I asked him for a quote, cause we all love his quotes, yes...
but this one is like a riddle...
as we aren't moving anywhere....just becoming over a perceived time
and to what are we getting closer exactly?
and he's smiling... the Alchemist... who barely smiles as it is...
but he likes these thought patterns...
always taking the path he wants them to take...
"How does it feel, right now?"
he asks...
and I know the answer, but I'm not gonna write it here...
"Do you think there's much more to go?"
and he's referring to the vibrational output of my life, of my soul...
and the answer to that... would be yes, but no...
because we are all of it, from top to bottom...
and only our perception is what we see, exactly where we are at...
"It feels like gold, and crimson, and roses, and ember, and bronze..."
I tell him... because these words are the closest I can find...
"And what does this place sound like?"
he asks...
"Metal. And the wind. A ting...like a crisp winter bell."
all my comparisons are analogies and metaphors...as that's where I'm from...
"What does it taste like?" He asks, leaning in close, almost excited to have asked it.
"A shiny penny...." I hesitate... thinking to myself 'what did I just say?'
"Victory." I repeat... meaning the same thing.. yet deeper... like a medal
He's smiling too big now.... I think he's been in quarantine with the rest of the world...
maybe he's going loopy... I wonder...
did you know the Atomic symbol of gold is AU
Latin for Aurum = glowing/shining dawn
in dragon speak... Lochor = Golden Sun...

I found this article.... found it sensible without being too hard or too easy to comprehend...
and that's where this path has led...
into the sun...
nice... let's keep going *thumbs up
so I completed the second read-through edit of book 6...
and will go through 1 more time...
just once more...
and then take a day to hunt down some cover art somewhere off the internets...
and maybe a subtitle will come to me by then (question mark)
Garden bed built. Garden bed filled with dirt.
Dog pen cleaned
all the things.....
very nice
rain is expected, so a few days off from outside....
I'll probably read, lol
or start painting!!!
(not my stairwell.... I have not returned to Lowe's yet)
I might do my hair tomorrow!!!!
I already cut it ;) !!!
check in time... cause it's been like 2 whole days...
someone else mentioned Leonidas in an article today.... (synchronicity for the win!)
This comet coming... I read was 5 times larger than Jupiter and half the size of the sun...
.... this sounds like horseshit...
Ego is mysteriously pumped about something.... like she wants to get in a fight and tell someone to go fuck themselves... but I have no idea why...
Ego is watching this episode of Soul's play like she can't look away incase she might miss something.
Ego is a tad pissed off that the book does not yet have a subtitle and there's no reason why it shouldnt' be here yet...and frankly this is taking way longer than it should have...according to her...
Ego is ready, willing, and able, and will kick ass if needs be... I trust Ego... she's got this
Mind is studying Soul's play, knowing there are subtle hints strewn within every word, scene, etc... and she does't want to miss any of it
Mind is completely ignoring all human stupidity like a champ
Mind is also devising a plan to break the rules and covertly break other rules if just the one rule is discovered broken...
Mind is a genius...and I'm not fucking with her routine
Brain says almost everything is irrelevant
Brain agrees with everything in Soul's play almost instantly
Brain already has the plot and ending well thought out and diagrammed....
Brain is not wasting time with anything outside the theater
Soul got so excited about the flying squirrel the other day...and about the family of rats that eat the birdseed on the back porch.
Soul is explicitly pointing out how all the things work themselves out for her benefit.
Soul is running the show like the boss...and also like the hero...
Soul cut my hair, built a garden bed, and is also going to do more stuff to me here soon...
supposedly I'm in her play.... (oi vey!!! what!?!@% I never agreed to this...)
Soul says I should buy a pirate costume and a bubble blower that lights up...and tell all the fuckers who question me to mind their own fucking business... using the word 'fucking' for depth...and clarity
Soul also assures us that tremendously wonderful sparkly great things are coming....she's even doing that squeeze your fists and clap and move your feet really fast dance thing to show her excitement....
Soul has got it going on... so Imma follow her...
"Just like the seven continents...If you ate them, what would they taste like?"
was told to me in some weird ass dream/vision/completely-awake-intrusions... when those boys were telling me whale jokes and shit... (mind you these 'boys' are Soul family and totally got in trouble by the council) LMAO! I have not heard form them for a long time...
(I should check in O_O !!!)
when the Alchemist asked 'what does it taste like' up above... THIS riddle popped back in my head...
let me tell you what was going on then...
Comet Elenin... was going on. Earthquakes were going on... hence 'the whale puns are locked and loaded'
the weapons are locked and loaded....
trench coats and being 'whale done' jokes
and 'whale come back'...... *sigh... they were awful jokes and awful puns....
(it was great)
Just like the 7 continents... if you ate them....
if you 8 them...
what would they taste like....
they'd taste like a comet smashing into earth and breaking shit apart
they'd taste like .... victory
metallic, like the earth, like tones of gold, of bronze, of embers
crimson moons and suns of gold....
anyway...I've fallen out of the conspiracy theory loops... cause idgaf...
but I still lean towards the rebels...the patriots...the New America
" Molon Labe "
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