Sunday, October 6, 2019

see you after a long while...

"I once had a thousand desires,
But in my one desire to know you
all else melted away..."


There isn't any intention here tonight.
Words seemingly bland and without the need for being heard.
Only present in a moment, to see if anything should arise from it.

Awaiting a calling or a prompt.
Allowing a space for the energy to commence...
even if nothing shall approach.


perhaps there's something...
a long held secret, only kept hidden for fear that these words would be unrecognizable...
oh but aren't they always...
always... in all ways...
only one at the same level appreciates words heard at that level...
and we all are on different levels...

too deep
too shallow
but precisely exactly where we are
and that
is what makes it perfection

This wave is bringing me upward...
so it's no longer a choice... (as if it ever was)
and I see the things that are falling out of sync
falling away, falling away
and I know what this is and understand many aspects of such...
and I wonder if anyone else knows of these things
if they can see
or hear
or feel
or know
of any thing
...or again leaving me standing alone on the vast earth
while all other parts of me linger in the aethers.

you couldn't catch me if you tried...

and the one(s)? that can...

isn't you



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