The core.
Where the hearth burns just below it.
Baking it to perfection.
Searing away the rough edges and melting it all into gold
It is the fire that burns.
And it is the fire that reveals itself though our actions.
Let this fire be processed through the heart as well.
Moving outwards as fire, as rage, as energy, as heat, as healing.
All things must be processed through the heart.
All things, even the flames of desire and of action.
Fire moving with heart, within the hearth, held to the core...
is Power. Our power. Our desire. Our creation.
The fire does not justify or explain.
It just burns.
And with that, comes respect.
We don't need a million different opinions.
Or ten thousand actions painted across the face of the world.
We need one heart.
... and to let it burn.
I told you the heat was coming.
I warned you about the fire and flames.
And the spark was more than a spark...
it was the beginning of ignition...
and we are taking off.
The dragon is taking off.
and every which way you want to examine this 3d world...
will mirror back exactly that which is real in the aether.
the macrocosm and the microcosm are the same.
As above, so below.
As within, so without.
As the Universe, so the Soul.
The static is leveling out, the picture becoming clear.
We aren't even half way through this 2020 year.
So they'll talk about all things having to do with fire and heat.
Volcanoes, the sun, all things solar, fires, burns, torches, fevers, etc.
They'll spill out things regarding movement.
Transportation, mobility, passages, routes, roads, friction and speed.
They'll drop hints on higher sciences.
Electricity, advanced communications, sounds and resonance, light and wavelengths.
They'll tell you about the others.
The aliens, the underground, the hidden ones, the captive ones, the undiscovered and the unknown.
Watch and see.
It's nothing like they say, but everything like it is.
Listen and prepare.
The frequencies are rising, noticeably.
And know.
All things work out for the good of all.
Bleed out your mouth if you will, but know it's not your words that will create change.
Grip your fists and break their bones, but it's not your actions that will create change
It's your knowing.
It's your knowing.
It's your knowing.

The Heart is set ablaze by the fires from the hearth.
Burn. And burn for us all.
There's nothing wrong with taking the freeway.
With following the already carved path to places you're well aware of.
But some of us like taking trails through the uncut wilderness.
Making a path that suits our needs.
And there's nothing wrong with being selfish.
We are not in this together.
I'm not even going the same way...
so stay out of my way,
you can join, or you can visit, or whatever...
but I'm not with you...
I'm going my own way
not a follower... and certainly not a leader...
this path is for me...
all for me.
All for me
And I choose this.
"Do you want your truck bulletproof or not?" ~ Elon Musk
and I choose to take the bulletproof
simple to choose to go this way or that,
or support this or that...
but I choose myself
and there's enough opinions all over the internet that I don't need to add to them
...we are not in this together...
Body is glad it gets to chill out.
Mind is looking for the next thing to focus on.
Brain is impressed the numbers have lined up and look better in the present tense.
Ego is chilling, doesn't care about anything.
Soul is spinning around in the chair. She's waiting for something... ?
Most projects are either complete or underway.
Book 3 revision/edit session is in process.
I really feel that an art project will commence sooner rather than later.
Garden is growing, so long as the deer stay away.
Stocks are doing really well... who knew...
Washed my 4runner, it is clean.
all other stuff here (...)
off to edit, this took all day to write and I keep adding more...and already have something to write for the next blog post about Rafiki...and that would not coincide with this one, so there you have it, I"ll be back some other time and let you know about the monkey.
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