Sunday, September 1, 2019

Follow your dreams...

I had a dream the other night...
Me and other people were checking out some ancient ruins.
This one room was circular, built of stones, with levels built around the inside...
they looked like amphitheater seating...
in the center of this room was a stone pillar like thing that had a carving on it.
Not sure what it was, but it had an open was hollow and the whole pillar was hollow
We found some small triangle devices (they were tech looking)
and they would beep when pressed...
but I remembered...
"oh have to press them in order!"
So we did, they had tones that raised in pitch in the correct order...
the whole room started to echo out sound and vibrate...out of the hollow pillar in the center with the open mouth carving.
some of the other people around the room fell down in agony, while others just stood in awe...
I remembered that we should have pressed the devices in a slower manner to raise the tones slower....
but it was too late... more people fell to the ground and started writhing in pain and disorientation...
others were trying to flee the room...some were still standing...
then my third-eye chakra started vibrating with the tone and I couldn't do anything other than let it.
...then I remembered,,, 'oh...this is one of those healing sound chambers, duh. We totally shouldn't have pressed the devices so fast.'
then it stopped (I think one guy covered the pillar's mouth, lol!)
and people were trying to get back on their feet, some were crying, some were intriguingly calm.
I knew the ones who were struggling did so because the lower tones weren't healed enough for them to raise to the higher tones just yet, so it did cause them suffering, and would until their lower aspects were done healing. Everyone began leaving.
The guy who had the devices came over to me and handed me all 4 of them.
He said. "You should hide these and put them away. It's not safe to use them right now because we do not know what we are doing. Probably should split them up too, just incase."
I took them and began putting them in my bag in separate pockets, trying to think where in 'time' I would 'hide' them?? ... and then I remembered...
'This is a healing room...these devices are linked to the specific tone that coordinates with an aspect of physical human beings. It tunes that part into perfection and then the next device moves to a higher tone to heal the next layer, the next part, the next aspect, until all 4 parts of the person are healed.
The room is built circular so the vibration echos back with constructive interference and amplifies the properties and is able to move through the physical body to all the cells within it.'
and then I woke up.

and I think all of that is true... on some level...
people do use tones and sound healing, but they are lacking the constructive wave interference that can reach deep into the tissues and cells of matter....
the ancients weren't stupid... they have this knowledge, they have this tech... the schematics and design and structures and information is all available.... it's there... right where they left it.

Ask yourself... then... Whose keeping it from us now?
Or was the information in fact, hidden in separate places/times....?
...just sayin'...
someone should totally look into that

Today was epiphany day! Hooray!
ok, it was 3 of them! I am so lucky!

The thought that it takes time to change your vibration and move to this or that vibration....
DOH! Um, hello in there *knock knock on the skull
Changing vibration isn't a practice and a hike in the woods....
Changing vibration is changing the fucking channel.... like in the blink of an eye.
Like pressing the button, and WAHLAH! Hello new world!
I'm not sure where the hell I dropped that during my hike... but I feel foolish not seeing that it was missing in the first damn place.
So clarity, yo!
Cause alignment... and I walked straight into that shit and do not want to leave!

Ahhh.... like a rain shower in the dessert...
Like a warm blanket placed around your shoulders...
Provision = Embodiment = Love = Fuck everything else.
Being cared for and supported and completely provided for....
There is a 'you' that knows nothing but complete support....
and your only job is to receive yourself... the you who has the knowing of that support/provision.
You can tune into that you...
then become, I mean you...

these words...
"You're too heavy for me."
.... and all the obvious things weighing you down are wanting to be released as fast as possible...
because nothing is more important than that connection with Soul.
...and I won't be her anchor...


There's a temple where the seers are taken on the full moon when they are initiated.
This round temple stands with the tall pillars and the ceiling is the sky...
The moon lines up perfectly within the center and illuminates the entire temple.
The light reflects off the pillars and even the floor and everything becomes aglow
They call this the Temple of the Rising.

Silently, each seer is escorted by a single guard up the trail that leads to there.
It sits upon a hill that is covered in wildflowers and willow grass, with only an archway as one begins the walk up the path.
The initiate wears a cloak, in the color of their gift. A hood covering their head.
A gold clasp in front with intricate gold leaves with far too much detail.
The guard stops at the temple's entrance as the seer continues within.
and it glows... and the wind, and the flowers, and the voices, and the breath.
the guard outside kneels in silence, his head bowed...
and all the stars... and the moon...

all given freely, and in abundance, forevermore....




all given freely, and in abundance, forevermore....


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