Saturday, April 18, 2020
The essence of vibration
"Carry that too far...and it's going to get heavy..."
another quote, regards from the Alchemist when I asked him for one.
I don't have anything I can really share with you from the aether lands.
It's like telling you all the things about a flower...
the color, shape, size, leaves, scent....
but even what you see, even what you smell, or touch...
none of those descriptions can deliver the essence of the flower.
They can't reveal the aura, the energy, the radiance...
Words can only tell you 'what' the flower is...
but not 'who' the flower is...
this is the same with people, each of us...
we can call out everything...
all the 'WHAT' of someone...of anyone...
but the 'WHO' is beyond that...
Who they are is not their deeds, or job, or name, or appearance....
Who they are is deeper, that hidden beneath the layers of descriptions...
and there are only descriptions in the land of 3d
see deeper....
and the quote above....
all those ideas we pick up and use for a time...
ideas, beliefs, patterns, structures, etc, etc, etc....
there always comes a time to drop them...
because they aren't for this level...
you don't carry the keys to the fire temple, into the water temple...
they'll never work...
you drop them...
and look for water temple keys instead...
you don't need to find the wind temple's keys either right now...
Seek only for today's keys...
Tomorrow will hold other treasures...
find what you can for today, because you can't return...
there's no save in this life... no restart... no unplug and start over...
(and anyway, if you 'save' in a temple it starts you at the front door,
not in the far off back room....sooo)
You have to beat the game...
and you beat it by continuing....
so projects are underway...
everything is underway EXCEPT for art.... (not that I haven't been thinking about it)
chairs almost done (after it dries, just the bottom of one of them left)
garden almost done (seeds need to go in...might plant flowers too... I have extra dirt)
book almost done (half way on last read through...then cover/printing)
other stuff..other stuff...
coronageddon is almost done (I guess, I ignore everything that has to do with that)
bc IDFC.... (although I will entertain a good conspiracy theory on occasion)
more or less waiting for the next revolution scheduled for late December
all good here...
stocks are good too *thumbs up
and I'm a tad sad I can't buy SpaceX stock...
Challenge time!
Every time you are finished with a task...for you mortals...
ask yourself...
"What is the funnest thing I can think of at this moment?"
Then think on that for a bit...
tell me how you feel...
"From what I've know the answers, yet you still look to use those old keys."
and sometimes the Alchemist is too savvy...playing on my own words to get a point across...
maybe enough to make me want to kick myself...
and this is why a 'guide' per se.... is highly recommended
a guide, a coach, a tutor, a teacher, a guru.... whatever...
sometimes other things pull your focus and you can't see the whole thing...
like searching for your keys where they are supposed to be...
but you didn't remember you put them in your jacket pocket...
you still have the keys...the answers...
but yeah... thoughts wander... and focus roams...
the answers are still here, you still have them...
but you can't see them sometimes...
and he's talking about doing things the old ways...
even though if the 'old ways' worked... you wouldn't still be trying to use them...
and you know the new way... (well... learning the new way)...
and this new way is like a master key...
it opens all the fucking doors
all the treasure chests
all the solutions...
but this human brain forgets... forgets...and fumbles through the old keys, the old ways...
and they don't open shit... at least not anymore
mortals forget...
death forgets...
and go boldly...
Go Boldy... (you having all the cheat codes and the master key, and a few whistles)
~ Do not go gentle into that good night. ~
~ Rage, rage against the dying of the light. ~
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Summoned by the summoned...
Gold casts rainbows in the sun.
Like shimmers of vibrant jewels...ever so solid in the light.
and the eye sees all colors laid bare and crisp in the midday rise
Thoth is the Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon. He was one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt alternately said to be self-created or born of the seed of Horus from the forehead of Set.
He is star borne, commander of the seven rites. Lead seer and advisor to the council of Atlantis. Multi-compatible with both star travel and interstellar connectivity. Master of the prime hold and sovereign member of the inner travastus... (I don't know what that is???)
possibly a tad egotistical, and does not compose himself as mortal, nor that of the lower realms...
let's forward some of his most recent words...
namely, these were for whether they mean any relevance beyond is tbd.
