knowing that the words were getting in the way
knowing that whatever letters you formed, blocked the part you wanted to share
hearing past the syllables and focusing on the hum of the voice...
it was a simple realignment that made the words themselves dissipate
like fire melting away the outer layers
for the words are meaningless, and yet they throw up all over the place
never ceasing and never really meaning a thing
their essence long lost in the delusions of man
but the voiceless hum that echoes further beyond the lips
it creeps by, bleeding with tell alls and truths...
the hardest of all longing to be heard
and like the surface, words are wrought with turmoil and names
and decipherings of perceptions, cast out like bait...
the hum simply the only thing worth hearing...
and yet another layer of truth still lies hidden between those rises in voice...
and in that divine silence is where we linger.
Hearing the ALL....and knowing the depths beyond that which the surface delivers.
it is a cry
the crying as the Angel of Death comes ever so close
approaching near, as to catch a glimpse of his eyes
and a whiff of his breath
But he hasn't come for you, for your life...
he's come to reap all what you are not....
the surface and the masks and the falsettos and the lies
he's come to collect the chaff....
and the chaff is that which no longer serves...
like your words
all the words
the meaningless words
He's come...
to steal what you think is you....but you are not
be kind to him
and use your muzzles wisely...
only songs can make it past his harvesting
the hums...
and always... the silence

Did I tell you how I sewed a Mickey Mouse today...
because I didn't
Imma go do that tomorrow though
there's really nothing to tell here.
you'll just have to listen to everything beneath these letterings
there is no art yet
the house has been cleaned for the most part
about however many planets are in retrograde, but tis' okay
the stock market is primed
and Independence day is queued up for some worldly happenings
that won't involve all these ...words...
you'll see
maybe you won't understand until after the 12th...
when it can be explained in a manner where the words won't be malformed or diluted
the aether is moving...
briskly, like wind before a storm...
although there won't be a storm....
sure, it will kick up dust and debris...
but the rain is far far away...
and you'll need to suffer the heat before the frost
The Alchemist has led us further down this path
into where the words fumble out too quickly
yet although heard, they are just the outskirts of the meanings
he's led us hear, beyond those things...
and we are grateful to meet him there
Body - has been almost allowing enough to be swept up. Trusting... and this is a new thing for her
somewhat overwhelmed by the choppy roughness of form, she's taken quite nicely to the restful pauses in the inbetweens.
Mind - is fried. She doesn't want to hear another word or definition, or label, or all the things spoken.
She is done and has decided not to tolerate those that use that level of communication.... (....?..)
Brain - is napping. Nothing for her to work on right now, and she's living it up. She did ask for a crossword puzzle to do though... ... hmmmm...
she doesn't even want to plan things...which almost seems to be a possible problem for later? (who is thinking this?? someone new maybe?)
Ego - ... maybe on hiatus?... we have no idea where she is or when she'll be back. We are sure that when she returns it will be something worth watching
Soul - has been more than happy to linger in the aether lands lately. She's been focused on some new vibes that traveled her way and we are guessing she's making a path for us.
She's in a agreement with Mind about silencing those words...even suggesting that we all stop listening altogether.
She is enthralled with the Alchemist's new vibe feels, and truthfully she now wants to have a chat with Azrael, ('since we mentioned him and all'.... she says... 'and he looks hot in that pic' )
...okay then....
I heard he likes small flowers, the kind with the teensy tiny petals. Maybe hand him a bouquet when he passes by so your trip into the underworlds will be smooth and shiny. And a latte with cinnamon and chocolate. Hot. and. Spicy. ;)
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