~ Financial Feng Shui 101 ~
Clarity. A big word that means more than the little letters can hold.
It's about KNOWING, an assured sense of solid centeredness and a big nod of YES.
When we know without a doubt what we want, the path to it carves itself out for us.
We can't see the path if we aren't certain. We can't sense it if we are hovering all over the place.
We can't walk it if we are looking at ten thousand other maybe's...or still sifting through the pros and cons.
The only time the path gets cut out is when we simply decide.
Once we decide and choose, all that energy of knowing is like a lightning strike.
It ignites and lights up the path of least resistance to connect us to whatever our desire is.
We may not see the whole entire path, lightning isn't quite a straight line, yo!
But we can see the first step. The one still steaming hot and shining brightly.
This is when you take it and begin your walk.
After clearing and creating space, we move into the place of gaining clarity on what we want to allow to move through our now open space, and what stays and what can keep going right back out.
This is about learning discernment. What helps, what benefits, what supports, what feels good, what is useful... and the opposite of what isn't helping, what does not support, what feels icky, or what is useless.
Allowing more and more of the best of things and experiences will attract more and more of the best of things and experiences.
** We remain clear to keep the flow, we remain spacious to allow it to gather and grow, and we allow more of what we DO want, and less of what we don't.
It's a learning game of paying attention, building awareness, and taking actions around what the energy is, where it's going, and why.
These journal prompts are about really identifying and sharpening our contrast on what comes and goes, and what we want more of.
Be aware of the feelings you have around the things and people and day to day interactions you engage with. And know that you get to choose and decide whether or not, or how much, of those energies are welcomed in your outer world, and your inner space.
You get to decide.
You don't even have to choose an option that is presented to you. You CAN create your own options as well!
(I do this all the time, because I don't like the ones the world presents to me...they're boring, or dumb, or unsupportive, or too hard, or too much work, or I just don't have that kind of time, or I don't want to.)
So I create my own options and choose the one that feels the best. ALL THE TIME. And I don't give myself shit about it. I know it works, even those times I have chosen to buy a go cart over 'saving' or investing or paying a debt off.
We DO NOT have to play into that trap of 'doing the right thing' according to the world. DO everything according to how it feels. Supportive, empowering, fresh breath of air, expanding....all the good things is what you want to trust.
Go deep on these and really get to know yourself. Clarity comes from focus and intent.
1: What things support you the most? ____________________________________________________
2: Which people support you the most? ___________________________________________________
3: Which interactions, events, situations, engagements support you the most? _____________________
4: How can you enhance and open up more space for those things that are supportive? ______________
5: What other supportive things, people, or actions could you invite into your world? _______________
and what actions could you take immediately to open that doorway? ____________________________
6: Which things, people, or circumstances have you feeling blocked, stuck, or limited? _____________
7: What steps can you take that will relieve the pressure or interaction with those things? ___________
8: For energies that you want more of, take time to visualize those good things to visit, to gather, to interact with your world. Feel the emotions around that support and expansion.
Talk with the people, give appreciation for the meeting, enjoy the visualization of experiencing the event. Give yourself the time to hone in on the presence of the emotions around these things.
9: Write out some of the most important new things you want to add. Be detailed. Be consistent. Get familiar about what you are wanting and why. Be truthful and go deep as you can.
Asking and confirming what you want is a huge part of this work. The Universe can't deliver unless it knows what you want and where to find you to deliver the goods.
Be centered, make sure your signal about what you want is strong, and send out the order form from the Universal catalogue! It always delivers when you are certain and in clarity about all your desires!
10: Visualize those things you just ordered above! Picture them coming in the mail. See you opening the packages and enjoying them. Visualize meeting the right people at the right time. Imagine all the things, all the places, all the everything! Spend time here for a bit.
How does that feel? __________________________________________________________________
Does this uplift and bring a stronger awareness to your desires? ________________________________
Does this feel like something you have the space for? Or are there things you need to remove so you do have more space? ____________________________________________________________________
Is how your life is now, allowing for the receiving of those new energies? ________________________
What can you take action on that helps align you with those new energies? ______________________
After you've done the journaling, do another walk-through of your space.
Open things and look inside, sift through the clothes a bit, browse all your things and furniture and the overall spaces around you.
