Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I see a bad moon rising....

Whacked out dream this morning...

I was in a small town along the coastline....not too close to the water, but about 500 yards or so, up closer to where they had small shops and buildings. I was sitting at a large table with a bunch of musicians....(older guys..ugly looking too.) anyway, they handed me the keyboard to play with them, although I don;t know how to play the keyboard except a few random songs....anyway...while I was messing with that trying to play (because in my dream many of the black keys were missing)
A lady said she was getting cold (this wasn't like Florida weather, but more northern, not sure which coast.) So she went to grab her jacket. When she came to sit back down by us she just tucked it under her chair like she didn't really need it.
Then everyone started commenting on the moon that was out over the ocean. (Weird because it wasn't night time at all!) It wasn't a full moon, but maybe 3/4, but everyone was saying how pretty it was...and I was thinking to myself that it wasn't so was just a regular moon (really, I have seen better)...
Anyway, all of a sudden the moon got brighter, much brighter and everyone stood up to see...something appeared to have been shot from it....and the moon kinda moved sideways as whatever it was was ejected from it....
We watched the trail of this object coming straight at us (which didn't take long at all!!!) I remember it passing above and I stated out loud... "At least it won;t hit the ocean so we don;t have a tsunami!" ...of course no one thought that was funny...then what appeared to be a rocket/missile type thing was headed for a plane and I was thinking it was going to blow up the plane, but it didn't, it suddenly took a nose dive down into town. (this thing was huge and kinda fat looking...white with a band of yellow around near its tail fin thingy's)
We watched it land maybe 100 or so yards from where we were all at the table, it basically made a super bright light and fire and then you could see the percussion radiating off from where it hit....
Everyone was just standing there...I turned and jumped down to where the road behind us had a slight drop off next to a building and ducked....
I closed my eyes and covered my ears (I had gloves on???) and the blast was basically like a huge bomb that was slowly obliterating everything around it...but it was kinda slow (not like a real bomb) and while I was taking cover I could hear its destruction getting closer and closer and I realized that everyone in this whole area would be dead when it was over.
I was still squatting behind the part of the road and remember praying that I would accept any fate that He brought me.
Just after this....I was no longer at the beach...but in an old make-shift building with a few other people I did not know. 3 of them were standing in a room behind was some sort of decompression room?? There were two guys running the controls, but you could tell that this place was made with items that you had to go out and find (like maybe something after the destruction had come)
Then when the 3 people were finished, I had to go in as well as another lady who was standing nearby.
When we were in this room...the guy on the other side of the glass (one of the controller guys) asked if we had any cell phones or anything...because it wasn't good to have it in there while it was on....I felt something in my jacket (more like a thick coat) and handed it to them, but it was only a zippo lighter?? He took it anyway...then we had to stand there in the room and he turned on the machine....
There were fans that started blowing and you literately could feel yourself being depressurized or was weird...I felt like I was floating and I wondered to myself if I needed to be in this room or not... I woke up just after this.

Well...yay for end of the world dreams... but I really think a tsunami would be better than nuclear warheads. Yikes!

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