... and if that isn't a true statement, I don't know what is...
because we are sitting in an expanded universe...
and the hard things are little...or nonexistant...or simple
all with remedies you can find in your cabinet...
and the Alchemist... he's sitting here beside me...
and I know he'll move more within as time goes by... especially in the next 3 days.
now that we are expanding outward... and swallowing all other vibrations into one...
and all else will be silenced...
and all else will fall to the wayside...
or join the cause...
He states... as if I said something that made sense, lol
there's this perception we sometimes have that things and even others are somewhere outside of us
even aether beings...for what it's worth...
but actually...
it's all us... and all those things, all those beings, those people...
all of it can be incorporated as we expand
... and our presence within... carries them all
(swallows them up and silences all other vibrations)..
and it all changes when you change your perceptions...
I just am not going to explain what I mean...
good luck
Thoth set up a meeting with me O_O
like... what? I thought you were busy?
and he is... but ah...
I was given homework (?) and have to basically meet in for a check in.. in 3 days
this is new... and I'm not sure how I feel about this... other than excited and irrationally weird
(((The Last Airbender...
when Aang was bending the Fire Lord's energy at the final battle...
THAT is what I mean. *nods...
but not by force or will or intent or all that jazz....
it's all just YOU staying in YOU
and THAT power is what silences all others...)))

The lion turtle answered that "The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can tough the poison of hatred without being harmed. Since beginning-less time, darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purifying light."
The lion turtle told him that in the era before the Avatar existed, they did not bend the elements, but the energy within themselves. In order to bend another's life energy, their own spirit must be unbendable, or they would be corrupted and destroyed.
All hail the cartoons.
.... and lion turtles.
there's so much I could do!
moved strawberry plants today...
watered my flowers
moved some mulch
made chicken
might have bought some rocking chairs (SCORE!)
I'll let you know tomorrow
repaired the birdfeeder
rescued the mom
hung out with the oldest
the youngest went to bed sooner and got up sooner than supper time
the biggest jelly beans sometimes aren't as sweet.... so eat the little things...munch munch...crunch crunch... meet me at noon for brunch brunch...
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