But I have the entire top and back panels of the Alice in Wonderland dress completed...haha, I love when things get done and look so cool....but yeah, I still have to do all the ten thousand applique designs on the front...fun fun, but if I stay on track I will have this thing finished today!..."if" I stay on track..
Had a dream last night...not too whacked besides that the dog brought home 2 little alien arms...whole arms...
And it was kinda gross, but somehow they got zapped with some device and the alien came back to life (from the arms)...then we had to run and hide from the alien ships...because we had the alien kid...gosh, I'm so sick of alien crap...please go away.
Oh, and the milk free cheese is kinda gross when compared to kraft...ugh. Tastes similar to the cheapest crap you can buy at the dollar store...at least on grilled cheese it does.
...today I feel like I'm expecting something...but no clue as to what. Sucks actually
And I want to paint something....but 'have' to finish work first, or at least part of it...ugh......and I KNOW I should just do what I want...and disregard the 'holy shit you better get this stuff done before Friday' list. ...but I find it rather difficult when no one is here to lift up the shades.....
Darkened skies....lingering smoke from the fires of despair. Smoldering coals that fill the land and sear the flesh. It takes me back...back to the memory that was more than a memory...but a lifetime.
Pillars standing tall above the crowd of the masses that screamed from the lands below. Musty brown and red air surrounded them. Like smoke, like darkness. The people screamed and yelled and amassed together....so many...as far as the eye could see.
There were few pillars with distant sould atop each one...those who were lifted up from the chaotic madness below.
Here I stood on top of one...It was rock and lifted high above the smog and ash.
He stood there before me and asked..."Look below you, what do you see?"
I looked down at the dusty ground and said..."Nothing...dirt, dust."
"Then what is below you, keep it below you.... And look above you."
I looked up to the scattering clouds above. God.
"What is above will always be there above you. And those beside you?"
I scanned my eyes across to the distant pillars who were at the same level as me...I couldn't see who they were, but someone stood atop each one.
"They are for you and with you." He said.
And Him, standing before me...always there. Moving like energy inside and outside and within and without...in the midst, even when I forget. Always forgetting, until I look upon these moments once again...once again, remembering His eyes...His face...time is nothing when you are brought back Home, and everything is remembered once again.
This world is not your life....life is eternal....
got something to share that I thought was funny...hang on... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWk7RUg3ZV4 ....
If you are fearless, share your thoughts...I'm getting rather bored talking to myself.