Financial Feng Shui 101
Money and Action
There's parts to dating.
The eyes, the attention, the asking out.
The wooing, if you will...
The getting to know one another.
The holding hands, the first kiss.
The cuddling.
The hot and heavy.
The omg.
The overnighting.
The proposal, the engagement, the set the date.
The day!
The honeymoon.
More omg.
....and after that, many get left for dry and don't know what the heck they are doing.
but just hang on a sec... there's more.
The watching each other handling life.
The burnt suppers, the laughing at your favorite shows
the frustration when one of you watches ahead 3 episodes, the omg, Imma kill yo ass!
the bringing home a puppy, a kitten (or two), or a child.
The mess, lots of it.
More omg.
the new car, the new job, the wrecked car, the lost job
raking in the cashola...and the broke af.
ooohhh! All the juicy stuff! and the reality of not ever really knowing what you're doing or why.
Money is the same way.
This whole introduction.
and you get to know each other.
...and just like a relationship...
eventually you too (you two)..
get both sides of the truth of one another.
Thing is... it makes you stronger...and if you allow it, creates so much of an unbreakable bond...
you end up 50 years in and love this whole adventure even more than you did at the onset.
Most of us are postmarriage with our money.
We are learning and relearning and RElearning who tf this person is we call our 'moolah'.
Always trying to make it happy, make us happy, and hoping by chance we can keep this thing going without having to put in so much fucking work.
But...just like a marriage....'working on it' usually always means you are creating problems by getting all up in it's business.
I want you to try and step back a bit and allow for a moment.
Just detach from the whole energy of grasping and controlling and 'trying' to make this thing work.
We KNOW already that never works and creates so much more resistance and frustration.
So quit it.
Take a breather and step back to gain a perspective on the bigger picture that you can see.
Money comes in.
Money gets used...or saved.
Money goes out.
1: Money comes in. In-come. -- Through a job, services, a hobby or two or three, other people, investments, interest, assets, stocks, bonds, hustling, catching opportunities, luck (or a 'system' what I call it with gambling at the casino), and about 100 other ways we've never thought of.
2: Money gets to work for us, with us. -- It provides things for us, it takes care of our business, or needs, our desires, it helps us and others, it supports our lives and others, it makes things better, it helps us gain clarity, it hones our perceptions, and broadens the possibilities, experiences, and opportunities we get to participate in.
3: Money gets spent. -- we pay bills, pay debts, pay others, buy what we need, feed ourselves, pay taxes....and it's gone.
Or is it?
It was just energy in that form and we used it.
More energy is always coming.
Always. It may not always be in the form of money, but it's definitely coming.
It's easy to imagine a truck in your mind and manifest a truck.
(I did this with my 4runner...took 3 months, but I got it and I paid cash, regardless if I ever had that kind of cash when I started visualizing my 4runner that was gonna look fucking fantastic in my driveway!) You can picture the make and model and color and year, you can get pretty detailed and seriously sit inside it!
Imagining money is a bit obscure. As money is energy and how do you picture energy afterall?
A glowing flow of liquidy light? Lightning? There sure is a lot of different ideas on what that looks like. Even for cash you mean American money? Gold bullion? A check in the mail... I mean... it's numbers....and numbers are identifyers of more than just monetary value...
It can be done, but get detailed and stick with it.
The first thing we all do when visualizing cash, is we get 2 days in and lose patience and then we change it up to something else that seems easier....then we forget for a couples days and then we change it again to something we think might be more plausible based on what we can already bring in...then we fall off the wagon and claim it can't be done.
You know this is true. I can't even admit how many times this has not worked for me for that exact reason.
So you can visualize the thing you want. Material things often stay solid. Easy peasy.
You can visualize money too, but energy moves and fluctuates, so you have to stay true to your vision.
If you want to date money and go on an adventure...
--- I suggest creating an income statement.
Write out what money does come in consistently.
and what goes out consistently.
and ALWAYS give yourself 30% FIRST!
("Ack! 30% is a lot, what?!") it certainly is and you fucking deserve it. You are paying yourself.
Stop giving it to everything and everyone else until you get your cut first.
SOUL gets her 30-fucking-% for putting up with the bullshit you swear you 'have to' do.
I guarantee after maybe a few weeks you will FEEL a huge difference in this energy, because you are giving that energy to yourself FIRST!
Every amount of money that comes in, YOU get 30% for Soul's stash...and that is for her to use on whatever she desires. And believe me, she will let you know when she has one.
Not for bills, not for debts, not for new work pants, not for your kids school supplies.
