Day 62 of 100 of WTFIW....F
Truth of the day:
~ "The Children of the Gods do not beg. Nor do they doubt their desires will come to them." ~
god love a great teacher when he's called upon....
the power spoken in such a way as to bestow it upon the one who hears.
there's a course I have involved (revolved) myself with and it synchronizes with this.
and there are lessons to be had and endorsed upon this journey.
a becoming.
and conditions crumble, and limitations fall away.
remove yourself from me
God is HERE.
piano almost finished, another coat or two of sealant.
and the keyboard cover needs painted. this = done.
then maybe I can write something!
and not get side-tracked with more art....
unless it's for $$$ that is.
I'm open for commissions.
but in truth, I'll just do whatever I feel.... soooo...
we shall see what becomes of me.
assuming I don't go all super saiyan again...
wait... that was FUN! like real FUN.
I'm totally up for that.
but now I know more.... feel more
so will it be funner?
anyway... book 6 is driving me up the wall....
and I don't even want to think about writing it yet.
I want to write a screenplay, but nooooooooo.....
something is not wanting me to outline it.... or even have time to start...
so.... that's fine, I'll just do nothing.
I'm okay with that.
have set intentions (even though I don't agree with that exact word usage)
which I will begin initiation of those once the piano is done.
I still have plenty of time.
but I know once I do them, big awesome shit will pour in...
so I'm really just delaying awesome happenings...
which I should not be okay with, but I weirdly am.
I think I'll get up early tomorrow.
that will shake the reins and plow the fields
it'll be devastating and riveting and extremely beautiful
and I can finish the piano....
oh ... truth of the day....imo
Take hold.....hmmmm
"Stand up."
"Take hold."
and "Follow me."
(...the only things that were ever asked of me. I say asked, whereas at the time, it was a command, but there was never a possibility that I wouldn't obey them, so I'm not sure if it were asked or told...)
He never asked me to believe, or have faith, or do this work or that work to earn this or that.
He never asked me to serve or wait in line or do more of this or that.
He never asked me to entertain or impress or abstain from anything.
He never asked me to be anything or go anywhere or do anything or say anything.
He never asked that I suffer or struggle or writhe in disdain or disappointment.
He ever asked that I follow or lead or give or move.
He never told me to obey or praise, or pray, or worship, or kneel.
on the contrary....
It was to stand and take the heavens by the hand and go with the universe. not so many words...
and it was way deeper than that and I probably already wrote about it on this blog years ago.
there was no forcing...
there were no planning or commitments
there were no detailed directions or absolutes.
it was only me.
it was only Him.
and spirit led us.
No one asked you to beg for your desires or your needs, or your wants.
You only chose that for yourself.
No one ever asked you to chase after your desires, to force your way through the space to attain them, to hold them close to you.
You chose that for yourself.
I implore you to let yourself just receive them. As a king would give freely to his children.
There is no lack in the kingdom that would cause you to wait or work for your share.
You are already worthy to have everything the kingdom can hold.
I implore you to have confidence that all things are yours and when you set your attention on a certain one, it will have to come to you, because you are it's master.
You are royalty and everything must bow and obey. It must. It must.
You don't have to throw a tantrum or yell with anger or plead for it to come. Know it will come when you call for it. You are the summoner. The one with a voice. The commander. The source of all that is.
You don't have to think whether or not it heard you. It always hears you. Like you can hear yourself.
Don't think that you must be in this certain spot or take this certain action for it to come. Know it will obey when you call it with certainty. If there is hesitation in your voice it must hesitate as well.
If there is doubt in your words, it will doubt as well. If there is fear in your desires, it will fear as well.
Be sure. Be true. Be confident. It must be too.
"Do I care if you juggle?"
He had asked me once while I practiced juggling some dog toy balls. He asked this after I had asked what he thought about people thinking Halloween was for the devil, lol. And He usually answers with a question...
and the answer to the answer was no.
This glorious example of creativity, learning, commitment, expression, the tasting of energies and feeling, the excitement and entertainment, the joy of pretending, the growth of someone from experience and choice. Wow...all the great things that come from Halloween...
how utterly beautiful....
and how sad that some people at that time turned away from such an honored gift to them.
if you only knew....
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