Saturday, September 14, 2019

Howl. The earth moves.

The calendar said the full moon in Pisces was yesterday, or last 12:30am EST
I don't know what google or certain websites say about the meaning of this...
because truthfully I find 99% of them off the mark...
(but I don't know what I'm talking about)
but what it 'means' isn't what you think it means...

So I already wrote about the chair....
and the mirror...
and there was a bunch today I received...
which, btw, I love receiving!

and Mind wants to play with these truths that came today...
even though I know it's going to be challenging for her...
...I will try to write this out...
but I can't bring words with me...they don't work where I'm going...


He's like light with gold...
there's a scepter of some sort he carries...
it has a planet on the tip that glows with bands of light that move around it...
like an armillary sphere...
almost exactly like that without the arrow, and a bigger planet/star in the center
He's been my guide lately, although we don't travel anywhere...
He's 'A casting light'... "Giver of clear sight."
and he's different than the others... younger...?

we've been having long conversations, but I don't always write them down...
today though... some new things came to the surface...or the deep?
things, I  ... am moving through...
and I always get that same question...
'Do you accept?'
and I don't know how to say, no....
so yeah... " I accept."  the only bold thing that ever comes from these lips
and then all this...
with earth and trees, and roots and bones...

~  "The bones of Earth, and the flesh of truth of who you are.
Naked and bare.
It will be like the fall, and the bearing, the baring...
of what holds you upright and gives all that you are, strength."  ~

and I can see the melting away of the coverings
and the Soul in the crispness of the birth
and these primal things that beat within the Earthly realms
heart beat and trees and roots and the standing of a god
what holds you up from the ground?
it was never the flesh, nor the skeletons, not even the heartbeating energy...
it was and is... the song
the movement of an arch from positive to negative.... like lightning...
electromagnetic static?

you are not what you think you are


And the fall is coming... and the trees will sleep...
and if one was to learn about silence... the time would be upon us
So mote it be.

~  "If you can't say it in silence, there's no reason to say it in words. For Silence has always come first."  ~

Oh, how this ruffles the Mind's feathers....
not even words can be heard half the time... how shall silence ever be received..?
and the trees...
if you can't hear them when they bloom.... what right do you have to hear them when they sleep?
(my god, I shall not recognize these words come tomorrow... are they even mine?)
how then, will I convey that which even words fail at?

~  "Speak yourself. Not in words, but in silence."  ~

speak yourself... not the first time that phrase was given to me... not the first time...
and the trees... always speaking, just like the stars, like all the things...
and they are silent...or so it would seem...
but they tell us stories... all day... all day... they laugh, they sing... they know things...
they are speaking in their being...
'"The trees are not careful with their words... they are their words."

and I get thrown this analogy which we have all heard before...
'If a tree falls in the woods, and no one's around, does it make a sound?'
and some say, no, there's no receiver to interpret the sound vibrations...
some say yes, vibrations are made regardless whether it is received at all...

~  "The tree itself knows. As do those that surround it.
Vibrations are not always interpreted by the sound the ears hear... but by the heart."  ~

the fuck?
so when the trees speak... it is not received by the out of date 3d ears...
but by a better receiver... that interprets the vibrations a different way... yet still 'heard'.
the heart... or so I'm told

(((but fyi, you're heart is not in your chest....maybe I'll tell you about that adventure another time.
Or maybe I already have? "Your body is not what you see.", and "Your heart is not in your chest.")))
just some things I've 'heard' in the aether lands... *shrugs


so this shit has got Mind in a frenzy of excitement
forget ESP and sixth sense phenomenon!
Is the heart an actual receptor, like the eyes, or ears, or skin, or tongue??
That would explain 'love'.
That would explain hearing trees 'talk'.
or for that matter everything.
...the... fuck...?


On the Dark Crystal series...
when Deet meets the tree thing... like episode 1 or 2...
and gets hurt or something by the narloc thing whatever...
and Deet wakes up.... and tells the others that the tree talked to her...
and they all gasp,  and say "Trees don't talk!"
and the old sage lady stops, sighs, and says... "Trees don't talk.......until they do."
and she had that long pause int between those words...
Soul was having a field day with that. I laughed...

yep, all the goodness of the seven see's and the fortnight of a half a truffle
suckle upon the honey of the faithful and cradle those loyal to the guard
may you spring forth upon the meat of the dynasty

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