I soooo know this is the most hardest to come to terms with...I know... but just try it...give it 3-4 weeks... tell me how you feel afterwards...and if it still sucks, then try something else... but 30% is the going rate. Don't undervalue yourself. <3
--- Pay your bills SECOND
Everything you owe and are obligated to. Hold up your commitments and promises.
When we begin falling behind in these things, the snowball effect so-to-speak will increase that fall through. Even if the minimum is all you can pay, do it.
No one likes extra fees just because you needed 7 extra days.
Pay the important things in order.... and make sure your order accurately reflects your values.
You may think your phone payment is important, but you know damn well you have to eat and have electricity to even charge your phone before that. You need gas to get you around. You definitely need to care for those you are the provider for.
(food/shelter/utilities) basics and then go from there.
--- Most people think paying debts down is next. Fuck them. Make your bill payment, even if it's the minimum....and make sure your household has food and what it needs. (No, not 5 cases of Charmin in every bathroom kinda crap) Food for a few weeks, basic cleaning/hygiene supplies, stock your freezer.
I'm not saying become a doomsday prepper or stock months and months worth of goods... I'm saying, consider you're still going to live there for a few weeks, so provide for that extra time when you can.
Not having to think about buying groceries every paycheck actually frees your mind to consider your path and plan at a much clearer and certain state.
You want to be clear. And no one is ever clear if they barely have groceries to last through the week.
--- Stash a few bucks in cash here and there. In your car, your wallet, your spouses wallet, your desk drawer, your backpack. A few bucks... maybe $30, maybe more...whatever you are okay to set aside, Whatever feels good. It's still your money, it's not going anywhere without you. (not including what you give your spouse or kids, consider that a goner, lol)
It's fun having money in places you frequent. Even funner when they get more friends to join the party next week. This is a cash stash. For a smoothie. For new tires when yours decides to lose it's tread. For those work pants. For those school supplies. For that extra oomph to get one of those debts paid off completely.
--- After all that. After you are in a place of 'okay, all that feels good and what?'
Tackle and decide what you want to do with any debts you have.
Write them out. How much they are, how much the minimum is, if you are paying interest and what that rate actually is. (how much it is costing you to carry it, if anything) When the special interest rate ends, etc.
Everything from your rent-a-center couch you had to have for twice the cost, to your car, to your mortgage, to your credit card(s) (x5), to your student loans.
If you are paying interest on any of these... you need to completely devour the one(s) with the highest interest rate. They are stealing your money and you know that balance barely budges.
Mortgages aren't usually over 6%, no biggie if you are handling the payments just fine.
Auto loans are what 12-16%...maybe... idk, I haven't had a car loan in 15 yrs..
Student loans are usually set, and probably aren't looking to pay those off anytime soon.
Credit cards, bank loans....oooohhh, these little buggers... can be anywhere from 0%-29%
Let's eradicate the ones over 10%...
If you can't pay them off with a hidden chunk of money you have, I would suggest moving them to a 0% interest balance transfer card. It costs you a tad up front, but...if you don't plan to pay it off in 2-3 months, that fee is chump change compared to the massive amount you already are paying in interest alone.
You can apply for new credit online, depending on your credit rating.
If you've fucked that up by not paying your bills/mortgage/cards recently.... there are consolidation loans (yuck!) bankruptcy (great if that's just what you need and you're fine with them being all up in your business 1000%) or disappear off grid (my fav, but I don't agree with not holding up to my word, so I have never done this)
Most debt is not from people making bad choices... (well, maybe if you bought that $4k couch from rent-a-center, it is) but sometimes things got too much and we were trying to maintain it, maybe someone lost a job, maybe we just didn't know what we needed versus what we thought we needed...
No shame in this game.
You are fully forgiven for mistakes, whoopsies, fuck ups, and on purpose bad decisions, and for the world fucking you over when you were not prepared. Happens all the time. But we learn.
Now we are making new decisions that can alleviate any money mishaps and bring us more into abundance rather than struggling to 'make things work'....
There are soooo many doorways to bring in extra funds by doing or offering up your time or skills.
We can take extra jobs, take on side hustles, charge for our talents or products we've created.
We can do a lot through doing....
We can get clarity and centered and let this whole idea of doing = money,
turn into something closer to being = money, allowing = money, flowing = money.
I'm not saying go sit under a tree and meditate your bills away.
But you can spend time there and bring awareness to why you believe bills need to go away.
I'm not saying to quit your job and bail on your debts or responsibilities.
We get to have abundance, including a warm place to live, good food, and technology.
I'm not saying to just give up and let the world have it's way with you.
But I absolutely want you to have your way with it.
And you do that by getting into the mess and organizing your inward self and outward business.
Do one without the other, you'll be in for a one-sided struggle bus of whatever you got going on.
We need both.
Both awareness and intent to carve a new path for our wealth and abundance.
