~Financial Feng Shui 101 ~
Clearing is about creating room to breathe. Room to stretch. Like giving a sigh and allowing yourself relaxation.
It's moving the physical and emotional into a more aligned placement, so thoughts have room to pass, emotions have room to be felt, and the things have their own place to go.
It's an out with the old, the hard, the dirty, the heavy, and the cramped.
So when the space is prepared, it's in with the new, the ease, the clean, the light, the simpleness.
Clearing is like an eraser.
When we wipe out the things that we are no longer wanting to travel with.
These can be mindsets, beliefs, ideas, stress, frustrations, struggles, etc....
It could be the deleting of things that we feel hold us back, that drain us, that pose ongoing challenges, or create delays.
First step is simply identifying the things we want to change, get rid of, clear, or clean up.
Below are some simple prompts to help you get in tune with defining and bringing awareness to these things. Both those things in the world outwardly, like your living space, your job, family, career, money, car, etc.... AND those things inwardly, like your patience, mindset, awareness, intuition, trust, etc....
Take some time and delve into these prompts as much as you feel called. Get to know the issues you are wanting to change or expand upon. Really get to know what you don't want anymore, and what you do want.
When we define what we do want, it creates a picture of the possibilities, so the Universe/Source/God/Self, knows where to lead us. If we never know, then we usually keep going in circles, detours, or a nice kind of 'meh'. Nothing wrong with that, btw. And sometimes we like to try new things and change it up, all good.
(((PS: I know many of you will skip actually writing any of this out....but I want to make a HUGE HUGE HUGE point....
Writing it out and letting your eyes see and read what you've said, is one of the prime ways to bring awareness, remembrance, and to pull these deep things from under the covers out into the open.
This in itself allows you to change it. Otherwise it will usually stay under the covers and you'll never directly hands-on change these things. AND writing it out, let's you come back to it at the end of this course and you can for reals SEE and FEEL the difference in how you've done the work!!!)))
1: What top 3 things in your life do you immediately think of when you considering doing a total erase of? ____________________________________________________________________________
2: If they were removed, how do you think you will feel?
3: What actual physical things could use your attention on clearing out?
4: Which things or thoughts feel the most heaviest and hardest to negotiate?
5: If you could recreate your world any which way you please, disregarding your current abilities, what would that look like? _______________________________________________________________
6: If you could create the feelings and emotions you would want to feel on a daily basis, what would those be? Joyful? Full of love? Peace? Understanding? Wisdom? Confidence? Trust?
7: Take a minute and sit quietly. Visualize your self-created world. Both the things you see outwardly, and how you inwardly feel about yourself. Explore this new expanded version of yourself. Feel the energy of how it feels to have, be, do these things.
Really pay attention to your body and the energy that moves through you. This energy is what you want to lead you. The energy of freedom, of security, of trust, of knowing you create your world and are allowed to do so.
Walkthrough time!
This is the hands-on, small little tidbit of actually looking and observing your surroundings.
Make a list of things you want cleared, cleaned, moved, or changed.
Doesn't need to be elaborate, but make a note.
-- Walk through your home. Pay attention to table and counter tops, open shelves, and floor walk space.
These are one of the focal points on clearing.
-- We want all counter and table tops to be as clear as possible. Not pristine, nothing on them, but not cluttered so much, you can't even use the space itself. Write down which ones need attention.
Cluttered counters and table tops grab energy and hold it still.
-- Open shelves are for display or books. Make sure these aren't too overworked. Does the things on it have breathing room? Are things too big or heavy for the shelf itself? Make a note!
Too big, heavy, stuffed shelves disallow flow, especially if they are over your head height.
-- Walk space. You should not have to contort your body around items, or walk a certain way over/around other items. This is one of the absolute factors in creating flow, clearing, and allowing...things in your way that you have to move around are blockages, limitations, and obvious signs of struggle. Make these things FIRST on your list of clearing to tackle.
-- Check your work space areas.
Your car (please pick up things off your floorboards and remove items off your front dash!)
Clear your wallet and checkbook!!! You don't need 12 coupons in there, or the card to win a free smoothie. CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR!
Clear your schedule of the things you obviously are not wanting to do. If you have an obligation, learn now not to invite that back into your life for next time.
Keep yourself, your time, your mind CLEAR.
Focus on clearing space that you see openly. We'll get to the drawers and cabinets later!
~ Clearing your thoughts ~
You know when a thought hits you that pulls your energy into that funk of 'ugh'.