(if you thought 'swallowing the lower vibrations' wasn't a precursor... oi vey!)
so that meeting we had... the one he set up...and I showed up for... cause yo... I know better
went from swallowing up low vibes to stepping into creator mode, like a boss...
*** ~~~ "Speak through vibration. Wisdom is silent. Words are three dimensional, yet truth is only felt. Speak in silence and all else will make a path for it to be heard."
"Only in silence, is truth heard."
"We are the living gods, and that which is below belongs to the mortals. Deeds, words, books, paintings, labor, toil, the markets, the tasks.... It is us who create for them to tarry away with, for the dawn comes...and with it comes a new age, where God lives among his people."
"We are who we are who we are who we are. We are to be, not to do. Create through vibration and let the mortals have their toys." --- Thoth ~~~ ***
dude.... there's soooo much to delve into with all that... and far too much depth to even touch on a level where words could serve any of it justice.
I'll leave it here... and you can take what serve you, is any of it...
I feel it's like playing with fire... but I also happen to like playing with fire.
and I just so happen to have an Alchemist on hand... so *thumbs up
and there was homework...
and next meeting is set for Tuesday night *thumbs up (???)
(p.s. he does not wear that ibis head piece thing.... the egyptians are just overly symbolic)
Gardening on the agenda, still...
painting on the agenda, still....
chair painting on the agenda
fish tank cleaning on the agenda
...and I suppose we all have an agenda...
and all those things for mortals, apparently
this space is like the barzakh... that in-between world...
but not from dimension to dimension...
or from old to new...
it's more of a space between home and not home...
this roadway between consciousnesses and between stars...
on the last read through of book 6...
then to hunt down cover art...
and spend howeverlong it will take this time to prep for printing...
On queue for May 1st... release date.
Hit me up if you want a copy so I can order them together.
I don't know how much yet
depends if lulu's prices are still on par... although there's like 430 pages to this one...
guessing around $30 *shrugs
still have some random prods to go back and edit the first few books....
*sigh... I tried once, but that was a big NO...
I might try again...
maybe the timing was off...
or I could write a screenplay... but i don't know what to do with it afterward...
all these mortal games... is what I'm gonna end up calling everything LOL
(*thanks, Thoth.... *argh!)
aether lands don't have anything to 'do' in them LOL
just all the 'be' -ing....
I wonder when corona time is over?
Is anyone else making an end of the apocolypse list?
I am!
Imma go get a slushi...
and plan a trip to Disney
I might go camping
hit up the thrift stores
...dude.... does that mean I'll have to sew again...
.... are people gonna order?!... is that even what I want?
"The only person who knows how far they can the one who went too far." - richdad
so go too far.... enough to know how much a badass you truly are....
there's no room for only half ass....
Like shimmers of vibrant jewels...ever so solid in the light.
and the eye sees all colors laid bare and crisp in the midday rise
Thoth is the Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon. He was one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt alternately said to be self-created or born of the seed of Horus from the forehead of Set.
He is star borne, commander of the seven rites. Lead seer and advisor to the council of Atlantis. Multi-compatible with both star travel and interstellar connectivity. Master of the prime hold and sovereign member of the inner travastus... (I don't know what that is???)
possibly a tad egotistical, and does not compose himself as mortal, nor that of the lower realms...
let's forward some of his most recent words...
namely, these were for whether they mean any relevance beyond is tbd.
(if you thought 'swallowing the lower vibrations' wasn't a precursor... oi vey!)
so that meeting we had... the one he set up...and I showed up for... cause yo... I know better
went from swallowing up low vibes to stepping into creator mode, like a boss...
*** ~~~ "Speak through vibration. Wisdom is silent. Words are three dimensional, yet truth is only felt. Speak in silence and all else will make a path for it to be heard."
"Only in silence, is truth heard."
"We are the living gods, and that which is below belongs to the mortals. Deeds, words, books, paintings, labor, toil, the markets, the tasks.... It is us who create for them to tarry away with, for the dawn comes...and with it comes a new age, where God lives among his people."
"We are who we are who we are who we are. We are to be, not to do. Create through vibration and let the mortals have their toys." --- Thoth ~~~ ***
dude.... there's soooo much to delve into with all that... and far too much depth to even touch on a level where words could serve any of it justice.