To get familiar with what we want and how we want to feel about it.
And to hands-on do things in our finances that move us to a place of support for that new abundance.
There's cash flow with having assets that pay you. Investments that pay you. Hobbies that pay you.
Money flows through these things because they are part of your river.
Money flows TO what you do, not because of it.
If you place these things in your river, even if you want it to be meditation or art or writing...
Energy will flow there and absolutely can be in the form of money energy.
(you would find it probable that the amount of trust/attention you have for this directly reflects into the income it brings in for you - great place to discover any blockages and mindsets to clear)
Some of us don't even have consistent income where jobs give you a paycheck every week. (like moi)
But that doesn't mean money doesn't come in.
I sew things, I paint things, I do what I want to do....
yeah, I might have only brought in $971 for June... (I keep track, yo!)
but July gave me $3380... April $8348... inconsistant AF, but I know it's my inner work that took a nosedive in late May and in June...(I was readjusting and realigning)
so, in truth, it had little to do with what I was actually 'DOING'...and 99% of where I was at energetically.
When I started early July making huge energetic movements, things lined up for me to expand on opportunities and monetary gains.
Did I 'do' anything, I did, absolutely, but I didn't do it without first getting my river set up for it, giving myself ease, allowance, pleasure, more pleasure, and fucking walking into the next few weeks with knowing I was being who I wanted to be and not anything less.
And I may have played electrician and wired a whole outdoor shed for free yesterday... but now I might also get a part of my yard leveled for free, for my patio. So, what feels good, be a part of it all when you are needed.
Leave the expectations out of it and be centered in your SELF.
THAT is what all energy flows through and gets defined through. Make sure YOU are a good signal.
Here's a fun list of things to do.....
get creative, make art, build things, open an etsy shop, sell your shit on the marketplace, storage auctions, yardsales, flipping, pet sitting, photography, drawing, play ukelele on the street corner, give advice and ask for money for it, become a coach, teach a skill, cooking classes!, organize other people's stuff, clean houses, drive around on garbage day in nice neighborhoods and save the tossed out furniture and fix/redo it and sell it for more, sew, brand yourself and gain a following, share your knowledge, run errands for others, drive for uber or lyft, do field inspection, sell goods in your online shop, drop ship, investments!!!, crypto!!!, rental houses, build houses, remodel campers, build sheds/playhouses, woodworking/repair, gunsmithing, raise worms (there is something here), dog training, watch kids, homeschool teacher for parents who want to homeschool but cant (big openings on this), advisor, logo design, website design, t-shirt designer, create stickers that piss people off!, become an extreme couponer and sell your extras out of the garage, gardening, teaching gardening (I need this), housecleaner (I need this too), yard work person, plant specialist, aquarium tender, dog walker, hairdresser, organize group activities, decorator for houses/weddings/events, fix cars, rebuild engines, teach mechanics, ETC
* Whatever you do...make it so fucking LOUD it cuts through all the noise. Everyone does what you make a statement where you stand out and somehow do it better.
Here's a fun list of things to be.....
Patient, funny, happy, joyful, excited, easygoing, relaxed, brave, spontaneous, adventurous, abundant, wealthy, healthy, wise, silly, comfortable, serene, peaceful, amazing, inspired, loved, compassionate, passionate, in flow, aligned, centered, clear, solid, steadfast, valuable, worthy, meaningful, fulfilled, special, amazed, breathtaking, beautiful, kind, nice, gentle, friendly, empathetic, honorable, courageous, powerful, strong, heartfelt, assured, focused, meaningful, aware, calm, restful, lively, agile, quick, desirable, supportive, supported, magical, inspiring, wonderful, welcoming, excellent, smart, knowledgeable, amiable, cordial, accepting, allowing, relieving, reliable, radiant, ready, prepared, accountable, accurate, dedicated, wondrous, expanding, evolving, including, included, becoming, being.
* Whoever you are, whoever you are being... make it so fucking solid, it stands true to YOU first and then stands out to reflect exactly what you are and brings exactly those things comparable, to you.
All of these create energy and bring energy. All of you has inlets for that energy to flow, allow it and open yourself up to more than just one way of 'doing' things. We get to have both, have all...
They say the coin only has two sides...but bitch, we have a hoard of coins...and there's so many sides who's not gonna count them all?!
I believe in abundance without having to define it this way or that....
and it's proven to come without the job, or without the hard work I will keep doing it this way...and when each of us are ready, we'll head to the next level where we can desire more and receive more too... together, hand in hand...
Cause we are married to energy, remember. And now it's Tuesday and we want our tacos.
And next week is the finale episode of our favorite series, and we are watching it together...
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
FFS Money and Action
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