remember of my art projects I did on a whim...
well....lately I have been calling it my future desk...and why you ask?
Because it reveals the future!!! Yeah!
Now, I already reported about the apple incident on some other post...the one with the raining apples (which I included the news report link to it!) Yeah freaky...I painted it first ya know.
Second...notice the sun...see those solar flares coming off of it like all crazy and stuff....notice those sun spots?... I literately had to go look to see if I even put something like 'sun' 'spots' on it when I started hearing more and more about the solar flares and sun spots in the past week...weird right?
So anyway...this brings me to the huge waves...tsunami anyone...maybe here soon...the crazies I watch on youtube said nothing is expected until March, lol. Not that anything cool ever happens, but ya know, I just thought I'd post it.
The star...the star swinging from the'm not exactly sure, but possibly this could represent me... I'm all weird like that....with the bright light, but I burn....
Now...the dragon....this is where it gets weirder, as you really can't tell what it all may mean before something happens....but....get this...
There was no deliberate intention to paint this dragon the colors I did.... and I do not relate all dragons to be evil either...
So....see the colors, blue and gold... these are the colors of royalty... I'm liking this to Jesus, as I have see Him wearing blue and gold before, so this is where it just seems strange.....and it's in the clouds... 'coming in the clouds'...that there's rapture talk....not that I really think of it the same way most people do....if at all.
This also goes weirder when you realize that this is the year of the dragon according to China.....dang, it is a chinese style dragon too...ain't it...WEIRD!!!
Not sure if this has anything to do with the rumor about China invading America from Mexico...but I thought it was a weird coincidence.....and that they are shipping tanks south as well....whatever...not my forte.
The bee....I am at a loss, I don't have a clue yet...and it's carrying an apple....? WTF? I don;t know, I painted it and I still don;t know, lol.
The clue, tree on a mountain....? I live on a mountain (a small one, but still...)
The eclipse, no clue either yet...except it looks like the letter C.... C stands for Christ, but let's not go there.
The girl and the idea...I rarely ever draw people uless they are being eaten or killed by something, so to have a real live happy girl in this pic is amazing enough...and the frog...ugh...I guess we will find that out later. I don;t even like frogs....but anyway...weird.
Oh...and see the wind...or the effects of the it goes one way with the water, but the other with the girl's hair? None, on the apples/rain... Like a whirlwind, blowing in all directions or something, idk....yes absent when the apples clue, but have at it. and keep your eyes and ears open.
I'll post more stupid crap when I think it up regarding this awesome desk. :)
In other is kinda sucking so far this morning....I'm just bored and really don;t want to do anything that I need to do.
Guess I need to go and fight the resistance....not like anyone else will do dished or laundry or teach the kids....*sigh.
Can't wait for derby practice...I want to go skate!
well...I guess I should step away from the computer and fight the resistance now, because it is past noon....later....and no hugs today....unless you're bringing me a Nikon D7000 with lens...or one of my adopted family members over to visit.
I need a break...and NO, not like a broken bone (cause I almost broke my thumb last week at derby!) but a break, like open doors of opportunity and advancement.
If you are down, and feeling a little blue....take a look at a great oak...and see what a nut can do.