and for a time she has not even a thought about what it would be...
a intuitive outpouring fills up her bucket like a boss...
and she discovers something grand.
"Oh, yes. That is what I want." She says, whilst nodding assuredly.
but you see...
she doesn't want a 'thing' per se....
but an experience.
And if that experience comes in the form of energy, or things, or whatever...
it's the frequency she wants to divulge in.
This Seer, wants to dine on fire.
Book 3 is edited.
Will edit book 4 next... and also I just want to read it too.
(Just so you know, Sylis has always been on par with his character...
I loves him so much, and he still makes me laugh when I read the shit he says.)
ART! I'm totally gonna start this. Like within
On another note...
it's very informative to watch yourself refrain from commenting on bullshit
... let's just say I hate everyone equally.
I hope we all burn.
('cause I eat flames for breakfast RAWR!)
(none of this is coincidence that dragons ARE a thing this year)

Body - is chilling, almost horrified to know what perplexing task we might have her do next.
She's just going with it, hoping Soul will take care of her. Her bags are packed.
Mind - has been seeing patterns lately.... and is aware of the potential shift approaching
She's preparing and taking notes on her course of thoughts and actions. Her bags are getting packed.
Brain - is watching those same patterns, and also Soul's gentle acknowledgment of them.
She has yet to make a decision or committed goal on every matter. But knows to stay true. She doesn't have any bags, but is gathering snacks.
Ego - ....this girl knows she can destroy things in an instant, or set the place on fire with a few short words, but she's restraining herself. We don't know why.
She knows Soul's plan already and seems to be stepping aside as CEO. She knows she gets to drive on the upcoming road trip, and has not a worry in the world. She has one bag full of fists, ready to smack a motherfucker if the need should ever arise.
Soul - is almost prepared to depart.
She's outlining the route. She's designating the driver. She's situated the maps and gps.
We are all waiting for her to say it's time to go. And wherever she's chosen to lead us, we are cool with that *thumbs up.
and it's almost time....
and it's not a place where we shall travel
3d, 4d, and even 5d, has become swamped with wannabes
it is corroded with garbage and ridicule, all while ridiculing those who ridicule.
I will not miss you
you strange beings who proclaim 'truth'...
yet know not that truth does not belong to you
you beings who spout love and bullshit unity...
yet heaven forbid someone who loves something other than what you love.
Heaven is not forbidden.
It is CLOSED to those that carry the dark.
And you are covering it with your false light, false liberties, false skins.
I will not miss you, nor save you
(burn as in, burning away the flesh, the 'truths', the false selves, the coverings)
You can't enter the kingdom with bags full of dirty laundry.
Leave it behind.
And start a new life.
A new thought.
A new home.
A new world....
in a single step taken every fucking day.
No one wants to hear the fire spit out 'this way' or 'that way'
No one can know what it's saying when it screams at this thing or that thing.
No one needs another fucking comment or opinion plastered to the wall.
We all need to become the inferno
...or be subject to it.
The fire does not explain.
The fire does not justify.
The fire IS, and it IS respected.
Education for you:
Pele is the Goddess of Fire
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