I am sure you miss it and are in withdrawal....
I can do everything...yes, I can do it all and can undeniably prove to you that I am awesome.....BUT, deep inside, I am screaming, I can't do it all!!!
Seriously. It is possible to accomplish it all, all by myself, but it hurts. It hurts that sometimes it is only me that can do it. I hate it. I don;t want to do it all. I shouldn't have to do it all. There are more than enough people in the world to support each other in a great and fulfilling way. Unfortunately I only know a few who are willing to do such. And even more unfortunate is that I really could use some more help and there is no one around. I could slave drive the kids, but I'm too nice for that. They do their chores and school and clean up after themselves, really isn't that totally cool enough. They even help when I ask them to (because if they don;t I will tell them to, lol.) But overall I let them be kids and anyway they aren't quite old/tall/strong enough to do some things I need done. And hubby does what's only mandatory, because he works a real job (not that I don't also have a real job too!) He's harder to persuade to get to work than the kids, but 'eventually' he may think about possibly maybe getting partially closer to kinda being doneish.'s a 'I won;t do it all' thing with me starting a few hours ago. I can, I don't want to, some things I do want to, but right now I won't. So any previous arrangements I made are null and void, because I am the boss. And well, we can blame it on the boss and get over it or learn to deal with it.
All hell will break loose next week.....and I will certainly keep refreshing my ranting blog with more crap I am frustrated about and some more education for you curious readers.... lol, I put 'curious readers' you have no idea how nice I am being. But then again, I think it's cute and now I am deliberately making you rethink your thoughts..... now tell me, does adding that extra insight make you think bad thoughts? Why does everyone assume the worst in people, when maybe we are just screwing with your mind only to make you realize at the end of your days it is your own judgements that have kept you in your box.
Okay, well, you probably do not understand what I just wrote, but I will leave it for the ones who will get a hint of enlightenment from it.....Do you like it when I say 'enlightenment' like its some Zen or Buddhist phrase? It's not (well, maybe it is), so please go educate yourself further, try, they have a really great search engine. If you use swagbucks, search google, then on google search to your hearts content....assuming it will ever be content.

Did you know that if you actually take the time to research into other 'isms, they are not so far apart as you perceive. I find it sad that many consider every other one bad. I have truly found that it is not the basic theologies that make it bad, it is what people turn them into. What's bad is the weapons that guard each one of their cages, not only to keep others out, but to keep themselves in.

Reminds me of Yin Yang..push and pull, twee and la. too bad many are one or the other but not part of both... accept them all or deny them all.... ugh... too much other stuff in the way of what really matters.
What matters is for you to figure out.

"Whatever it is that divides the world between you." ~ JC

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