a million stars...
a million wishes...
all the in-between is darkness
I'm no longer available
...to share all the happenings...
but I can tease... and spill it all in words haphazardly on purpose...
words which are far too small to attain the meanings at which I sit
the softness underneath the raging sea
a falling out
a falling in
those, but not those
tough and solid, malleable
a crying
a suffering
a willing
a coming
an owning
none of this means anything when you see the whole picture
it's like telling you where the water has been when you are swimming in the ocean
a clearing
a sounding
a movement
taking hold of the golden key and swallowing it...
bursting into a million stars that scatter like an explosion...
and all these are wishes coming true...
coming back together like the sands and like the rains
sometimes silence is the best method of communication...
ears perhaps, aren't meant to hear us all
they never could before... let's not assume they will now
and if eyes couldn't see... let's not assume they ever will...
alone is not a lonely road
it is all one
and only those who are part of that oneness will hear... will see...
everything else will fall into misunderstanding...
and I will not save you from it.
you forget who I am...
I did not come to bring understanding, or peace...
I've brought a sword, and a dragon...
and we can fly
(and totally burn the earth in fire!)
Think once on one decision... and GO!
The Universe likes speed.
and patience is the killer of all primed and ready powers...
Do the thing. DO IT!
Just do it!

why is there not a gif tab for this blog??? that would be so much easier!
I could talk in gif's all day!
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