When it comes. Call it out. You can say it in your head, but just like writing things out allows you to see it, speaking it out allows you to see it there too....and doesn't allow it to hide back under the covers.
"This is too hard, and stupid..."
Take your other half and call that bitch out.
"Shut up Karen, this is easy for a goddess like me. Imma rock this world like a BOSS!"
Literately do whatever you have to do, say whatever you have to say, and OWN your shit.
Sometimes we can say it nice, say it truthful, say it with pizazz, but YOU GET TO CHOOSE how to respond to yourself too! Don't put up with your own BS!
This is where your badass ego of love pours out and swallows up your whiny 'I can't do it' vibe and reminds you of how awesome you are and GET TO BE!
Don't be afraid of yourself.
Choose what you want and follow through.
Clear out those thoughts that are not supportive.
Clear out those feelings that hold you back.
Clear out those structures, rules, limits, barriers, etc...that are not serving you.
WRITE them out. CALL them out. GET them OUT of your way.
Clear your surroundings.
Outward things mirror our inward selves.
Overfilled, cramped cabinets create too many thoughts,
messy unfolded clothes and towels are confusion and forgetting,
unfinished projects create delays elsewhere... clear them, finish them, or get rid of them,
old, broken things hold us in a state of undone... clear them, fix them, or replace them.
Take 15 minutes and sit with the clarity of how things would feel on being cleared and free.
Really feel this energy. Get to know it. Get to know it like you ARE it. (because you are)
Allow the room, the breathing space, the relaxing, the ease.
Love yourself for allowing this time.
15 minutes. Every day.
Add some affirmations if you'd like.
"I love clear spaces. I love space for growth. I invite new experiences. I welcome new abundance."
Whatever words you feel are supportive and empowering. Whatever you need, give it to yourself <3
Start an ABUNDANCE log or journal about the abundance you have in your life and come in contact with.
Make notes of money you receive, gifts you receive, acts of kindness from others, things that help or serve you. Try to add in items everyday. Really keep tabs on what is flowing and how it improves over time.
Also keep tabs on gifts and services you've given to others. You are a part of the world and this too allows abundance in and out of your life, like breathing, like living...
*****I know you might be wondering how this relates to money! I assure you, when you get clear on these things and take actions that reveal this clearness....money is one of the main examples of how it will manifest into your world. Clearing your wallet and checkbook is first step.
If you want to give an extra effort in speeding this up, get your financial records and know what debts, bills, or areas you want to really deal with first. WRITE THESE OUT!
1: How can you rearrange these things to create a clear space?
2: What areas do you feel supports you in allowing more income?
3: What can you delegate to others to handle?
4: What is most pressing?
5: Where can you open yourself up more to receiving?
Visualize these things being handled and taken care of. Really sit with the emotion of relief and/or receiving the things/feelings/support you need.
*** Don't focus on the money itself, as money is a fluid energy and it has NO FORM!
Focus on the things you want to accomplish with the money!!!! The thing, the experience, the relief, the joy....
SOOO many people try to think their way rich, or debt free, or receiving cash all the time... BUT
BUT BUT BUT!!! The energy of money, of debt, of receiving is not a tangible energy....it's not a real thing... HOWEVER... the energy of an item, of an emotion, of relaxation, of having enough, of experiences, of joy... IS A REAL THING AND THAT IS WHAT CAN BE CREATED!!
I once manifested $42,000 ....and what was the thing that allowed it to come?
Sitting with the 'giving up of trying and forcing'...and just allowing myself to receive the 'relief and trust that I have it no matter if it ever showed it's face in reality'. I HAD IT WITHIN in the form that was real. And that called it forth into my reality. Energy MATCHES energy. Match what's real for you.
Sure there were other things at play, other real world occurrences that finally came through, things that finally lined up...but all of that was out of my control. I had control of myself though.
I want that for you. To know your 'REAL' inner truth, and to allow everything thing you are to be experienced in the world.
Homework for 1:10 CLEARING
Journaling prompts
Notes of your walkthrough
Clearing and cleaning all major items on your list!
Meditation and visualization after the clearing.
Thoughts and emotions after the clearing.
Abundance log
I'm doing this work along with you! I've done it before and I know it works for me, I hope it works for you too!
Writing and calling things out out loud is a big thing, try to do this! Do the visualization at least once a day, more if called. This hones your energy to the desire and let's you strengthen your intuition on your path.
Friday is Q & A, along with shares if you feel up to it. Take pics of before/afters, share some affirmations, whatever can help one of us, may help another. Cheer and support each other.