Feel the energy of these things and spaces.
Write out notes on what things align with your asked for desires and what does not.
What can you change, or switch out, or get rid of all together.
Do you feel downsizing will help, or new items?
Would more fresh food in the fridge align to those new desires? More flowers? A cake? More plants?
More open windows? Music playing...
Our surroundings aren't everything, nor the main thing, but they give a direct relation to our world and where we may want to change, switch, redirect, or renew our lives. The awareness of our things and their energies, helps us attune to our intuition and builds our senses stronger, so we can move into direct alignment with what we want for ourselves.
Inwardly, pay attention to all the feels.
When we decide and choose our desires full on, it strikes the path of emotions too.
It tells us immediately where we need to move, what we need to allow, what we need to let go of completely, and where we still need to give space and time to within ourselves.
Lightning often sets things on fire. Like old items we've been attached to, old relationships we hold onto out of obligation or 'because we should'... It lights up the path we do want....but it obscures the other things we no longer need to travel with.
That doesn't mean we go and tend to those things all the time, but we just keep our eyes forward on the path, and whatever is not on it, will fall away on it's own. We don't have to do all the work. We just have to stay intentionally focused.
~ The hardest part is discovering what you really want and then choosing it. ~
So many just don't really know. Or they do, but they haven't decided yet.
Here's the key though.
There's no wrong answer...and while you walk your path toward your desires.... you get to choose again and again. It relights...each and every time.
Sometimes we walk and discover an even better option...and that lightning strike will light it up and it might deviate from the original path ....which is great, because now you are so familiar with walking your chosen path, that all that hesitancy and doubt and bs you've carried before, is long gone.
You know the journey has been worth it and a new path just leads to new and better each and every time.
It's a building of trust with yourself. Over and over and over.
So choose with complete faith, with complete trust.
So your river of life is clear, it's got swirling pools of space to gather and relax, it's getting clearer and clearer and you can almost see the bottom. AND you've got it directed to where you want to travel.
Whether that be through the mountains, along the prairies, the desert, the rainforest, whatever!
You shape it as you go along. All good.
Let's get to MONEY!
Be crystal clear on what you want for your money.
It is a fluid energy and if you aren't 100% certain of what it needs to do for you, it will splash all over the place and evaporate.
Be attentive and affirmed in your interactions with it.
It loves to be loved, but don't let it sit out in the sun and dry up.
1: What do you want your money story to look like? To feel like? ______________________________
2: How does money come to you now? ___________________________________________________
3: In what ways can you see now, can money flow better to you? ______________________________
4: If you ordered from the Universal catalogue of inlets for money to flow to you, what would you order? Don't hold back. You can get as imaginative as you want! ______________________________
5: What would you do with the money that came through those new and exciting pathways? ________
6: How can you build a fun relationship with money and how it's used? _________________________
7: Imagine you are having a great time hanging out with your bestie Money! Visualize that day and explore all the emotions and feelings you receive when you picture you spending time and energy together.
Those emotions are the ones that will build and build and uphold this whole relationship between money and you. Make it good, make it fun, make it creative and free loving!
Homework for 3:10 CLARITY ON DESIRE
Journal prompts
Energetic walk through of your space
Directly making the choices that benefit you.
(Write them out! Speak them out loud. Make them real!)
Taking immediate actions based on those desires.
(One step at a time! One step for each desire)
Money prompts and visualization.
Practice those emotions of building a strong relationship between you and your money!
Abundance log! Fill this out with all the little things too!
Create your own affirmations that uplift and support your work and space.
Please share, comment, or ask questions on the comment thread!
I hope this work helps you in any way and thank you for being here.
Saturday the 28th will be 4:10 Practicing Flow!
~ Financial Feng Shui 101 ~
The literal translation and meaning of Feng Shui itself is Wind, Water....
and both of these are the epitome of what represents the truth of what flow is.
It's about navigating resistance and moving effortlessly with ease, with grace, with peace.
Storms can be awesome and powerful too at times, and sometimes our flow will accelerate at times too... but generally and more often, we can be in a state of allowing and non-resistance.
This doesn't mean we aren't going to keep making our decisions and aiming for what we want and just letting the river of life have it's way with us... (except those times we are doing it intentionally)
But it means that we trust our navigating, our choices, our support, and can easily maintain course or adventure while also enjoying the sights and sounds of the world around us.
