Day 69 of 100 of WTFIW....F
only 30 more days of this... ?
there's a almost infinite chance that it will go longer than 100 days.
because doing what you want...
doing what you feel...
it's a rather exceptional way to live
Truth of the day:
All pain is division.
All division is pain.
Yes, I know this was the 'truth of the day' last week sometime.
But there's more...
it seems I've been brought back to it.
Not like a u-turn, but more of a different... no... broader perspective.
Much more so.
Not just about unconditional love and acceptance for ego.
Not just about unconditional love and acceptance for your mind and thoughts.
Not just about unconditional love and acceptance for your earthly body.
But the space in the midst of these three...
The world. The earth. The situations, circumstances, occurrences, events, and happenings.
The energies that rage, and sway, and move, and rock in chaos to a whirlwind of existence.
Others. All the others. Everyone. Every physical being and thing that exists in this place.
The space of this reality. All that you see.
and also, the fourth... unconditional love and acceptance for time.
The appearance of it passing, or it being yet to come.
The past, the future.
Ego, mind, body, time....
and the space in the midst of them (the world)
All of these are you.
Then there's the other you.
The Soul. Spirit. The Aether.
and Eternal Infinence.
and the space in the midst of them (the Universe/Heavens)
All of these are you.
You can choose what you like and continue on with your day.
Disregarding the other parts...
ignoring them, resisting them, fighting them....
trying to change them...
casting blame elsewhere...
but you'd be casting blame upon yourself.
fighting yourself. resisting yourself. ignoring yourself
dissecting and splitting your likes from your dislikes.
throwing half of you away...
Tell me again, which part of yourself do you hate?
Let's make it none.
Let's make it none.
There's power and truth in changing those dislikes into likes.
An alchemic reaction and alteration...
one that can move those harsh darknesses closer to the light...
transmutation of energy
from hate to love
from unknown to known
from resistance to acceptance
from fight to friend
from ignoring (ignorance) to awareness (truth)
from there to here
from then to now
do not cast yourself aside....
I love you too much to watch you treat yourself in such a way....
so cleaning house....
this is real work...
I guess bathroom tile, shower doors, and slat doors
were probably created by a man.
The oven too
(although I do not clean ovens... if anyone wants it clean, they will have to do it.)
No offense to men,
but they did not take into account the effort involved with such contraptions.
not to mention the outside of the windows...
now I have tilt windows, sure it's easy to clean the glass and all....
but why make a ledge on the outside that traps dust/leaves??!
Does the word flat or open make any sense to you....?
you know, so you don't catch dust and debris and leaves and dirt...
so when it rains, it's all just washed away...
no trap, no collection agency, no effort to clean the trap out!
living room still needs some minor attention...
It's not really dirty considering I super cleaned it when I painted the walls.
Some dusting and wiping down the tv console.
maybe vacuuming the sofa out
and hanging art above my glorious piano. <3
otherwise downstairs bathroom is getting completely redone
craft room needs organized
hallway downstairs needs help of some sort...
what do you put in a hallway you only walk through???
the stairwell needs the steps cleaned, but it's getting a paint job soon too.
then there's outside, but I have plenty of time before the temps are my kind of tolerable.
and I can't really say when this momentum will suddenly end...
then I can write and meditate all day. It'll be fantastic!
off to go do homework....
Have a splendid evening among the willows and the fontaine trees of ecstasy.
May they bring you everlasting creme of liberation and empowerment.
Just be sure to tell them how wonderful they are, they like that.
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