Thursday, October 24, 2019

em-pathetic .... don't listen to the internet


The higher you rise...
the more attention you give to the NOW
there is so much more to see from up here
a vastness
a neverending

and you also have deeper recognition
the details blur slightly as the expansion goes outward forever
all the things you couldn't see before
all you had forgotten about

don't let them pull you down....
don't let them weigh you down....

fly motherfuckers,    fly


Much to write about, although I can't promise it will be worth your wile.
I even wrote some notes down a few days ago...
all from... the voice! huzzah!

and I just coined a new term...
like, not new... but new way to use it.
Art... work
not as in artwork...
but work... as an art.
so... "Art" work.
like yard work would be "art" work.
especially when you hack the bushes on the side of the house....
but the front ones, you gotta be gentle and kind...
'cause everyone can see them...and you don't want to mess them up....
and they probably can't handle the beating you give the others...

carrying 2 big ass canvases through a very big building ...
would also be "art" work... but in a more literal sense.
They got severely more heavy the longer that went on.


so it has come to the point once again....
where google is unable to satisfy.
questions about certain aspects of something...
results in ZERO relevant answers... or quality wisdom.
so...once again... I must defer to the aether guides...
however I keep getting diverted to this voice... whom will not give their name...
other than some lengthy anecdote of description...
I guess that's fine then, I'm rather pleased with our encounters of late.
right now I'm flaundering to locate a manner in which to explain said encounters...
like I even have some of the words... but you'd have to know the full context of the matter
for them to make any sense...
and well... that is not appearing to be a easy task

Support... in a word.

The force that presses up against your back to keep you standing.
The force that propels you forward, without much effort of your own doing.
The force that moves into you from behind and through you until your being is expressed
I want to say cyclical... but I'm not sure of that. Many paths have been discovered.
It continually moves.... and supports... and provides.... so long as you allow it.
So long as you allow it.
Like flying... the air does most of the 'work'.
Like surfing... the water does most of the work.
Like running... the momentum does most of the work.
Like living... this force can do most of the work...
but like in flying, you have to take off and be fearless to release the ground.
and in surfing, you have to be willing to catch the wave.
in running... you got to get up and take those first steps.
and in life... let the fuck go of all that shit you carry.
not your stuff, your old crap thoughts and feelings.
energy shit, yo.
even though getting rid of your shit stuff wouldn't be a bad idea.





energy healing is a thing, yo.
but not like that horseshit all over the internet.
and a recent experience with such matters has lured me to explore further's like this whole new section of your life puzzle has come into focus...
does it mean anything?
is this your soul's gig?
you knew something important about this before... but now there's more...
like a lot more... and whether that ties into anything relating to your purpose or not...hmmm.
but there's no information on it here in this world...
and now you've got this voice spilling deep truths with you...
and why don't you just ask?
and in an instant.... amazingness and all that vortex shit could spill into your lap....
and in the words of a guru master....

"Stop overthinking." - The mind can't understand what the soul knows and will chase itself in circles trying to discover what can't be found.  (more or less)

"In the blink of an eye." this voice says... "You are, whomever you want to be."
then that image... the one where you see yourself at these different perspectives...
different channels of vibration...
that one with the higher vibe... that one you are, but haven't quite reached that channel yet....
and your stupid stupid mind *thots* (thoughts).... thinks you are still using a fucking tuning dial...
and believes it's slow and you have to move through each station one at a time until you find the frequency of what you want... HAHAHAHAHAHA!
But SOUL fucking knows better. Soul knows we are when we step into and embody that beautiful beautiful beingness of ourselves. Whomever we want to be.
There isn't a tuning dial.
It's not even digital at this point.
Even bluetooth is primitive.
Just step into it. Be it. Own it.
and I got a bit off course there...
back to the energy healing thing....
I will have to ask I suppose...
cause I could utilize this shit.
and all the shit in the world would make so much more sense, eh

I want to go get some fish for the tank....
and I want to clean the living room....
and I want to bake a pie... actually I just want to eat it... but baking isn't too extreme a task.
One dress left for this big order....
then Santa's stuff (still...I know...)
then 2 tee shirts, easy peasy...
and I have another order lined up afterwards
then nothing!
I love nothing!
except whatever I want to do.... which is what I do anyway....
but I like inbeween times a lot.
I need some downtime...
big big things are coming!!!
this wave has yet to crest, yo.
still rising
still rising


and I'm totally posting a pic so that fucking pencil doesn't show up!



LOL...I found this... and I thought it's be funny...
and it was
for me anyway..


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