Not everyday, or even the majority of days is struggle. Or ever has to be.
We don't do that here.
That's like rebuilding your river every day, trying to go upstream and against your own inner knowing or energy, clinging to rocks and getting swamped by rapids, or stuck in the muck, or snagged on a tree limb you left there for years.
We know how to clean. We know how to create space. We know what we want.
Now we begin to cultivate the navigation.
For flow, we practice moving toward the simplicity, the ease, the path of least resistance.
We aren't looking to move the boulders in the river, we are simply and effortlessly choosing to flow around them.
We aren't looking to stay in our little eddy forever, or visit with every nook and cranny, or trying to figure out where to clean next. We simply choosing to stay in the flow.
We aren't looking to chat with the land lubbers either. They often pull us right out of our flow and use our attention up, distracting and pulling us away from our courses. We simply are choosing to stay in the stream of our alignment, and stay in our boat, and stay in our river, our lane, our world, our reality, our creation.
1. What things in your life thus far create the most ease for you? ______________________________
2. When you navigate something that was effortless and easy...What was it? How did you respond? What made it so simple? __________________________________________________________________________________
3. When you are in flow, how does this feel? What emotions come up for you that create a sense of support and fulfillment? ______________________________________________________________
4. What areas in your life seem less in flow? What are your areas that create struggle? ____________
5. Why do you think they are like that? What ways can you realign around them to make them easier?
6. Taking just the first action step regarding those difficult things, what is one thing you can do today to give them a new space, and create a path around/above/beyond them? _________________________
7. Visualize and sit for a few moments. Imagine those barriers or blockages in your river of life.
Pay attention to your emotions around these things or situations.
Picture your boat moving with the flow of water (energy) and easily moving past these issues.
When we energetically move past our snags, we no longer have to give attention to them, as they are now behind us, and we can again look forward to where we are traveling.
Do this again and again until your boat flows past these blockages easily. At first we may picture our boat hitting it and spinning around, or it getting stuck on it, or not enough water to lift our boat up and over the boulders.... Keep reimagining until it feels so easy, so simple, that that boulder is nothing but a pebble.
This imagery is us being intentional about adding energy (water) to our focus. It raises the water level to lift us over our obstacles, it, widens the river to slow us a bit so we can avoid the obstacles, it enhances our boat and support systems to simply bounce off and away from our obstacles....and so many other ways to bring us to victory.
Flow is about moving with energy, not against something, or navigating alone without our own inner support.
8. How does it feel inwardly about moving past these big things? ______________________________
9. When you imagined yourself move around these situations, what came up for you? How did you find yourself past these obstacles? ___________________________________________________________
10. Dig deep into your feelings, and hold the energy of gratitude and appreciation about how your boat, your river, your obstacles, your self, your energy, carried you further along. Sit here with this feeling of appreciation.
This work is about knowing without a doubt, that everything you ever need in this whole life journey is right here with you at all times, forever. Feel this gratitude and knowing. Sit with it, hold it, give it attention and a clear space within you.
Flow is about navigating past any obstacles we come across.
We design our river, but sometimes others throw rocks into it too. Sometimes someone with a speedboat creates waves for us. Sometimes the land shifts, or it thunderstorms and we get flash floods and rapids when we are not ready for such a turbulent ride.
When we are aware and conscious. When we are in a space of trust within ourselves....
No matter what we come across on our path, we know know know that we have the tools, the ability, and the energy to carry us forward, past obstacles, a place to rest, a place to map out new directions, and everything else we need and desire.
We can feel which emotions, which actions, which thoughts are easy and effortless and which ones we are trying really hard to 'get to' work.
You know when something feels heavy and irritating and frustrating and 'I don't want to deal with this horseshit'. You know when you have just had it for today, or when you wish a mthfckr would. You know when you are waiting for it all to crumble to dust because you have no more f*cks to give.
Those times.... are the perfect times to gain the absolute most clarity, because you know you want better, you want more, you want new....and that is where you clarify and decide.
THEN we allow ourselves to go with the easiest path we can find.
Not the 'right' one.
Not the one someone else wants for us, or someone else told us to take.
