Saturday, March 9, 2019

Please follow these instructions if you want to LIVE

Day 60 of 100 of WTFIW....F

"I have Existed from All Eternity and Behold;
I Am Here;
and I Shall Exist till the End of Time,
for My Being has no End."
~ Gibran

Truth of the Day:
~ All that exists is HERE. ~

there is not yesterday or tomorrow, no past, no future.
there is not another place of existence other than this current moment
this vibration, this awareness is the only existence.
everything you possibly think of reaching outward to get or have...
does not exist any other place.
There is not a there at all. There is only here, with and inside of you.
Manifesting 101, lesson 12 states:
"If you are wanting something, that is a division in your self, as you are thinking something
is beyond or separate from you and you must reach or attain it.
This is folly, as all things exist in this moment.
Your body is at a slower vibration of light than your consciousness.
If you desire something (which that in itself means it is already yours, you just can't see it)
bring your conscious attention on the desired outcome or object.
Maintain that awareness with the emotional frequency that matches it's physical presence in your life. Actually feel what it feels like to have said desire. Hold that awareness.
When your consciousness (which is already moving faster than your body vibrationally speaking), aligns with the awareness that the desired outcome or object is present....
maintaining that frequency and charge will align your body (which is at the slower rate) to align with that said desire. Therefore causing a physical manifestation of the outcome or object."
Your body is the past, your consciousness is the future. Your awareness of both is the present.
This matches the idea that your thoughts create the future.
This matches the belief that Christ goes before you to prepare a place for you.
This matches aspects of power and will that profit mankind.

Multiple massive actions have appeared out of nowhere today.
Which means this week is going to be awesome.
Things are leaning towards vibrational shifts and wowsa, there is a lot of work to do.
I say the word 'work', but what I really mean is divine aspiration.
An overhaul is in order.... and I did not realize the correlation between yesterday's
blog post title and how fast this shit synchronized with today....
like literately less than an hour ago.
I wish I was kidding.
So yeah, an overhaul, but guess who's the director, and the cast and crew...
This is what I get for agreeing to otherworldly contracts. Hoorah!
I feel like a viking with a huge ass spear in hand, banging it on a shield or something.
No wait, a Spartan.
No wait.... an Atlantean  (NO, NOT from the Aquaman movie! Lame!) a real one, yo.
Like Spartans, but mixed with magic. ;) Jason Momoa can be there though, he can sit by me.

Still painting piano.
Still writing at least a blog, lol.
Plans have unfolded and now the course is marked, so that's new.
I hope to maintain the WTFIW....F vibe.
I still have 40 days left, yo.
I'm severely disappointed in google for not being able to tell me how an ion or atom changes polarity from positive to negative or from negative to positive. Reversing polarity...simple shit.. wtf, google...
I guess I will have to ask someone wiser... I guess you know what I'll be doing later....
Learning some physics for alchemy and electromagnetic theories. It'll be fun.

speaking of truth of the day....
tomorrow is fantastic!

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