I'll leave it here... and you can take what serve you, is any of it...
I feel it's like playing with fire... but I also happen to like playing with fire.
and I just so happen to have an Alchemist on hand... so *thumbs up
and there was homework...
and next meeting is set for Tuesday night *thumbs up (???)
(p.s. he does not wear that ibis head piece thing.... the egyptians are just overly symbolic)
Gardening on the agenda, still...
painting on the agenda, still....
chair painting on the agenda
fish tank cleaning on the agenda
...and I suppose we all have an agenda...
and all those things for mortals, apparently
this space is like the barzakh... that in-between world...
but not from dimension to dimension...
or from old to new...
it's more of a space between home and not home...
this roadway between consciousnesses and between stars...
on the last read through of book 6...
then to hunt down cover art...
and spend howeverlong it will take this time to prep for printing...
On queue for May 1st... release date.
Hit me up if you want a copy so I can order them together.
I don't know how much yet
depends if lulu's prices are still on par... although there's like 430 pages to this one...
guessing around $30 *shrugs
still have some random prods to go back and edit the first few books....
*sigh... I tried once, but that was a big NO...
I might try again...
maybe the timing was off...
or I could write a screenplay... but i don't know what to do with it afterward...
all these mortal games... is what I'm gonna end up calling everything LOL
(*thanks, Thoth.... *argh!)
aether lands don't have anything to 'do' in them LOL
just all the 'be' -ing....
I wonder when corona time is over?
Is anyone else making an end of the apocolypse list?
I am!
Imma go get a slushi...
and plan a trip to Disney
I might go camping
hit up the thrift stores
...dude.... does that mean I'll have to sew again...
.... are people gonna order?!... is that even what I want?
"The only person who knows how far they can the one who went too far." - richdad
so go too far.... enough to know how much a badass you truly are....
there's no room for only half ass....
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Wise old turtles...
"It's going to get harder to continue seeing things the same way."
... and if that isn't a true statement, I don't know what is...
because we are sitting in an expanded universe...
and the hard things are little...or nonexistant...or simple
all with remedies you can find in your cabinet...
and the Alchemist... he's sitting here beside me...
and I know he'll move more within as time goes by... especially in the next 3 days.
now that we are expanding outward... and swallowing all other vibrations into one...
and all else will be silenced...
and all else will fall to the wayside...
or join the cause...
He states... as if I said something that made sense, lol
there's this perception we sometimes have that things and even others are somewhere outside of us
even aether beings...for what it's worth...
but actually...
it's all us... and all those things, all those beings, those people...
all of it can be incorporated as we expand
... and our presence within... carries them all
(swallows them up and silences all other vibrations)..
and it all changes when you change your perceptions...
I just am not going to explain what I mean...
good luck
Thoth set up a meeting with me O_O
like... what? I thought you were busy?
and he is... but ah...
I was given homework (?) and have to basically meet in for a check in.. in 3 days
this is new... and I'm not sure how I feel about this... other than excited and irrationally weird
(((The Last Airbender...
when Aang was bending the Fire Lord's energy at the final battle...
THAT is what I mean. *nods...
but not by force or will or intent or all that jazz....
it's all just YOU staying in YOU
and THAT power is what silences all others...)))
The lion turtle answered that "The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can tough the poison of hatred without being harmed. Since beginning-less time, darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purifying light."
The lion turtle told him that in the era before the Avatar existed, they did not bend the elements, but the energy within themselves. In order to bend another's life energy, their own spirit must be unbendable, or they would be corrupted and destroyed.
All hail the cartoons.
.... and lion turtles.
there's so much I could do!
moved strawberry plants today...
watered my flowers
moved some mulch
made chicken
might have bought some rocking chairs (SCORE!)
I'll let you know tomorrow
repaired the birdfeeder
rescued the mom
hung out with the oldest
the youngest went to bed sooner and got up sooner than supper time
the biggest jelly beans sometimes aren't as sweet.... so eat the little things...munch munch...crunch crunch... meet me at noon for brunch brunch...
