someone tried to 'coach' me yesterday, lol
it was kinda 'meh'...cause I knew what they were doing..
and I knew the level at which they could teach...
one I had already partook in more than a year ago....
while I tried to be helpful...the vibe was sooo off
you can't use those small words with me... I'm not one of them...
I'm nothing like the others...
I already have a coach.
I doubt I will hear from this person again...
cause I don't have any of the things they want to help people work through.
I have bigger better funner things to work through, lol.
She was nice and all.... but not for me.
uuuggghhh...the small words...
stop speaking small.
go big
or go home
dig in, with teeth, with claws
with truth
with hard core body slam choke on this BIG words
if they flee, then that makes room for those who can withstand the fire
those who can stand firm in the storm
those who are leaders, masters, avengers, royals, gods, seers, mages, wizards
let the peasants work with peasants...
let us gods keep to the heavens... and the big words
words so large you can't even hear them
only fumble across pieces of them while they litter across the page
haphazardly at best....
but those who can hear... let them hear...
and those who can know, let them know
and those who see, let them see...
but they are the ones who must stand and walk forward...
stop dragging the ones who still pander to the small
the small words
the small minds
the small world
heaven is eternal
and never-ending
Huge things.
huge things are appearing
big moves, big actions, massive waves
and the cracks are filled in...
and there's an excitement building...
the place where you know that the wave will crest before it begins it's arch
the place of aphelion, the peak...
the lifting off place, if you would so choose... or you can take the ride downward.
both are exhilarating actually.
both are fantastic...
pic... hmmm.

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