Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's time to feel the rush.....

There ain't no reason me and you should be alone.....

tonight yeah baby, tonight yeah baby.....

Where we both can fall further in love.....

You know what I fear?

I fear that Lady Gaga has gone slightly too Christian music sounding with this song "Edge of Glory"....

I like the beat though, so maybe it's just the fact she repeats the same chorus line way too much.... but then again, she has that song called "Judas" too....and well, I just wonder about her sometimes....makes me think back about the band Creed.
Love their old stuff, but that last album of theirs was literal crap.
Then again....I find it impossible to ever really judge anything or anyone, simply for the fact that what they/it may be today will not be what it will be tomorrow...and things slowly alter themselves eventually....or maybe we just alter ourselves and how we perceive things.

Everything can teach us, even things we despise.

So today....I found something.
You know, that thing known as resistance. Resistance. The thing that comes that tries to fight against your work. That thing that arises just after you have a great idea or starting a new adventure. That something that shows it's face and sends ideas about how it would fail, or how it is not for you, or how it cannot be done.....yes, that thing.
It tries rather hard, and sometimes prevails....but I'm going to slaughter it. It will fall frailly unto the stones, it's flesh torn and electric red stains of red will gush forth from it's wounds. It will bleed before me. It's life force, however immortal it may be, will flee from the face of Him who resides within me. Peals of horrific screaming will echo from it's trembling lips, it's eyes will turn away in terror and vanish before my eyes, running as if it had been set on fire....but lo' it will be consumed by the flames....and it will remember our encounter and will shiver in disdain when it hears our name. It will never return.

Whoo, I oughta write more, lol.....or better yet, go work on book 2 of 'Angel of MidKnight'...yeah...good times.

Soooooo......what to rant about today....beside that resistance we were speaking of.....how about something else I recently encountered....
Remember that thing I told you about giving great sacrifices for others that would really never matter to them...maybe it has more to do with sacrificing for the glory of love. Cause really now, that's all that will eventually matter.
And anyway God is Love. I read that somewhere ;)
So....no matter how utterly worthless it would be for you to do something above and beyond for anyone...please continue to do it. Do it no matter what...do it no matter how much the Resistance fights you. Do it for Love. Do not do it for the person, but for the one who lives in them. Even if they may be blind or stupid, or retarded, or just an idiot. Do it.....fight unto the ends of the earth.
I will help you, I've got nothing better to do anyway but write ranting blogs, sew some stuff, write more weird crap on deviant art, write, paint, draw, teach, read, mow the yard, cook dinner, dishes, laundry, feed the animals, tend to a quite handsome man, collect swagbucks, shop online, prepare and coordinate multiple time warp systems, make and remake to do lists, build stuff, watch movies, research crap, watch youtube videos, listen to music, read my group posts, mess around on facebook, and sleep, poo, pee, shower, shave, contemplate a vast amount of things, pray, mentally work on books 2 through 4 (book 3 will be outstanding though!!!) and do the other thousands of multiple things that I may or may not get to today.......but they will all be done. And resistance will be devoured.

I need to go upload pics from my camera onto the computer and edit them and post on facebook....hopefully my dumb Kodak camera got some decent shots.
FYI....never buy a Kodak...it has it's moments alright.
ta ta fa now! Love you all

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