... and if that isn't a true statement, I don't know what is...
because we are sitting in an expanded universe...
and the hard things are little...or nonexistant...or simple
all with remedies you can find in your cabinet...
and the Alchemist... he's sitting here beside me...
and I know he'll move more within as time goes by... especially in the next 3 days.
now that we are expanding outward... and swallowing all other vibrations into one...
and all else will be silenced...
and all else will fall to the wayside...
or join the cause...
He states... as if I said something that made sense, lol
there's this perception we sometimes have that things and even others are somewhere outside of us
even aether beings...for what it's worth...
but actually...
it's all us... and all those things, all those beings, those people...
all of it can be incorporated as we expand
... and our presence within... carries them all
(swallows them up and silences all other vibrations)..
and it all changes when you change your perceptions...
I just am not going to explain what I mean...
good luck
Thoth set up a meeting with me O_O
like... what? I thought you were busy?
and he is... but ah...
I was given homework (?) and have to basically meet in for a check in.. in 3 days
this is new... and I'm not sure how I feel about this... other than excited and irrationally weird
(((The Last Airbender...
when Aang was bending the Fire Lord's energy at the final battle...
THAT is what I mean. *nods...
but not by force or will or intent or all that jazz....
it's all just YOU staying in YOU
and THAT power is what silences all others...)))
The lion turtle answered that "The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can tough the poison of hatred without being harmed. Since beginning-less time, darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purifying light."
The lion turtle told him that in the era before the Avatar existed, they did not bend the elements, but the energy within themselves. In order to bend another's life energy, their own spirit must be unbendable, or they would be corrupted and destroyed.
All hail the cartoons.
.... and lion turtles.
there's so much I could do!
moved strawberry plants today...
watered my flowers
moved some mulch
made chicken
might have bought some rocking chairs (SCORE!)
I'll let you know tomorrow
repaired the birdfeeder
rescued the mom
hung out with the oldest
the youngest went to bed sooner and got up sooner than supper time
the biggest jelly beans sometimes aren't as sweet.... so eat the little things...munch munch...crunch crunch... meet me at noon for brunch brunch...
Monday, April 6, 2020
Roses and riddles
"You've come a long way, are you closer?"
I asked him for a quote, cause we all love his quotes, yes...
but this one is like a riddle...
as we aren't moving anywhere....just becoming over a perceived time
and to what are we getting closer exactly?
and he's smiling... the Alchemist... who barely smiles as it is...
but he likes these thought patterns...
always taking the path he wants them to take...
"How does it feel, right now?"
he asks...
and I know the answer, but I'm not gonna write it here...
"Do you think there's much more to go?"
and he's referring to the vibrational output of my life, of my soul...
and the answer to that... would be yes, but no...
because we are all of it, from top to bottom...
and only our perception is what we see, exactly where we are at...
"It feels like gold, and crimson, and roses, and ember, and bronze..."
I tell him... because these words are the closest I can find...
"And what does this place sound like?"
he asks...
"Metal. And the wind. A a crisp winter bell."
all my comparisons are analogies and that's where I'm from...
"What does it taste like?" He asks, leaning in close, almost excited to have asked it.
"A shiny penny...." I hesitate... thinking to myself 'what did I just say?'
"Victory." I repeat... meaning the same thing.. yet deeper... like a medal
He's smiling too big now.... I think he's been in quarantine with the rest of the world...
maybe he's going loopy... I wonder...
did you know the Atomic symbol of gold is AU
Latin for Aurum = glowing/shining dawn
in dragon speak... Lochor = Golden Sun...
I found this article.... found it sensible without being too hard or too easy to comprehend...
and that's where this path has led...
into the sun...
nice... let's keep going *thumbs up
so I completed the second read-through edit of book 6...
and will go through 1 more time...
just once more...
and then take a day to hunt down some cover art somewhere off the internets...
and maybe a subtitle will come to me by then (question mark)
Garden bed built. Garden bed filled with dirt.
Dog pen cleaned
all the things.....
very nice
rain is expected, so a few days off from outside....
I'll probably read, lol
or start painting!!!
(not my stairwell.... I have not returned to Lowe's yet)
I might do my hair tomorrow!!!!
I already cut it ;) !!!
check in time... cause it's been like 2 whole days...
someone else mentioned Leonidas in an article today.... (synchronicity for the win!)
