Like shimmers of vibrant jewels...ever so solid in the light.
and the eye sees all colors laid bare and crisp in the midday rise
Thoth is the Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon. He was one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt alternately said to be self-created or born of the seed of Horus from the forehead of Set.
He is star borne, commander of the seven rites. Lead seer and advisor to the council of Atlantis. Multi-compatible with both star travel and interstellar connectivity. Master of the prime hold and sovereign member of the inner travastus... (I don't know what that is???)
possibly a tad egotistical, and does not compose himself as mortal, nor that of the lower realms...
let's forward some of his most recent words...
namely, these were for whether they mean any relevance beyond is tbd.
(if you thought 'swallowing the lower vibrations' wasn't a precursor... oi vey!)
so that meeting we had... the one he set up...and I showed up for... cause yo... I know better
went from swallowing up low vibes to stepping into creator mode, like a boss...
*** ~~~ "Speak through vibration. Wisdom is silent. Words are three dimensional, yet truth is only felt. Speak in silence and all else will make a path for it to be heard."
"Only in silence, is truth heard."
"We are the living gods, and that which is below belongs to the mortals. Deeds, words, books, paintings, labor, toil, the markets, the tasks.... It is us who create for them to tarry away with, for the dawn comes...and with it comes a new age, where God lives among his people."
"We are who we are who we are who we are. We are to be, not to do. Create through vibration and let the mortals have their toys." --- Thoth ~~~ ***
dude.... there's soooo much to delve into with all that... and far too much depth to even touch on a level where words could serve any of it justice.
I'll leave it here... and you can take what serve you, is any of it...
I feel it's like playing with fire... but I also happen to like playing with fire.
and I just so happen to have an Alchemist on hand... so *thumbs up
and there was homework...
and next meeting is set for Tuesday night *thumbs up (???)
(p.s. he does not wear that ibis head piece thing.... the egyptians are just overly symbolic)
Gardening on the agenda, still...
painting on the agenda, still....
chair painting on the agenda
fish tank cleaning on the agenda
...and I suppose we all have an agenda...
and all those things for mortals, apparently
this space is like the barzakh... that in-between world...
but not from dimension to dimension...
or from old to new...
it's more of a space between home and not home...
this roadway between consciousnesses and between stars...
on the last read through of book 6...
then to hunt down cover art...
and spend howeverlong it will take this time to prep for printing...
On queue for May 1st... release date.
Hit me up if you want a copy so I can order them together.
I don't know how much yet
depends if lulu's prices are still on par... although there's like 430 pages to this one...
guessing around $30 *shrugs
still have some random prods to go back and edit the first few books....
*sigh... I tried once, but that was a big NO...
I might try again...
maybe the timing was off...
or I could write a screenplay... but i don't know what to do with it afterward...
all these mortal games... is what I'm gonna end up calling everything LOL
(*thanks, Thoth.... *argh!)
aether lands don't have anything to 'do' in them LOL
just all the 'be' -ing....
I wonder when corona time is over?
Is anyone else making an end of the apocolypse list?
I am!
Imma go get a slushi...
and plan a trip to Disney
I might go camping
hit up the thrift stores
...dude.... does that mean I'll have to sew again...
.... are people gonna order?!... is that even what I want?
"The only person who knows how far they can the one who went too far." - richdad
so go too far.... enough to know how much a badass you truly are....
there's no room for only half ass....
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