~ "Don't spend one more day looking at all your shit in the toilet
rather than your own divine glory." ~
What you give your attention to is what you will attract.
STOP focusing on all the things that need fixed or bettered.
or you will receive more things that need fixed or bettered.
Everything that is good... all that is nice, comfortable, satisfying....
all those things that uplift and provide ease or support....
Look at all these wonderful aspects... LOOK at them!
and never look away.
Let thine eye be single... my friends...
The Universe is big enough to provide even more of those things.
of those experiences.
of those fantastic amazing moments.
and all the money too.
Some people aren't ready....they say.
It's too much for them....they say.
Let them see where they are...so they can know that more exists...
so that they can know.... there are other options...
they can't know anything without it....
so give them more than they can chew...
too big of a bite...
overwhelm them...
pull them too deep...
lift them too high...
fear not for their lives.... that's their job...
.... so they can realize what an amazing life they already have.
I dare you.
To be selfish
and harsh
and believe so fiercely in your desires.
And know what true power is.
And know... who god is.
All orders complete...
1 on the roster whenever details are smoothed out and payment comes in
that sounds good...
There isn't any inkling of any new inspiring ideas either...
which is also grand...
I like being free to do nothing....or something...or whatever lies on the brink of creation
I might consider writing a screenplay...an idea that came to me today...
or start on that book.
Maybe meditate for a week straight.... which actually sounds more appealing
A few random things that I might decide to do...or not
There's still this wave...
and at the very tippity top... where the water caresses the sky...
a small yet fragile touch lifts tiny droplets upwards...
like this ecstasy of communion.
I watch it...and all slows as these particles separate from the wave and flicker into the air
where are they going?
I shall follow you, little spirits...
Roy Mustang

so I'm just a tad obsessed with him
among a few other select fictional characters....
which all have this similar and revolving synchronicity theming...
and I'm wondering why this life decides to accentuate such things...
like is it something I'm mirroring, or reflecting...?
or is it something I'm reaching for?
Is it something familiar I'm trying to find?
Or something I already know, as a trait or a person... and they remind of such?
yeah... this is what I do in my spare time... LOL
"Lets debate why certain characters/traits remind me of a past or future life! That'll be fun!"
I could say that this awareness has been here since I was a little little kid...
I found the same personality traits in cartoon characters then too...
like him...

Gruffi Gummie
like I KNEW this entity...
Mustang mirrors certain aspects for sure...
but of course... in *cough 'real life'... said person or aspects were ZERO%
even this dude...
Were these vibrational entities trying to live? If we want to go all x-files propaganda.
Are they spirits trying to invoke into flesh? gasp
Spirit family member who didn't come with this time around? (you know who you are)
which I find more likely... but nowhere near certain... can we ever be certain?
There's plenty of random questions I could throw out there...but I'm reaching already, lol.
North Korea and Cuba are the only places you can't buy Coca-Cola
just so you know
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