This comet coming... I read was 5 times larger than Jupiter and half the size of the sun...
.... this sounds like horseshit...
Ego is mysteriously pumped about something.... like she wants to get in a fight and tell someone to go fuck themselves... but I have no idea why...
Ego is watching this episode of Soul's play like she can't look away incase she might miss something.
Ego is a tad pissed off that the book does not yet have a subtitle and there's no reason why it shouldnt' be here yet...and frankly this is taking way longer than it should have...according to her...
Ego is ready, willing, and able, and will kick ass if needs be... I trust Ego... she's got this
Mind is studying Soul's play, knowing there are subtle hints strewn within every word, scene, etc... and she does't want to miss any of it
Mind is completely ignoring all human stupidity like a champ
Mind is also devising a plan to break the rules and covertly break other rules if just the one rule is discovered broken...
Mind is a genius...and I'm not fucking with her routine
Brain says almost everything is irrelevant
Brain agrees with everything in Soul's play almost instantly
Brain already has the plot and ending well thought out and diagrammed....
Brain is not wasting time with anything outside the theater
Soul got so excited about the flying squirrel the other day...and about the family of rats that eat the birdseed on the back porch.
Soul is explicitly pointing out how all the things work themselves out for her benefit.
Soul is running the show like the boss...and also like the hero...
Soul cut my hair, built a garden bed, and is also going to do more stuff to me here soon...
supposedly I'm in her play.... (oi vey!!! what!?!@% I never agreed to this...)
Soul says I should buy a pirate costume and a bubble blower that lights up...and tell all the fuckers who question me to mind their own fucking business... using the word 'fucking' for depth...and clarity
Soul also assures us that tremendously wonderful sparkly great things are coming....she's even doing that squeeze your fists and clap and move your feet really fast dance thing to show her excitement....
Soul has got it going on... so Imma follow her...
"Just like the seven continents...If you ate them, what would they taste like?"
was told to me in some weird ass dream/vision/completely-awake-intrusions... when those boys were telling me whale jokes and shit... (mind you these 'boys' are Soul family and totally got in trouble by the council) LMAO! I have not heard form them for a long time...
(I should check in O_O !!!)
when the Alchemist asked 'what does it taste like' up above... THIS riddle popped back in my head...
let me tell you what was going on then...
Comet Elenin... was going on. Earthquakes were going on... hence 'the whale puns are locked and loaded'
the weapons are locked and loaded....
trench coats and being 'whale done' jokes
and 'whale come back'...... *sigh... they were awful jokes and awful puns....
(it was great)
Just like the 7 continents... if you ate them....
if you 8 them...
what would they taste like....
they'd taste like a comet smashing into earth and breaking shit apart
they'd taste like .... victory
metallic, like the earth, like tones of gold, of bronze, of embers
crimson moons and suns of gold....
anyway...I've fallen out of the conspiracy theory loops... cause idgaf...
but I still lean towards the rebels...the patriots...the New America
" Molon Labe "
I asked him for a quote, cause we all love his quotes, yes...
but this one is like a riddle...
as we aren't moving anywhere....just becoming over a perceived time
and to what are we getting closer exactly?
and he's smiling... the Alchemist... who barely smiles as it is...
but he likes these thought patterns...
always taking the path he wants them to take...
"How does it feel, right now?"
he asks...
and I know the answer, but I'm not gonna write it here...
"Do you think there's much more to go?"
and he's referring to the vibrational output of my life, of my soul...
and the answer to that... would be yes, but no...
because we are all of it, from top to bottom...
and only our perception is what we see, exactly where we are at...
"It feels like gold, and crimson, and roses, and ember, and bronze..."
I tell him... because these words are the closest I can find...
"And what does this place sound like?"
he asks...
"Metal. And the wind. A a crisp winter bell."
all my comparisons are analogies and that's where I'm from...
"What does it taste like?" He asks, leaning in close, almost excited to have asked it.
"A shiny penny...." I hesitate... thinking to myself 'what did I just say?'
"Victory." I repeat... meaning the same thing.. yet deeper... like a medal
He's smiling too big now.... I think he's been in quarantine with the rest of the world...
maybe he's going loopy... I wonder...
did you know the Atomic symbol of gold is AU
Latin for Aurum = glowing/shining dawn
in dragon speak... Lochor = Golden Sun...