Saturday we will be moving on to 2:10 Creating Space
Use these 3 days to clear those obvious places, to bring awareness to your thoughts/emotions,
and to clear energy for new abundance to arrive.
~Financial Feng Shui 101 ~
Creating Space is all about the providing and sustaining space for receiving.
Room to receive, gather, and store (at least for a short time) new abundance.
So not only did we create new flow in the river of life through clearing, we are now creating a few eddies and coves to create fun swimming holes, deeper waters, and places to relax in place for a time.
This relates to clearing out the spaces that are intended for gathering, storage, and an opening for receiving.
Creating space is the hardest part of this work. It requires emptying, rebuilding, remaining focused, keeping clear, and then coming back to it with a strong sense of pickiness about what you're going to keep and what you're not.
It is the backbone of the whole process... as when you have flow, and create space, that space fills up and it fills up FAST! It also fills up continuously until it's FULL!
and if you want to keep things moving and more fresh energy coming in, you've got to stay on top of it and keep creating space.
That means to become aware of where the flow is slowing, how much areas are holding for too long and where you need to adjust and shift for things to flow even better.
This next step, these next 4 days is the oomph power to get our river set up. This is basic structuring and the upholding of all the other things. Start this process and actually complete the first two steps, you will see a shift in the abundance levels. After that we sift and sort and hone our focus, but these are the beginning and firestarter sparks that ignite the abundance inferno!
When the spaces we have are filled...and left that way for too long, this creates stagnancy. A stickiness to where the whole entire flow becomes sluggish, backed up, and sometimes a complete stand still.
There's no where for new energy to go. There's a back up of old energy that hasn't been dealt with and is becoming rancid.
Energy is meant to be utilized. In AND out accordingly. Even if it's used physically as in objects and exercise. Emotionally as in joy, excitedness, crying, etc... Or any number of ways that move energy in and out, out and in.
Even money. We receive it and we spend it. We can save it so long as energetically the energy around that is also clear....whether we have a goal for that savings, or even an emotional peace we are receiving through it.
Again, write out these journal prompts, really take a real life look at your world, your surroundings, and your inner junk drawers. Focus on where you gather, carry, receive, store, and hide things our of view.
These are the vessels that secure what is coming in for you to delve through and keep what you want.
These are the bags and containers that hold energy for a time until you use them.
1: What big things feel stuck and stagnant in your life? _____________________________________
2: If everything was an energy, which energies feel sluggish or heavy? _________________________
3: Sit quietly and feel within your body where there may be similar matching sluggishness and energy.
Heavy, dull, numb, or knots within us. These are emotions or traumas that are still waiting to be sorted
out and discovered.
Write out what you feel and where these feelings are located in your body. Describe what they are or what they might mean to you. _________________________________________________________
4: If you could unstick all the heavy things and recreate your river for flow and spaces to gather new energy, what would be the first things to recreate? _________________________________________
5: How would it feel for you to see your world open up? For new opportunities and new energies to come into your life? _________________________________________________________________
6: How would it feel to have those inner emotions and thoughts be fully dealt with and healed? What sort of space would open up within you? How would that really feel? __________________________
Know that when we begin this work, it open a lot of doors and pathways. Sometimes it opens long forgotten drawers and closets we've been shoving stuff into for quite a while.
When we work in the river of life to restructure, it kicks up a lot of mud. The water looks gritty, the rocks are indeed sometimes heavy. We remember and find things we've forgotten about.
When these things come up, it's not about conquering them, it's about seeing them at this time, in this place, right now.
Throwing them back into the drawer, the closet, or buried under twelve blankets is the same thing as leaving the rotting fish clinging to the cesspool of the side of the river.
Give them time to be seen. Give yourself the time to see them. That's all energy needs is attention and direction.
That's who we are. We are the directors and creators of how this energy is used, kept, and moved.
Get involved with your outer world hands-on, and get involved with your inner world, hands-on.
Walkthrough time!
For our outer worlds, this step will be the messiest. I apologize now for the mess you're about to find yourself in within the next few days. Moving and sorting just these things alone is crazily fun and you might go a bit insane.
-- A quick list helps keep you on track and guides you to the follow-through completion. Start jotting down your actual physical storage places and transporting carrying totes.
That means your drawers (yes even the junk drawer(s)! especially them!), kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, etc!
Your closets, all of them.
Your entire car, the trunk, the console, the glove compartment, all of it. It transport YOU!
Your cabinets. Kitchen, bath, garage, etc!
Your wallets, bags, pockets, baskets, bins, whatever. All these places that hold your things, all the places that hold your energy. At home, at work if you can, in the places you often are.
