"Still trying to direct the stream, are you?
Will it get you there any faster?
Is there such a thing as faster, or time for that matter, when what could take years could also take seconds?
Are you in control of the river?
Or are you the one whom it moves?
The one it moves through?"
~ The Alchemist
Is it not the matching of frequency that connects you to the goal...
is it not vibrationally entangling ones self with it that creates it...
the merging of two streams, like consummation, into birth
out of thin air, many like to say
out of the blue..
out of ...nowhere
because it's not a place...
it's not an action...
it's not effort or deed or striving or reaching or pleading
it is all ... a becoming
and we can become anything
And the torch is lit.
And it may be a rocket.
It may be a firecracker.
It may be a bomb, or a roman candle for all we know...
perhaps it's a dragon....
and will start an inferno
or simply light a candlestick
but it feels like something ready to burst forth into movement...
exponential movement....
and movement is like a roller coaster...
and by the time the ride starts...
all you can do is hang on
and enjoy the ride....
Right now we are waiting in line...
meandering slowly like waiting in line at the amusement park...
even if it's a two hour wait...
rolling slowly on the river, awaiting the exciting rapids up ahead.
held up as a torch.... yet not realizing the power preparing to be set afire.
A dragon... almost able to be unleashed...
And this isn't the end of the world
far far from it.
This is just the ride...the show...the movie...the deliverance
"You could see more if you just walked outside, rather than glancing out the window."
... something he would add halfway down the page...
because the aether has been clearing, the wind having whisked the debris away
but we haven't been paying attention very well, very much...
and although we feel the sensations and the general sense of energies...
we've neglected the details, the scents, the sights, the depth of such matters...
so I'm guessing this is the Alchemist's way of coercing me to join him in the aether
"I am not coercing, you've already known the answer." He says...
because of course we know we've been huddled up inside with minute distractions...
not even taking very long before starting another task... and the window, although open..
hasn't been the whole truth of what lies beyond the walls, beyond the glass...
"Maybe there's nothing to see out here." He says, one of his sly grins tucked at the corner of his mouth...
but we all know there's more to see than through the window...
"Maybe it's the same as before. Maybe, just maybe...you've seen it all." He eyes me.
and Soul is glaring at him... because she knows, at least now she knows... for sure...
that it is not the same as before... that there is something new being revealed...
and it's too large to see from the window...
Body is good and has found a better vibe to dance with.
Mind is good and only a bit irked that action and effort cost more than basic alignment.
Brain is really wanting to see what's outside in the aether.... like suddenly obsessed all of a sudden.
Ego is chilling, and doesn't give a rat's ass. She's like...napping?
Soul is arm wrestling with the Alchemist... all in fun of course... cause he's older...and stronger...
she's vibing and doing really good, besides trying to abate Mind's frazzled nerves. I'm pretty absolutely sure she'll be hanging out later.
oh... um stuff....
editing book 4... cause apparently there's nothing to do past 9pm
I have 1 order to sew up, but I'll do that tomorrow...
little possible projects kinda just mushed up on the side, but nothing solidified right now...
Soul doesn't want to get committed to those yet, she says "Why? Things are going to get throw out of whack once we get on the ride.....duh."
so I happen to believe her and I guess all the things will fall in line like a masterpiece, as is the usual when she's in charge. *thumbs up
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