I found this article.... found it sensible without being too hard or too easy to comprehend...
and that's where this path has led...
into the sun...
nice... let's keep going *thumbs up
so I completed the second read-through edit of book 6...
and will go through 1 more time...
just once more...
and then take a day to hunt down some cover art somewhere off the internets...
and maybe a subtitle will come to me by then (question mark)
Garden bed built. Garden bed filled with dirt.
Dog pen cleaned
all the things.....
very nice
rain is expected, so a few days off from outside....
I'll probably read, lol
or start painting!!!
(not my stairwell.... I have not returned to Lowe's yet)
I might do my hair tomorrow!!!!
I already cut it ;) !!!
check in time... cause it's been like 2 whole days...
someone else mentioned Leonidas in an article today.... (synchronicity for the win!)
This comet coming... I read was 5 times larger than Jupiter and half the size of the sun...
.... this sounds like horseshit...
Ego is mysteriously pumped about something.... like she wants to get in a fight and tell someone to go fuck themselves... but I have no idea why...
Ego is watching this episode of Soul's play like she can't look away incase she might miss something.
Ego is a tad pissed off that the book does not yet have a subtitle and there's no reason why it shouldnt' be here yet...and frankly this is taking way longer than it should have...according to her...
Ego is ready, willing, and able, and will kick ass if needs be... I trust Ego... she's got this
Mind is studying Soul's play, knowing there are subtle hints strewn within every word, scene, etc... and she does't want to miss any of it
Mind is completely ignoring all human stupidity like a champ
Mind is also devising a plan to break the rules and covertly break other rules if just the one rule is discovered broken...
Mind is a genius...and I'm not fucking with her routine
Brain says almost everything is irrelevant
Brain agrees with everything in Soul's play almost instantly
Brain already has the plot and ending well thought out and diagrammed....
Brain is not wasting time with anything outside the theater
Soul got so excited about the flying squirrel the other day...and about the family of rats that eat the birdseed on the back porch.
Soul is explicitly pointing out how all the things work themselves out for her benefit.
Soul is running the show like the boss...and also like the hero...
Soul cut my hair, built a garden bed, and is also going to do more stuff to me here soon...
supposedly I'm in her play.... (oi vey!!! what!?!@% I never agreed to this...)
Soul says I should buy a pirate costume and a bubble blower that lights up...and tell all the fuckers who question me to mind their own fucking business... using the word 'fucking' for depth...and clarity
Soul also assures us that tremendously wonderful sparkly great things are coming....she's even doing that squeeze your fists and clap and move your feet really fast dance thing to show her excitement....
Soul has got it going on... so Imma follow her...
"Just like the seven continents...If you ate them, what would they taste like?"
was told to me in some weird ass dream/vision/completely-awake-intrusions... when those boys were telling me whale jokes and shit... (mind you these 'boys' are Soul family and totally got in trouble by the council) LMAO! I have not heard form them for a long time...
(I should check in O_O !!!)
when the Alchemist asked 'what does it taste like' up above... THIS riddle popped back in my head...
let me tell you what was going on then...
Comet Elenin... was going on. Earthquakes were going on... hence 'the whale puns are locked and loaded'
the weapons are locked and loaded....
trench coats and being 'whale done' jokes
and 'whale come back'...... *sigh... they were awful jokes and awful puns....
(it was great)
Just like the 7 continents... if you ate them....
if you 8 them...
what would they taste like....
they'd taste like a comet smashing into earth and breaking shit apart
they'd taste like .... victory
metallic, like the earth, like tones of gold, of bronze, of embers
crimson moons and suns of gold....
anyway...I've fallen out of the conspiracy theory loops... cause idgaf...
but I still lean towards the rebels...the patriots...the New America
" Molon Labe "
Friday, April 3, 2020
The lion at the gates....
Ready your breakfast and eat hearty, for tonight, we dine in hell...
...the hot gates are opened and the route to Hades is clear...
...bang the shields, ready your spears, war is at hand...
...they come for our people, they come for our lives...
...and we are the ones who say loudly through the fog...
... Come and take them...
this book, yo...