Not the one that looks good.
(Looks are deceiving and looks will not make you come alive. That's like agreeing to pretend that all these pretty things can make you FEEL, when they are just eye candy.)
What we want is the path that makes us FEEL alive while we decide to take that first step.
That feeling is the energy that starts our journey and will carry us throughout it.
That feeling is what we want every step, every day, every thought, every moment.
That feeling is the energy. It is the river, the water, the boat...
Make double triple sure you choose what feels the best for you.
(and not to worry, when you feel even better later, you can choose a even better feeling, boat, energy again later too! There's no FOBO here! We get to decide anew all the time.)
Take 15 minutes and do a meditation. Do a visualization.
Really really get familiar with your emotional inward energy.
This energy is the key that unlocks all the doors. That CREATES all the new doors!
This energy is where it's at and where it continuously gets refilled at.
It's the gas station, the supermarket, the Universal Catalogue to order all your desires.
It's the Source code.
It all begins here.
The longer you stay in alignment with it, the longer and stronger that energy fills and carries you.
We gain momentum here to create rapids when we want, or slow down when we want.
We heal ourselves here, inwardly, outwardly, and through all our relationships.
This place is the light, and this place is the creation of light.
Get in there and feel it all up (fill it all up)
You're the bucket, the boat, the river..... and your choices create what that energy flows through and to.
Money and FLOW
Sometimes we spend so much time looking at what is, that we forget to access our current and stream and keep pouring attention onto what we already see.
This in effect makes what we see stay longer. Stay more prominent, and stay waving it's arms at us, going 'Look at me! Ain't I so cool! Thanks for the attention!'
Let me tell you right now....
if we stop looking at what is (the bank account, the debts, the lack)
and go inward to look at what we DO want to see.... (abundant cash, vacations, a cybertruck)
Our attention fills that up instead.
We absolutely are choosing what we focus on, and while it may be a bad habit of comparing and analyzing and worrying or whatnot.... we CAN switch those patterns onto something else.
We can create new conduits and new flow into always having enough, having more than enough, and knowing we are fully supported.
It takes practice.
It takes intent.
It takes awareness like a BOSS not to fall back into the 'look at this bill!
Instead catch that bitch and be like "Look at this measly bill I'm going to slaughter and send to the gates of Hades!!!! MUWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Cause I'm so fucking abundant and wealthy, this is mouthwash."
Get fucking ridiculous!!!
Let me tell you why....
Because it's fun.
Because you're energy does not know the difference between what's real and what isn't.
BUT it responds directly to the feeling you give out.
It responds to your signal...and if your signal is all like.. "Hey, I need 20 bucks.. for gas.."
It's over there going... "Wtf she say? I can't hear a damn thing over all the racket going on."
But if you are saying "Yo, I've learned my lesson about selling my 10 shares of Tesla stock, so Imma buy those bitches back...send me the means, cause I am not going to fuck this up again."
The energy is like "You sold your Tesla stock, wtf is wrong with you?!"..... then slaps you with a sackful of cash to fix your shit....and gives you a black eye cause you probably had a ton of emotional energy behind it...and yeah...that's how it works.
Get ridiculous. Make up shit.
Energy doesn't have the same limitations and absurdities as you do.
It does not see barriers, blockages, weaknesses....
It sees a path... and
and you are the vessel and the channel and the compass
Homework for 4:10 PRACTICING FLOW
Journal prompts
Walk through and clear what has gathered
Create space within about your new desires
Reaffirm and clarify your desires by writing them out and visualizing!
Connect to the energetic emotions that support those desires
Move more focus into your wealth areas and get ridiculous
Spend time with that energy of abundance
Flow past or through one of your struggles.
Pay attention to where you need to allow more and allow more flow.
Next Wednesday is 5:10 ADDING MOMENTUM
Stay in this!
We are almost half way through, but it gets easier and easier the more you hone these first steps.
As always, feel free to message me if you need more details, have questions, or would like to work with me for a more customized approach.
Thursday, August 26, 2021
FFS 3 -4 :10
3. Clarity on Desires
4. Practicing Flow
5. Adding Momentum
6. Knowing when to Rest
7. Gaining Contrast
8. Delegating
9. Deciding Different
10. Rinse and Repeat
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