...the hot gates are opened and the route to Hades is clear...
...bang the shields, ready your spears, war is at hand...
...they come for our people, they come for our lives...
...and we are the ones who say loudly through the fog...
... Come and take them...
this book, yo...
I made it to chapter 21...
and I'm completely accepting that it's all part of Soul's show
because... a shift has occurred just in line with a piece of this story...
and I could eat it up
like fucking dessert ten times over... (without going into a sugar coma)
and Soul....
ahhhh.... she is a genius!
a pure genius...
and we are going to sit and watch every episode and act and scene....
big big things are happening!
Ego is excited for once!
Mind is intrigued!
Brain is paying attention.
and Soul rubs her hands together knowing she has us all rapt...
she has us
and when she has us... she can mold us to her will
and big big things happen in these tiny little 3d lands of earth...
I could not love it more... I love it so much!
some random erratic plans have appeared from nowhere...
or things I stored on the back burner for ages....
and now I brought them out and ...
just gonna do them...
I'm going to take this as a sign that feng shui is still a viable option for shifting shit...
because I just cleaned the storage room yesterday....
cleaned as in... made better...not actually all done yet, but it's tons better thus far...
I am now enticed to look for that feng shui book and make sure all areas get attention...
it's like witchcraft in the modern age LOL
building a garden bed this weekend.... even though I can't get dirt yet...(or can I??)
I still haven't started the seeds... cause I know they will sprout in like a day...
and I won't have anywhere to put them when they get big enough...
gonna do a thing...
and probably paint something

Leonidas and his army stood at the pass at Thermopylae...
and feel free to channel the powers that be to stand at your own gates...
defend your Soul.... with fervor, with passion, with war, and with love
stand your ground
stand firm
stand true
and let the sword slay those who are set to trample upon you
hold your ground
stay in your strength
and let light be your shield...
"When there is no enemy within....the enemies on the outside cannot hurt you."
taste the rainbow of light that douses you with energy every day, eat it like the chocolate snickers bars, and swallow your coffee as a chaser...all in an effort to enjoy the moment...and not take for granted your inner ecstasy....one which you carry everywhere.... and can invoke at any moment
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