Thursday, July 21, 2011

Little soldier boy, come marching home....

Leaves from the vine....falling so slow.

Like fragile, tiny shells, drifting in the foam.

Today is a beautiful day, just like yesterday and the day before, and they day before that, and even tomorrow. Maybe you just need to see it as such....
Let me tell you a story...
Once there were some monks who went to town and bought some seeds of those most beautiful flowers they could find. They took them back home and planted them in a garden they had prepared just for these special flowers. They made sure to provide fresh water and enough sunlight for their seeds. It was going to be the most beautiful garden in the world. Every few days a new flowers would bloom one after the other.
One day a visitor had came by and saw the garden and noticed how flowering weeds were growing amidst the planted flowers. He asked, "why haven't you removed the weeds from this garden"?
The monks responded. "because we never saw them".

Let me tell you another story....
There once was an old tree that had rotted and died. It stood in the middle of a great field. It's bark had turned white from exposure and many of it's once great limbs had been broken of from the savage winds.
"Why don't you cut that tree down?" asked the young boy to his father. "It is ugly and old, and dead."
The father took his son by the hand and walked with him out to the old rotten tree. As they approached a few birds flew from a hole in the side. A squirrel scampered out from a deep crevice at the bottom. Holes adorned the outside of it from woodpeckers.
"Look at this old tree." His father began. "Even though it's life has ended, it still provides life within itself. The birds and squirrel have a safe home. The bugs eat the dead wood for survival. Woodpeckers come to feed on those bugs. And life continues. There is beauty in life, there is beauty in death. It's accepting that truth that is hard."
The boy smiled. "So this tree is like Jesus. He lived for a great time. He gave life and even when he had to leave he still gives life. And look." the boy said pointing to the sapling growing from the ground. "Even now, He's still with us to become great once more."
"But it's not just the tree that will be great." His father added. "It's us."

yeah, I told you I suck at short stories....I'm a novel writer and only occasionally have made a few sappy children's books. But anyway, I smile. Because if you have ever read my journal you know that things are bound to get even better. So bear with me. It's not dark enough outside yet.

On another note....because people seem to be tempted to cause drama. If anyone decides they want to bash my friends over some nit-picking crap you are uneducated about I will slap you upside the head to knock some sense into you. Go read a book about Zen and learn something useful for once. Be happy and give of yourself. Because if you were 'educated' you would already very well know that we are all God's children. He made us kings, not slaves. We are meant to reign, but also to humbly be a servant of our people. When you give of yourself, you are giving the gifts of God.
Oh, and go watch V for Vendetta. Learn to love God and his people, not just the ones that match your opinions and follow all the rules you think you know all about.

"It is I that has made you the way you are.
Don't ever think it is wrong.
It is your path.
It is your truth.
It is what My Love has brought you.
'You' are My Glory." ~ Jesus

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