Thursday, March 7, 2019

ummm.... disk deframentation procedures are underway? maybe

Day 58 of 100 of WTFIW....F

It's 11:47pm.
I'm standing here eating a bowl of BHT laced GMO circles.
They float upon stuff that pretends to be milk, but isn't.
You know... Froot Loops (Fruit Loops for timeline shifters)
and Almond milk, which really just tastes like white water.
Only to finish, then debate if sitting would be better...
but the stool with the cushion has a piece of a piano on it...
hang on...
It's my stool now.

I'm not sure what I came to write about, so today will be a bunch more rambling.
This seems to be the theme of the week.
Maybe the fact that the sun is conjuncting my natal mercury or some shit.
None of that matters.

Tomorrow begins the day of reprogramming on the higher frequency.
So in a few more minutes... I will no longer be available.
Like the present me... I'll be someone new
It'll be 'fun'.
and I say that with utmost sarcasm.

I have a few manifestations preparing to be birthed.
I'm wondering when they will arrive.
No longer excited as much as ready and prepared for their arrival.
There's still a bit of space clearing that needs handled.
I shall conquer that in the morrow...
like after I wake up and do the other things I need to do first.
What's coming is big and I don't want to be suffocated by it...
so I need to make plenty of room for them to fit.
Things are going to be amazing.
Everything is amazing.

There was a shift today, but I think I missed it.
I feel it, but I can't quite say what or when 'it' happened.
This is rather normal. Staying present in the body hasn't been my thing.
Never has been. But I've recently discovered means to do so more often and continuously.
This is the level-up.
This is what has happened.
And as of right now, I don't have a designated guide.
This was expected considering the last one said he was the last...
I can still connect with any of them though...
So this all is new for me.
Being present in the body.
When all I do is live elsewhere much of the time.

and tomorrow.... ooooohhhh... the reprogramming.
Shit is gonna get freaky weird.
and this makes me smile.
almost like a villain... almost like a hero.

good thing I'm both.

other adventures.....
piano parts painted.... now to start on the piano parts I couldn't take off
5 out of 11 to go.
writing... it's a good thing I even show up here.
I have been recording book 6 in my head every night....
and keep tweaking it... my characters are evolving and it makes me sad, haha
no screenwriting yet, but I want to.
no awesome dreams except the last one with the bounty hunter who was also very hot.
I painted another piece of artwork with arrows.
I painted another that will be pyramids, not done yet...
yes, I multitask. It gets bunches of things partly done so one day they all get done and it looks like I'm a master at everything.
I like how 'I'm a master at everything' showed up on it's own line and I didn't even hit the enter button....
of course when this posts it will probably move and not look like it does now in 'edit mode'.
Here, let's make sure...
"I'm a master at everything."
The reprogramming has begun. Care to join me? I'll be picking out this stuff all week.
7 days of awesome. Let's do this.

Not sure where to go with this.
What to do with this.
That's the good thing. No obligation to meet an expectation.
The perfection of chaos. Mmmm... tasty.
Remember truth of the day?
even though I don't think I posted that one....
it's to the right  ------>

anyway the truth of the day the other day...was
~ All pain is division. ~

which at the time, I was describing how one part of me really does not agree with the other part of me.
like a spirit versus personality, or soul versus ego thing....
but there was an event that occurred which allowed those two parts to unite as one.
to where the part that really disappointed my other part was accepted unconditionally.
She is awesome. All of her. All of me. All of us.
This is when Toriel said 'look you have wings now'. *shrugs
... so today....
there was an awareness of the mind.
and how the spirit/soul/ego/me didn't like how the mind thought.
all that stuff that gets in the way, all that stuff it only thinks out of habit....
so mind is now absorbed into this magic self that is now.
   (and Toriel pops up and is like, 'now you have a crown', lol. She's so kooky.)
so hence the reprogramming analogy, that's on the roster.
Uniting all these parts...
I'm wondering what else is floating out there unseen and unheard and unloved.
I want her to come home too.

so all that brings me back to a certain question I was once asked while drifting in the aether.
"Which part of yourself do you hate?"
and at the time it was none....
but I didn't see all of me then.
and I promise it is none, I just have to find her first to tell her.
maybe she doesn't know that....


so it's late, got places to be that's not here.
must go.

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