I brought him home on black Friday after rescuing from a crowd of look-a-like stuffed bears...he was calling out for help when he saw that I took notice of him. He found it strange that he was the only one who was alive...all the rest were just...not. I saved him.
He even got to come with me while we finished hunting down the not-so-good bargains and was one of the few items I bought. That made him happy since he was tired of not being seen or heard. He thought he was all alone in the world and that no one would see that he was something special. That he had something special.
So Joshua here now lives with us. He eventually made his way into the hands of a girl child...
and gets to sleep in her bed with her numerous other toys, some stuffed, some alive like him, as well as actual living creatures with claws. He likes it here, but is sometimes leery of the big-toothed creature with the wagging tail that looks at him funny.
So anyway...do you ever feel like you are stuck and suffocating in a pile of zombies too? Zombies...as in people who are not alive on the inside. I have before. They act all normal and seemingly real and alive...but you know deep down that they are just relaying the information that was pre-programmed into them when their child-spirit was hidden from them. Zombies...robots...droids...dead...whatever you want to call it, you know who they are.
Then there's the ones who are lingering inbetween being dead and alive (still zombies at it's finest). They learn and are somewhat open-minded to things, but they wouldn't shout out one word of their true self if their life depended on it....fear stricken.
The living people....so few...but they do exist. I like them the best even though the zombies hunt after them endlessly without them knowing it. They are susceptible of falls and turmoil, but eventually regain their footing.
Then there's another kind...I'm not quite sure what to call them other than 'enlightened'....spirits who are not hunted by zombies, because the zombies either love them or fear them. Those who you would sit and be with everyday if possible.... these are the rare breeds....and hard to find, even harder to even talk to if you come upon one. You can only recognize them by the aura that surrounds them...the feeling that you succumb to when they are near. I've only maybe met 4 or so in my life. One I kept around, but the others, no so much as talk to...except one....whom freaked me out to no end! I literately think he was an angel....super weird. I'll share...I guess...
So once upon a time, i lived across the street from the Hardee's restaurant on Morrison Springs Rd. in Red Bank. One afternoon, I went over there to get me a double-burger (double cheese burger without cheese) When I walked in, my attention immediately was caught by the two older ladies who were sitting in the back of the dining area near the windows.
No one else was in the place except the workers behind the counter. So I go in and after breaking away from the urge to look at these ladies I order my burger..take it to go sit (I sat facing away from them, cause they were freaking me out with that 'feeling'). The whole time I sat there I kept thinking they were trying to read my mind, haha. It was so weird!
Then to beat it all I went up to get a refill of my drink when one of them came up as well to the counter.
She asked me what my sign was...? I was like...um..Pisces.
She smiled and nodded, like she knew I was trying to block her with my mind when I thought they were trying to read it, lol.
I wish now that I had started up a conversation with her, but dang, I was freaked out....I'm telling you these people have a feeling about them or something. Of course back then, I hated everyone and was too shy to say much.
Another interesting meeting was when I worked at Walgreen's on Dayton Blvd. in Red Bank (great job, btw. until we got a pissy ass boss later on)...anyway, I was working in the cosmetics department (yeah, I know nothing about make-up except where it was on the shelf, lol) but I was on the floor attempting to fit 20 bottles of shampoo (or lotion?) on the bottom shelf where only 4 bottles would fit (I had to make it fit, that was my job!) So I was sitting on the floor....
This guy...with blondish hair, kinda muscular, really nice blue eyes (no, not cute or hot, just peaceful) had came up the aisle, squatted down to me and asked if we carried earrings.
I of course 'feel' this whacked out, strange, omg, feeling and smile and said 'sure do'...because we did.
So I push all the bottles near the shelf (so no one trips on them) stand up and walk him over to the jewelry counter where the earring twirly display thing supposed to have been...
Of course it's missing...in my head all I thought was 'who in the world is this guy?' 'this feels so weird', so while I'm searching frantically for the stupid earring twirly thing, i have all this 'stuff' running through my head about this weird guy...who's voice was like really calm and soft, and omg weird!
I never found the earring display thingy and tell him 'well, we used to carry earrings, but it seems to be missing...' or something along the lines...I'm all flushed and exasperated that I couldn't provide what he was needing...he just smiles and says something like thank you, I can't remember, cause I was already whacked at the time. But he just turns and leaves...so it was really normal and all, but omg, if I had to guess, he was an angel or something. I'm telling you, people don't have aura's like that everywhere you go....they just don;t.
I'm not gonna lie...hubby had one too and I was drawn to him...so I'm just glad he forced a hug from me all the time even though I was like super embarrassed.
...love him. :)
that was lame...sorry...I sometimes go back and erase the too lame stuff, but this barely makes the cut....so you get to suffer through a few of my piss poor teenager moments. suffering brings ...oh, umm...something or other...experience maybe...idk
I'm not very up to par today with life changing words...not that they ever are...
But hey, if you want something cool to think about....divulge upon this.... "Do whatever it is that divides the world between you."......
I was told this probably like 4 years ago...I just discovered really what it means.... I'm so slow sometimes.... glad I have a patient teacher.
....and while your heart sleeps, rest easy upon the flowing waters, the rustling of the sands, the simple songs that play upon the strings of time. There is nothing to find that I have not already given, nothing lost that was ever taken...only forgotten.
The way is not always upward or forwards, but inside, within to where the heart meets the soul and the spirit lies in the midst of the burning blazing son. the stars shine forth just as the light from within you calls out to those who are in the darkness. Walk upon the the road of the fearful, bend the hatred and fear into a distant rainbow, change the enemy into a shadow, a memory and reveal the hidden glow that was buried within its confounds.
Stand beside me, upon the shores. take my hand and taste the victory of joy. The savoring petals of life and of God. Speak of the winds and dance upon the divine kingdoms. Follow me, follow me....to the ends of the earth and across the ocean deep, beyond the stars and through the magic, through the pain, through the trials, and above the lands. Dance with me...in peace.
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