Where does one go to portray the wordings...
when everywhere eyes lurk about?
A simple place that's hard to find, but nowhere near impossible.
Where are the shadows when you are stricken with the light?
Where is the darkness when you can't even see it?
Hide me.
Looking for a place where my kind can dwell in peace...
where none other than myself can step upon...
A place hidden away from all the world and all the eyes...
where even voices and thoughts can not reach.
Stay away.
You are burdensome and loud and full of pain...
all that I do not want a share in.
Not even wanting your love or your whispers or your songs.
Release me.
I erased a whole 3 paragraphs or so...
you totally missed it
Movement you couldn't understand...
words falling short and failing to capture the essence of anything
a shame to send them out to bleed at the warfront...
when holding them close seems more comforting
it's the golden hour
and the night shifts close to the new day as the moon passes it's threshhold
tonight is when I shall summon the council
and even as I write here, unable to say much more...
I ask that you not hold judgement upon me
not today, not yesterday, not tomorrow...
for I hold none for you, nor could I ever.
these hands trembling in the cold damp darkness...
struggling to bring forth the fire...
begetting life within the mysteries, yet hidden from the masses...
I've claimed my throne
all hail our rising...
yeah, that ^^^ was a few days posts that didn't get anywhere
want another?
this time I actually have something to write about...
although I'm not positive that I have the same energy I did as when it first arose.
it's about the mirror I have downstairs
it's one of those taller ones...
but this one makes you appear thinner than in reality...which is nice and all
makes you look like other humans... tall and skinny..
not that I'm fat or super short... but a change in perspective is always nice
I'm not sure how it came to me... or what thoughts were running through my head at the time...
however, somehow the thing with the mirror...
and how it reflects back to you a higher value of some sort...
a higher worth...
a greater possibility and perspective...
an enhancement per se.... although it was always there...just now you can see it...
is exactly the problem we have when we relate to anything...
we only see our short fat selves...
in other words..
we only see our poorness... or brokeness... or lack... or limitations...
or hesitancy, or doubt, or ____________ fill in the blank...
but for god's sake...
you just need a better mirror
one that shows you taller and skinnier...
where we can see our value... our worth... our abundance.. our limitlessness
our clarity, and certainty, and confidence, and ___________ fill in the blank.
so this discussion Mind was having with itself...
remembered what Soul said... and remembered that there was no reason to choose...
to choose between this OR that.... here OR there... now OR later...
we get to have this AND that.... here AND there... now AND later....
We get to have it ALL
so this whole jump in the river kind of analogy....threw this in...for fun.
Stop wading....in the shallows...
Stop waiting... in the 'shall owes'...
one foot in, one foot out... neither hot nor cold... lukewarm
cowards that we are....
jump in...
go all in... wholly, fully, all of us... all parts of us...
both feet and your life too... into the 'deep ends'...
it all DEPENDS on you...
and BOOM! ... I didn't think that'd come out so amazing.
and... my 'I wish I could pay her' coach... helped solve this same perplexing dilemma...
not that she solved it...
but that when I chat with her, I solve it because of the prompts...
inadvertently usually probably... but still
Say "NO" without guilt... Say "YES" without fear.
"Everything is taken care of."
All in.
may god have mercy on those around me that are easily triggered
I read some magazine article about spirit beings and djinns...
and I am honestly horrified that people who claim to be energy people..
or psychics... or whatever the fuck label they dance around with...
find themselves practiced enough to know, or to even share their so called 'expertise'
...... this article had so many obvious signs of 'this guy does not know what he's talking about'
all over the page.
I will mention the fact he even said 'I don't have much knowledge on this stuff I'm writing about.'
but yet, he sits there and writes out a 3 page article on things he can barely touch the surface on...
if anything I am triggered...
One....because even though spirit beings are something I converse with...
I would not sit there and write about how one kind of this or that is good or bad...because
Two.... I know the law of vibration...which this piss-ant obviously does not...
nor did it sound like he had any knowledge of such matters while he is supposedly
sharing about these beings (good) and entities...(which he deems 'bad')...
(obvious duality thought processing = lower vibration...and you shouldn't even be delving in such matters until you cleared your own filth first...)
and then he didn't even say anything about who they were, what they offered, why, or what, or how, or even if....
and for the love of all that is good.... stop writing about shit you know nothing about other than the shit you read off of google... IDIOT! The poor poor people who read that magazine... !!!
and Three....djinns are not evil entities, nor are they shadow people who crawl up the walls or stand in your bedroom at 3am...the fuck have you been drinking?
The only thing you can come in contact with that would be bad...is equal to your own lowest vibration. You are the mirror and the receiver of such energies... it is not bad...it is mirroring something inside of you that needs raised into a more beneficial vibration. This is the devil himself's job... yet you think it's all about him/them and their 'evilness'...
I'll even add that some other article I couldn't bare to read all of it explained how angels can't be seen... well, they can if you have a receiver that picks up images... you might only have an old AM radio, some people have am/fm radios..., but some people have box television sets... others HDMI Hi-def blu-ray LCD display systems....
stop telling people your lies
I've met angels... and they don't look human, some carry spears...or tridents...or swords...or scepters...or nothing at all... and seraphim...my god... not toys, not fancy I will make you feel all love and joy LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! That is a big fat NO!
I've met other beings... and they don't look human either, lol... met one who looks like a demon...another with blue feathers...the old gods (planets) don't have images... Athena, Freya, ...they look like humans, but cooler *shrug
Christ... the highest vibrational being ever.... your possibility
God... energy... swirling light...with a never-ending consciousness... *shrugs... no explaining this ever
I've met a djinn before too...once... for what it's worth...he was actually blue....and he had gold jewelry on...(so maybe the Arabians knew something the article writer apparently lacks). He wasn't bad...but yeah, he felt kinda ...mmm... serious, not playing games or have time for nonsense?. I will say that he did not choose me... I was looking for a certain teacher and he was one of them called forth (by my guide at the time)... he declined to teach me and left... sooo *shrugs...
and for the sake of making my point...
everyone's world/experience/perceptions will be different...
there is not one way, certainly not my way either... mind your own path, yo
there are thousands of ways, like there are thousands of peoples...
but don't read stupid articles and believe things so blatantly naively...and don't ask google!
google is censored anyway....
better yet, stay out of the wilderness... it's 'bad' for you LOL
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