I made it to chapter 21...
and I'm completely accepting that it's all part of Soul's show
because... a shift has occurred just in line with a piece of this story...
and I could eat it up
like fucking dessert ten times over... (without going into a sugar coma)
and Soul....
ahhhh.... she is a genius!
a pure genius...
and we are going to sit and watch every episode and act and scene....
big big things are happening!
Ego is excited for once!
Mind is intrigued!
Brain is paying attention.
and Soul rubs her hands together knowing she has us all rapt...
she has us
and when she has us... she can mold us to her will
and big big things happen in these tiny little 3d lands of earth...
I could not love it more... I love it so much!
some random erratic plans have appeared from nowhere...
or things I stored on the back burner for ages....
and now I brought them out and ...
just gonna do them...
I'm going to take this as a sign that feng shui is still a viable option for shifting shit...
because I just cleaned the storage room yesterday....
cleaned as in... made better...not actually all done yet, but it's tons better thus far...
I am now enticed to look for that feng shui book and make sure all areas get attention...
it's like witchcraft in the modern age LOL
building a garden bed this weekend.... even though I can't get dirt yet...(or can I??)
I still haven't started the seeds... cause I know they will sprout in like a day...
and I won't have anywhere to put them when they get big enough...
gonna do a thing...
and probably paint something
Leonidas and his army stood at the pass at Thermopylae...
and feel free to channel the powers that be to stand at your own gates...
defend your Soul.... with fervor, with passion, with war, and with love
stand your ground
stand firm
stand true
and let the sword slay those who are set to trample upon you
hold your ground
stay in your strength
and let light be your shield...
"When there is no enemy within....the enemies on the outside cannot hurt you."
taste the rainbow of light that douses you with energy every day, eat it like the chocolate snickers bars, and swallow your coffee as a chaser...all in an effort to enjoy the moment...and not take for granted your inner which you carry everywhere.... and can invoke at any moment
...the hot gates are opened and the route to Hades is clear...
...bang the shields, ready your spears, war is at hand...
...they come for our people, they come for our lives...
...and we are the ones who say loudly through the fog...
... Come and take them...
this book, yo...
I made it to chapter 21...
and I'm completely accepting that it's all part of Soul's show
because... a shift has occurred just in line with a piece of this story...
and I could eat it up
like fucking dessert ten times over... (without going into a sugar coma)
and Soul....
ahhhh.... she is a genius!
a pure genius...
and we are going to sit and watch every episode and act and scene....
big big things are happening!
Ego is excited for once!
Mind is intrigued!
Brain is paying attention.
and Soul rubs her hands together knowing she has us all rapt...
she has us
and when she has us... she can mold us to her will
and big big things happen in these tiny little 3d lands of earth...
I could not love it more... I love it so much!
some random erratic plans have appeared from nowhere...
or things I stored on the back burner for ages....
and now I brought them out and ...
just gonna do them...
I'm going to take this as a sign that feng shui is still a viable option for shifting shit...
because I just cleaned the storage room yesterday....
cleaned as in... made better...not actually all done yet, but it's tons better thus far...
I am now enticed to look for that feng shui book and make sure all areas get attention...
it's like witchcraft in the modern age LOL
building a garden bed this weekend.... even though I can't get dirt yet...(or can I??)
I still haven't started the seeds... cause I know they will sprout in like a day...
and I won't have anywhere to put them when they get big enough...
gonna do a thing...
and probably paint something
Leonidas and his army stood at the pass at Thermopylae...
and feel free to channel the powers that be to stand at your own gates...
defend your Soul.... with fervor, with passion, with war, and with love
stand your ground
stand firm
stand true
and let the sword slay those who are set to trample upon you
hold your ground
stay in your strength
and let light be your shield...
"When there is no enemy within....the enemies on the outside cannot hurt you."
taste the rainbow of light that douses you with energy every day, eat it like the chocolate snickers bars, and swallow your coffee as a chaser...all in an effort to enjoy the moment...and not take for granted your inner which you carry everywhere.... and can invoke at any moment
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
The cape IS the crown....
There was a siren today...or maybe a dog was howling...
