What is up with the genies...
the djinn... the blue people...
there's one on the Dark Crystal series too...
and I'm thinking, why are Arabians always portrayed as blue?
then today, something about genes... ge-nes... genies... pops up on facebook...
ok...I'll humor this weird occurrence as something synchronized.. or orchestrated...
it'll help me procrastinate more, always a win for sure.
so Mind is having a good time swimming in all the puzzle pieces
that she's scattered haphazardly onto the floor...
and without any form of structure, she is trying to piece them together...
I'm frankly surprised she even found one match...
but I suppose, she is good at puzzles... sometimes too good...
how often does one look for a certain piece and then find it... even upside down?
well... anyway...
this will keep her distracted on some whirly-bird adventure for a time..
and all the while, Soul can do her work without Mind throwing a tantrum...
at least until she gets bored of the puzzle...*shrugs...
soo...something with genies/wishes/genes/and certainly dna...
that means proteins/electromagnetic waves/and blue...has something to do with something...
I'll let you know when Mind comes to some sort of conclusion...
most of the time the answer just kinda appears on it's own...
like finding the puzzle box and looking at the picture...
things are just easy like that.
of course Soul is smiling... cause she's sitting on the puzzle box...
but don't tell Mind that, we want her distracted while we go wreck some havoc of our own.
there's a full moon in Pisces tonight...but my sky is all clouds...
art lion and joker ones done and sprayed...
dress cut out... will sew tomorrow...
nothing much else calls me to do except meditate and write...
and well... I'm here writing this blog... as a means to procrastinate really...
cause book 6... needs an outline? I suppose... do I ever outline?...hmmm...
I scribble a few sentences to basically say what happens when... but not a real outline..
I could go edit a script or something... that will take awhile...
I should go find some studios to query... for Victory and Laser Racers...
but have I?
one: because I did do a search... the websites wanted a subscription and such...
two: when there's struggle and resistance... I call bullshit and cease and desist...
Soul will not have her kingdom wrought in slavery or struggle.
three: there's so much misinformation...I really don't care to involve myself in
it's like drama... and I don't do drama
I'll just post it online for free...and if someone steals it, that's fine.. I have the copyright.
I just want to watch them anyway.
facebook is rather boring...yet I just got lost on there for 30 minutes... damn..
it's like youtube... yesterday I watched a bunch of pregnancy reveal videos... ugh, kill me
and just now in the last hour...x factor auditions with arguing and crazy people from god knows when... fyi...don't bother... it was all bad
Ego wants to write some stuff, but Soul is shaking her head no.
but she will let the reminder reveal itself instead...
...that we are not here to 'fix' what appears wrong...
remember.... we just need a new mirror
nothing is broken
not even yourself
you don't even have to figure anything out...
"Everything is taken care of"
.... surrender ...
surrender etymology... in
sur= beyond render=restore
'beyond restoration'
or if you want to break it further...
sur=beyond ender= one at the conclusion/limit/boundary
'beyond the boundaries of self'
which is actually closer to the meaning I mean to convey
I should just speak in etymology... then maybe others might understand better...hmmm
hmmm... there's something I want to describe, but there aren't any words capable of such
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