** What you see openly is the flow, what you see only when you open it is the storage. **
Get to cleaning. Take out the drawer and dump it. Go through it all. Be highly discerning as to what serves you, what you use, and what if anything you really could care less about it. Take it out and throw it in a giveaway box.
Clean, sort, and fold all your stuff. Remove what you don't enjoy, love, or have time for.
I would love to recommend Marie Condo's ...'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up' if you want to get gung ho SERIOUS about this.
Otherwise, do the best you can. You'll feel better if your socks can breath, but sometimes we just gotta get started and get detailed later.
~~ For creating space within.
When things come up in your thoughts, or emotions...give 5 minutes and sit with them. They need you. They can't move, shift, change, heal without your presence. Give them you.
Love them, allow them, accept them. It's okay to be with them. Sometimes our allowing of them alone can shift them. Sometimes moving those energies to our heartspace can heal them.
This course isn't all about the shadow work, but there are so many brilliant ways to be the space where the healing and allowing of these big inner energies can be received and released through us.
Always feel free to message me if you would like help on this.
Creating a space within for us to be who we are and allow all of who we are to be seen and heard and FELT is imperative for growth, expansion, receiving, clarity, and abundance.
Create space within most of all. <3 this alone can change the world, our world... the outer things are just a microcosm of that which we fully are.
You won't get new things in if you are always holding onto the old useless things.
You can't receive new energy if you keep playing the old channels.
So CLEARING for flow - CREATE SPACE for receiving.
AFFIRMATIONS for 2:10 Creating Space
"I have enough space to hold all of my desires. I am able to release and receive the best of things. I welcome new energy. I love to spend time with new energy. I give attention to the new things and am a safe place to receive more. More good things come when I have a place to care for them. I carry that which serves and let go of what does not. New things are always on their way. New energy fills my spaces all the time. I am always receiving. I am always flowing. My house breathes fully. My car breathes fully. My space allows me to breathe fully. I am full and in flow. I have what I need and have room for more of what I desire."
Whatever floats your boat. Make up what feels good and supportive for you.
Money and creating space.
The first important place is within. We need to clear our inner emotional energy around money.
Do you feel tense when thinking about money? Overwhelmed?
This represents hesitancy, mistrust. You feel unsafe, unsupported, and oftentimes in a full on struggle with the energy it revolves around. Whether those be bills, debts, lack, scarcity, and unclear.
Thoughts are one thing that can be overridden with new thoughts, or new practices, but the emotional side is another. This can't be changed simply by 'doing' this or that to shut up the feelings.
The feelings can only be changed through just that....feeling.
And the feeling of them can be changed energetically by your presence and allowance of them to move.
We often tend to grab hold of a feeling about it and justify it with our thoughts and beliefs about it.
But in letting go...in just unclenching our hand/mind... and just being a witness and watching without judgement....creates a space where this emotion can move. The more we allow it, while just watching it yank and pull and twist our insides... the more it will feel safe to emerge.
When the dark emerges, it moves into light and that emotion can and will change and begin it's healing.
It can't do that if we hold it back, if we point the finger or shame, blame....if we cover it, hide it, deny it, ignore it, or pretend it doesn't exist.
Every time a thought or feeling pops up, catch it, witness it, allow it.
Soothe it. Give it a safe space. Say affirmations that bring relief. Create and rewrite ideasl and beliefs that feel supportive for you in this NOW.
This is a practice. Reread lesson 1 on clearing. Do lesson 2 on creating space. Do them over and over until you feel the resonance and space to move forward.
Nothing here is a race, a rule, a structure, a 'you gotta do this and that' shit.
You are the space and this is just a message for you if/when you need it.
I know these things take time and even if it's 2 years from today... every bit of it, every step will be worth it. <3
Homework for 2:10 Creating Space
Journal Prompts
Walkthrough notes
DO THE WORK on cleaning, clearing, providing space in all the nooks and crannies!
Meditation and Visualization before and after the physical work
Time with your feelings around money. Just be the space, not force or try to make it do anything.
Fill out your Abundance log, don't forget to add that you opened up new spaces for receiving :)
Next Wednesday we will continue with 3:10 Clarity on Desires
No rush, these files will be available for you to copy/print through out this entire course to do in your own time.
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
FFS 1 & 2
1. Clearing
2. Creating Space
3. Clarity on Desires
4. Practicing Flow
5. Adding Momentum
6. Knowing when to Rest
7. Gaining Contrast
8. Delegating
9. Deciding Different
10. Rinse and Repeat
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