I said "oh...the wolves are in town..."
and I happened upon at least 5 unicorns the last 24 hours... geesh
craft room is clean
storage room is next in line
need to go to Lowe's sometime...when I get up the 'want to'
there is a sneaking suspicion I'll have to 'people'.... *sad face
on chapter 15... editing... not even half way, how bout that
no inspiration to do anything except things I can't do LOL
The Alchemist is just watching
maybe a reminder to witness only...
maybe waiting for me to pay attention to something
it could be either, or both
I have witnessed.... myself...and how much I don't like people...
even more so than before...
I don't like their fears
I don't like their limits
I don't like their walls
or their castles and moats and reasonings
I don't like them...
I do not like them, Sam I am.
I can appreciate that I don't like my own either
and I fall back on one question....
reminding me only of the blog post I wrote about superman...
the question of:
Where is Superman?
not a hero to save us all...
or to save anyone...
but us saving ourselves... me saving myself actually
not from something...
but leading to something...
a guide... but not like a leader, or someone to follow... not even the aether beings
walking in our own trust
following our own selves
leading ourselves to that which we are
and not what anyone else is...
book 6 has a piece...
about standing true...
--- "Stand true, little Spirit Dragon. Stay in your strength." ---
and I can't tell you all the things strength comes from...
the list is endless...
but I'm sure at least some of you could guess
and Superman...
above and beyond...
that's what we all are...
we just forget
and we like playing with our kryptonite
find your superman....
that one inside you
and fly that shit to the moon
no one needs guides from the aether...
(although I much appreciate them more than I could ever explain)
no one needs the cdc
or the fed
or the boss
or the fam
or the bank
or the pres
you need your fucking self, yo
superman can't save the whole world...
unless you awaken him inside of yourself
...and then your whole world will be saved
2 sentences in and I didn't have anything to write on this blog post...
I thought I was gonna go leave it all blank or just come back to it tomorrow...
but hey... look at how that worked out...
go on....enjoy your day. Sip your tea and coat your lips with the powder of french doughnuts...
then lick it slowly.... like making love to the sugars and marriage to the sweetness...
dive in, and fucking love yourself... love like you are it...
I said "oh...the wolves are in town..."
and I happened upon at least 5 unicorns the last 24 hours... geesh
craft room is clean
storage room is next in line
need to go to Lowe's sometime...when I get up the 'want to'
there is a sneaking suspicion I'll have to 'people'.... *sad face
on chapter 15... editing... not even half way, how bout that
no inspiration to do anything except things I can't do LOL
The Alchemist is just watching
maybe a reminder to witness only...
maybe waiting for me to pay attention to something
it could be either, or both
I have witnessed.... myself...and how much I don't like people...
even more so than before...
I don't like their fears
I don't like their limits
I don't like their walls
or their castles and moats and reasonings
I don't like them...
I do not like them, Sam I am.
I can appreciate that I don't like my own either
and I fall back on one question....
reminding me only of the blog post I wrote about superman...
the question of:
Where is Superman?
not a hero to save us all...
or to save anyone...
but us saving ourselves... me saving myself actually
not from something...
but leading to something...
a guide... but not like a leader, or someone to follow... not even the aether beings
walking in our own trust
following our own selves
leading ourselves to that which we are
and not what anyone else is...
book 6 has a piece...
about standing true...
--- "Stand true, little Spirit Dragon. Stay in your strength." ---
and I can't tell you all the things strength comes from...
the list is endless...
but I'm sure at least some of you could guess
and Superman...
above and beyond...
that's what we all are...
we just forget
and we like playing with our kryptonite
find your superman....
that one inside you
and fly that shit to the moon
no one needs guides from the aether...
(although I much appreciate them more than I could ever explain)
no one needs the cdc
or the fed
or the boss
or the fam
or the bank
or the pres
you need your fucking self, yo
superman can't save the whole world...
unless you awaken him inside of yourself
...and then your whole world will be saved
2 sentences in and I didn't have anything to write on this blog post...
I thought I was gonna go leave it all blank or just come back to it tomorrow...
but hey... look at how that worked out...
go on....enjoy your day. Sip your tea and coat your lips with the powder of french doughnuts...
then lick it slowly.... like making love to the sugars and marriage to the sweetness...
dive in, and fucking love yourself... love like you are it...
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