A movie.
Maybe they are devouring your fears and feeding off your stressful worries...
It's all pretending in an effort to keep your eyes away from what they are doing.
Even considering 'them' a 'they' and separate and against you is a tactic...
Like a magician...there's the more important real things happening...
and you keep blubbering on about the story they've fed you....
Humpty Dumpty IS TWO people...
and they can't see anything if they aren't on their higher perspective (the wall)
Instead they are on the ground, seeing the barriers, arguing whether or not the other is the truth or not...
Humpty's side is his truth.... and he fights against the other side...
Dumpty's side is his truth.... and he fights against the other side...
They both yell at the wall... oh that blasted wall that isn't giving us the full picture....
BUT the wall is what you can climb to get a higher picture....
A better view of the whole, instead of just one side...
This is relevant for just about every situation where one side is against the other.
It is the burden of duality.
And I'm not sure who tf told you not to climb the wall...
Out of your pit of blindness.
Out of the pit of for or against.
Out of the pit of force, struggle, enemies, choices...all that horseshit...
And then we can take what we like best...
There's no lack, there's no limits..and there's certainly no force.
STOP playing into the fears that there will be, or could be...
You have authority.
And you playing 'what if' stories in your head all day is only another fucking wall.
Right fucking now. You don't have to figure out what you're gonna do
You're going to be fucking sovereign.
And there's no room for anything less.
Stop trying to make room for it.
'They' can't touch you when you're above them.
You are the valuable one.
You are the prize.
Treasure yourself.

Financial Feng Shui 101
Back door keys.
We all know that there's a door out front. The obvious. The displays pointing out what it's all about...
or more likely what they want you to believe it's all about...
You know...get a job, work hard, save!
Do all these things in these steps...and wha la, you've made it. You prosper and thrive...
But ya know the truth by now...don't you?
That works for a time, and sometimes we get promotions and actually can live a lifestyle of at least some sense of comfort...some sense of security....or what I like to call 'fucking boring'.
And if only we had more time in the day, we could do even more and make more of that cold hard cash.
If we only had a better job, or worked harder, or had more focus to actually care about the things we are pretending to care about...like that office party, or the overtime bonus, or maybe getting free tacos next Tuesday...
If you aren't happy playing pretend in a world full of frontdoorsmen...then I just want to share that there are other doors to the world of money, to income, to cash, to living so sweet that you can't even remember how much crypto you actually bought last year, just because you could...
There are side doors... these get used often by those with connections. Those who have supportive family and friends that know a guy or two.
In my life, this was a pipe dream...no one's going to open doors for anyone, or for what it's worth....they don't know anyone except maybe the pot dealers and the guy who will take care of a mthrfckr if anyone ever hurts you.
There are cargo doors... the ones that bring in the people who work for the system of money and finance....and kinda know the ins and outs a little bit better than the rest of us. This gives them a slight heads up and an advantage to make moves that put them in positions of making a good and prosperous investment.
I may have slipped through these doors a few times, but I'm not so into it enough to believe anything they say as my truth. There's a lot of learning to be done through this doorway...as well as discernment and a huge dose of unlearning afterwards. For me, that's too much hard work.
We won't discuss the basement and rooftop entrances...but use your imagination...the crazies and stealthy assassin fuckers use those...and they are great, but you don't want to run into another crazie or an assassin. Just a heads up. Dangerous, both of them. They will cut you.
We are here to throw some tidbits out about the other door.... The backdoor.
And once inside you can cut your own key so you can return anytime you want. They have a machine right there too, and it's free....so hey... it's like being treated like the elite and you don't have to wait in line out front or be corralled into your tiny rows of compliance.
The backdoor is about stepping into the arena of money with a bag. And while you're in there, you browse around until you find something pleasing and stick it in your bag to take home. You can stay as long as you want, leave when you want, and return when you want.
It's not about 'doing' (that's the frontdoorsmen), not about the analyzing (cargodoors), and not a carry you to victory (sidedoors). It's about playing long enough to get your fill and then going home to bask in the glory of your stash of cash.
Examples of backdoor prosperity:
Checks coming in the mail from things you totally forgot about, or were expecting...but just because you are open to receiving.
Having a blast creating something just because and then someone buying it just because.
Wanting to try something challenging and get paid while you are learning.
Making comments about how great it is that cash falls in your lap...and then out of pure ironic spite, the Universe drops it in your lap.
Aligning energy through meditation, clearing, and having real fun...and getting paid to do it. Through others, through rendevous', through all sorts of channels.
Being completely okay to let go of all the tasks and hard work stuffs and trying....and creating more money when you do.
It's all about the being and allowing and openness of receiving... that creates the momentum for the support to reach you.
99% of everyone who's tried going through the backdoor give up before the energy has time to manifest onto this reality plane.
It's not like getting paid on a Friday. It's about getting paid with a never-ending stream...but you got to stay in the stream. Don't bail out because Friday is here and there's no money in your pocket.
This is real sustainable energy, not the quick fix you get addicted to.
The smoother you transition into the stream when you want to play the money game, the quicker it comes. The more you practice, the more it flows. The more you create a space of energetic energy within you and throughout your life flow.....the higher and more abundant that support will attract to you. Sometimes instantaneously.
I don't always play the game of money and enter the arena, but when I do, it's always a guarantee. And I don't work a lick. (I admit I tell a lot of people that I'm working, or headed to work....but I'm actually 100% going out to the pool, or going to paint something, or I'm writing content like this)....which is my 'work'...but it's not work work -like hard things I don't really want to do.
My only prerequisite to do anything is that I want to and I think I will enjoy it, or it gives me a challenge. Or I want to learn more about it. Or whatever....
I do what I want....and I want to write. I want to go swimming and bask in the sun. I want to paint or do a home improvement project at the worst of times. I want to go to the casino, or get a smoothie... All of that is my work. Amazing work.
Always feel free to slide into my messages if you want more details, brainstorm some ideas, or whatever. I'm not selling coaching calls or trying to get sign ups for jack.
I'm a beast at making money with just doing energy work, and only doing what I enjoy.
I want that for those who want that too. <3
There's a kitten highly interested in the cursor on the screen...
This might get deleted if she fails to have impulse control....she's still learning that...
and frankly doing her best, even if it doesn't seem that way.
She's a learning cat. Really smart. But she's like 12 weeks old...sooo.
Its a roll of the dice, and the dice are weighted... iykwim
One of the quail escaped the bus to freezer camp, and now is hanging out out back on the outside of the coop. We haven't been able to catch him yet.
Seriously just going to put him inside the coop...as the bus to freezer camp has already left.
He doesn't know that though.
So now there's food and water out there for him too.
Dumb bird.
Here's the mundane...
Sewing work...stuff done, stuff in works, and stuff in line next.
I did sell some art along with all that too, so high five!
Pool is going through it's issue with rain/humidity...and $60 went into it today.
idk...stuff is just normal.
I ordered some irises months ago and they will arrive tomorrow...
which means I need to dig up the ones I already have.
They all go to the back...somewhere...
Garden is struggling... I should probably water it.
Isaac went to doggie heaven two weeks ago. He had like a dog stroke or something...
He's a good boy.
oh no! it' like 3 days later, cause that's how we roll!!!!!!!!
ooh...wait, the sun is out...
I gotta go to work, yo!
later gaters///
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